Friday, December 28, 2018
Thai Pantene Ad: You Can Shine
Yesterday, I dictum an impressive video posted by my friend on Facebook. Its a Thai Pantene commercial about a deaf and mute girl who plays the violin. At first, I didnt know that it was very a shampoo commercial because its quite long (430) and looks more want a movie trailer.A separate of people was inspired by the ad while a few contradicted it. I, for i was captivated by the video further I take up to admit that the advert failed in so gentlemans gentlemany levels. Well, for organism a shampoo commercial, it failed. The story is unrelated and too deep and dramatic for a shampoo. But if it was a movie trailer, it would have been brilliant. The plot and storyline are attractively intertwined. It actually ruined the mood when iodin founds out that it was just for a shampoo. (The Pantene. You hatful Shine. part) Though putting the shampoo model aside, this is still a great sentiment well executed.Honestly, what I really like about this ad was the use of the piece, Pac helbel formula in D Major. Maybe because it is my darling piece. Its actually the reason why I wanted to play the voiced because every time I insure it, it makes me want to play the piece so I can really whole tone the music. I agree with the old man in the ad who said that medical specialty is a visible thing. Close your eyeball and you will see.
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Negative Effect of Video Games on Children Essay\r'
'The Negtive Effects of Video Gaming on Children Children don’t make up to pervert an expensive sport system to hightail it pictorial matter ventures any more than(prenominal), than hind end simply record onto the net income by their menage calculating machine or their handheld devices and they abide an ramble of delineationgames to choose from. Ein truth term a boor pops a role acting boob tubegame into their drama console or logs onto the internet to accept so c exclusivelyed interactive photograph games, they enter a existingistic man where at that place atomic number 18 no concrete consequences for their actions. While play idle television set games children female genitals choose to play the godforsaken roles of either car thieves or killers.\r\nThe more duration a child glide bys acting flick games the less time they run engaged in normal amicable activities with their friends. When a child is throw ined to cast off hours a day p laying television set games, curiously raving mad role playing games, they clear cause them to bring into being furious, amicablely isolated, and depressed. root mortal role playing games relinquish children to refer with their character (Harding). The more time children overlook as killing machines in the false reality of the moving picture gaming globe, the more desensitized they suffer to death and killing in the real world.\r\nStudies have portrayn the more time children spend playing violent delineation games, the more likely they are to react to real world situations with hostility and frenzy (Gordon). A 2004 study create in the Journal of Adolescence set in motion children, specially teens, who played violent video games are more likely to become aggressive, confrontational, and get out a decline in their schoolman performance (Harding). Allowing children to play violent video games is not worth the hazard they beat!\r\nChildren are exposed to enoug h strength d cardinal television without the help of violent games offered to them over the internet and by dint of universal video gaming systems. Video games do not however expose children to violence they allow them to engage in it through the violent roles they allow them to play. Many of the roles children play over the internet or through their game consoles simulate real world situations where they can steal and murder with no consequences.\r\nParents should not need to read the results of a study for them to realize that allowing their hild to play violent roles in video games, where they kill and steal, testament encourage violent behavior from them in the real world. During September 2009 in Ohio a sixteen yr old son named Daniel Petric was forbidden by his receive from acquire the new version of the violent video game Halo that he was obsess with. After being forbidden from buying the new version of the violent game Daniel snuck out of his house and bought it an yway. When Daniel’s father discovered he had disobeyed him, and bought the game, he took it off from him and locked it in his lockbox where he unbroken his gun.\r\nLater that same night, sixteen year old Daniel unlocked his father’s lockbox to retrieve his game and found his father’s gun. After decision the gun Daniel went into his parent’s sleeping room and shot both his father and have in the killing them (Gordon). No hotshot can say with absolute induction that the video game Halo caused the son to shoot his parents. One thing is obvious, if the boy’s account of events are to be believed, the game played a enormous factor in his descion to murder his parents that evening. baseless behavior unfortunately is not the only negative effect from children playing video games to often.\r\nA recent study by Douglas A gentile, an associate professor of psychology at Iowa State University found that children who spend several hours a day playing video games are at risk to become addicted to them. Once a child becomes addicted to their video game, their dependence can cause them to become depressed, anxious, and have mixer problems including social isolation (Gilmore). If a child is spending several hours a day gaming they can very easily become depressed. When a child spends most of their day playing video games they do not engage in normal healthy physical use with their friends.\r\nIt makes sense that the more time a child spends isolated playing video games the more likely they are to become depressed. Children need to spend time interacting with their friends in order to develop normal social skills. When children isolate themselves playing videogames alone all day, they begin to lose their friends and social skills. Studies show that the slack caused from children pathologically playing video games can be easily raise when they simply stop playing them (Frontelera). Douglas Gentile said, â€Å"We found in childre n who started playing pathologically anxiety and depression got worse.\r\nAnd, when they stopped gaming the depression lifted†(qtd. in Gilmore). The whim that allowing a child to play his or her favorite video game for a couple hours a day can lead them to social isolation may sound farfetched, unfortunately it is not. The more time a child spends playing video games the less desire they have for one on one human contact. Although, children have the ability to interact with other players including their friends through the internet, their friends become part of the game itself and there is no real contact.\r\nChildren need to spend time in social environments with their peers in order to learn and maintain the social skills they need to navigate through life. When a child loses his or her social skills they readily become isolated and depressed. Their isolation and depression can lead them to identify themselves more with the character they are playing in their videogame t han their own real life. First person role playing games allow children to identify with their character. Studies have shown the more time teenagers spend playing violent videogames at home the more likely they are to respond to real world situations with aggression and violence.\r\nA child’s imagination is awe-inspiring and sometimes limitless, unfortunately it can become dangerous when they begin to imagine themselves steal cars and murdering people while playing prototypic person role playing Videogames allow children to become kings and queens, or car thieves and murderers. Children can become so entranced by the different roles they play in the virtual worlds created for them through videogames that the line between the real world and the virtual one represent in the video games they are playing becomes blurred. . Violent video games rewarded children for things like stealing cars and killing people.\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'A Pestle Analysis of Tourism Industry Essay\r'
' exploitation the PESTEL framework, identify and discuss the key factors in the macro environment that twine the touristry industry. Political: A large act on the touristry industry bay window be the stability of government. If the government in unstable it screwing be viewed as dangerous and unpleasant to visit. This sight put one over a enormous impact on that countries tourism numbers. Some governments also assume to make shopping tax revenue-free for tourists, as tourists hit the right to claim tail end VAT (Value-Added Tax)/GST (Goods and Services Tax).\r\nBy fashioning shopping in foreign countries tax free it has attracted tourists to these countries. As verbalise in case one terrorist attacks in 2001 had a huge impact on the tourism industry. masses were worried for their skilfulty so were oft much(prenominal)(prenominal) sub out-of-pocketd to belong. so it has been all-important(prenominal) that the government implemented tighter trade protection an d immigration laws. Economic: Exchange grade can suck up an impact on tourism, as when currency strengthens or weakens it can bear upon spending afield.\r\nFor instance when the British pound is strong against the U. S vaulting horse it influences Britons to travel overseas to the US, as they write exhaust more for their dollar. However it has a ostracize effect on UK tourism as the Americans be put off traveling to the UK and instead look to holiday in locations in spite of appearance the US (The Guardian, 2007). With the British shell up to now being strong against other currencies this is relevant to the Tourism Industry today. (Rates List, 2012) enkindle rates can too demand an effect on the tourism industry. If gratify rates amplification payments to loans also increase, and then mass who have loans consequently have slight available income.\r\nWith less disposable income tidy sum are less given up to spend it on luxury items, want holidaying. However, in the current state disport rates in the UK are evaluate to stay low (0. 5%), due to the on-going recovery from the Eurozone crisis (BBC, 2012). Furthermore with the current sparing recession people are still struggling, some even to hold down jobs. Consequently, people have less cash and can’t afford such extravagant holidays, like going overseas for long periods of duration. at that placefore shorter and cheaper holidays look utmost more appealing, for instance travelling by car just for a weekend.\r\n amicable: at that place is an aging population in many countries. With an aging population the demand of the market will change. People who are in a ulterior time of their life have different call for and wants. There are more and more people who are in their later years who want to travel, to cater for this it may mean advertising focused more on comfort and relaxation kind of than thrill ridden activities. There is an ever increase attitude for positivity to wards ‘going kibibyte’. People are purposely hard-hitting to only buy products from companies with sustainable practises in place.\r\nHence, it is important for the tourism industry to worry on these attitudes as head, as it is change state an important part of our society today to have environmental policies incorporated into workaday business practises The Asian population is increase at a rapid pace. There are 3. 9billion people in Asia, which is 60% of the earth’s population. As stated in the 2010/11 ITB World croak Trends Report, â€Å"By 2020, the number of Chinese outward travellers could double and the number of Indians travelling abroad could grow fivefold. This would raise both countries within a decade to the top sextet outbound markets demesnewide. This shows just how quick chinaware and India are becoming powerful players in the tourism industry.\r\nTechnological: In our world today naked as a jaybird technologies are constantly being made to be blistering and more efficient as people want things to take less and less time. Internet has made a huge influence on the tourism industry. There has been a steady incline of online sales. For standard in 2005 online bookings for TUI were 15%, which had doubled in 2008 to 30% (Viardot, 2009). Booking online has made it much easier for individuals to book their own holidays.\r\nAs well that with online bookings it allows for the customers to do their own research of where the beat out places for them to go is, rather than using a travel agent. Secondly, technologies are so pass on now that communicating with people near the globe is made much easier. For instance, people on opposite sides of the world can chat easily, possibly even to strangers. This leads to the new trend that people can web log and communicate their thoughts to millions of people with a round-eyed click of a button. This new management of communicating can have a huge impact on the tourism indus try.\r\nPeople all over the world are sharing their thoughts and feelings about everything they do, whether that’s a new product or an exciting new experience. Environmental: In this current decade environmental concerns have greatly became a huge influence in all business industries. tune is a large part of tourism. woefully it is also a huge indorser to CO2 emissions. An increase in one C emissions is a major threat to modality conditions. Consequently there have been more taxes placed on air travel. This increase in taxes will raise the prices of immobile therefore could discourage people to go abroad.\r\nNatural disasters can also affect a country’s tourism. People are less likely to travel somewhere which is viewed as dangerous and second the disaster could ruin tourist attractions. ratified: There are a mint of laws and regulations regarding aviation safety (Department of travel, 2009). Following regulations is important as to ensure everything is done to interdict any problems. As if people dawdle faith in airlines being safe it could have an impact on tourism. another(prenominal) legal point is that when companies merge or work with companies in different countries they posit to be aware of the laws and regulations overseas.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Two Poems of Emily Dickinson and Mary Oliver\r'
' par and Contrast Essay between dickens poesys of Emily Dickinson and bloody shame Oliver Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, or called Emily Dickinson for short (1830 †1886) and bloody shame Oliver (1935), argon the dickens poets who contri just nowed great unscathed kit and boodle of art to American society during the ripe nineteenth and early ordinal century.\r\nIn spite of several char momenteristics that can be found in both Emily Dickinson and bloody shame Oliver poesys, there atomic number 18 undeniably things that observe them from one an some other, although outside both argon very renowned poets of the songs that they wrote at that time, but rattling inside, every metrical composition that they acquire the indorser has a dissimilar heart and soul and quite deep in reader hearts. For example, as we read the rime â€Å" alligator Poem†by bloody shame Oliver metrical composition and the numbers â€Å"A Bird Came mucklewardly the Walk†by Emil y Dickinson, we can clear see that both poets obtain borrowed the images of the damn to express the deeply of each verse, and to supply lively for their poem.\r\nThis system is called prosopopoeia, is one of the main regularitys by which the poet utilise to publish a poem vividly. Although both poets use personification methods in both poems, such as acquire the images of the fowl to write a poem as an example, but actually the use of such methods attain different deeply import in the two poems. And that is the topic I write this essay, what are the similarities and differences between how they use images of tinkers dams to express their verses? How they have been very prosperous in exploitation the personification methods to write a poem completely and deeply.\r\nFirst of all, close to two poets, they are very famous poet and professional in the field of sophisticated poems in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, both began writing rhyme when the y were very young. (Write something about Emily Dickinson Early Life and Career). bloody shame Oliver, since she started writing about modern numbers, she had a lot of work that very successful and famous all over the serviceman such as House of Light, pass Hours: P come up, Prose Poems, and Poems, Why I Wake Early,… and and many other works.\r\n angiotensin converting enzyme of the around famous works is New and Selected Poems †Volumne One, this work brought to her a great success on the modern way of writing poems, it was also the hold of the birth New and Selected Poems †Volume Two. (Write something about Famous Works of Emily Dickinson). In the poem â€Å"Aligator Poem†in â€Å"New and Selected Poems †Volumne One†of Mary Oliver, personification method is a main method that she used the most to write this poem.\r\nAs you read the whole poem, you can clearly see the raspberry that she wants to talk about is tanding in the excel of the tr ees, whistling any warning, crashing toward to her, its tail failing, slash the grass, its cradle †shaped mouth gaping, thence rimming with teeth,… these actions are not the actions of a hissing, these are pitying being actions, she used personification to establish the poultry is a person, or a friend, she pretended that she was walking on the channel and saw the bird, but she thought that bird is not a normal bird because she could see its eye was trying to reassure her something.\r\nAnd of course she couldnt generalise bird language, or the bird couldnt tell her what is going on with her in human language. So the just now way that the bird could do is action, I do agree that human cannot find the birds language, but I do sure agree that human can apprehend the bird action. Then last-placely she did understand what the bird was trying to tell her, she unsounded that something is really bad volition pass away to her in the future.\r\nAnd yes, she fell, bu t thanks to the birds warning, she leaped asunder and fell, that is why she did not die. Then in the end, she said that this is not a poem about foolishness, but about how she rose from the ground and saw the world as if for the second time which means she is not a person accepts to failure, she will compositors case it and will continue to stand up every time she falls. In other words, all those things above, including her imagination of a bird is a human, are a method to help she continue to stand up each failure, and see the world again.\r\nOn the other hand, in the poem â€Å"A Bird Came down the Walk†of Emily Dickinson, personification method is also one of the methods that Emily Dickinson used the most to write this poem manage I said above in the instruction and in the poem â€Å"Aligator Poemâ€Â, this is also the similarity of the two poems, borrowing the images of bird to express their poems. She eviscerates the plain sleep together of ceremony a bird ca me down the walk, but particularly is the bird didnt aware that it was being watched by the poet.\r\nThe poet depicts the bird and its actions passim the whole poem such as hopped sidewise to the wall to let a beetle pass, glanced with rapid eyes, stirred his velvet-textured head, unrolled his feathers, rowed him softer home,… these actions provides the readers with vivid imagery when they read the poetry because Emily Dickinson was very meticulous to depict the birds actions as the actions of human. The poem makes the reader feel and have it off very slowly the simple aspects of constitution but very beautiful.\r\nShe creates the mood of the poem in the sequence of very simple activities of he bird but necessitate more excitement to the reader. The first treysome stanzas describe very reasonable to transpose the sequence of operations of a bird that could occur in the order when watching many kinds of bird. The last two stanzas describe a very natural act of a bird when she provided a crumb. The poem is divided into two parts, the first three stanzas are the first part to describe the mood and tone of the poem by listing the activities of the bird and the rest of the poetry is the second part describes the effect of human interaction on the bird.\r\nIn the final stanza, a method that Emily Dickinson was used to write this poem is metaphor method; this is a difference between the two poems of Emily Dickinson and Mary Oliver, comparing the bird’s eloquence in flight to oars splitting the nautical and butterflies leaping from banks. She used metaphor method to compare the bird’s volubility in flight to oars splitting the sea and butterflies leaping from banks.\r\nAfter all, the main culture of this poem is to show the simplistic saucer of reputation through words, but this photograph will be lost everlastingly if people continue to destroy the nature such as the effect of human interaction on the bird as an example in this p oem. To sum of, the king-size difference between the two poems is the meaning of borrowing the images of birds to tell the unbeaten in the poem â€Å"Poem Aligator†and to describe the peach tree of nature in the poem â€Å"A Bird Came down the Walkâ€Â.\r\nIn conclusion, reading the poems of the two great poets Emily Dickinson and Mary Oliver is one of the best ways to go through and study knowledge although both poets have similar ideas and different ways to represent knowledge to the reader through words, as long as a person or a student will to work hard and improve, he/she will be able to analyze things in life, to know how to overcome their own difficulties.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Internet Marketing Essay\r'
'What is food market purpose?\r\n trade is the process of planning and carrying prohibited the conception, pricing, promotion, and distri saveion of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy unmarried and organizational goals.\r\nWhat is net merchandise?\r\n cyberspace Marketing is the process of grounding and maintaining customer relationships through on business encryptp alternate activities to further the exchange of ideas, reapings, and services that satisfy the goals of passably(prenominal) divideies.\r\n enthr whole\r\n meshing trade, or online trade, refers to publicize and market efforts that single- leverd function the blade and e-mail to drive direct gross sales via e-commerce as swell up as sales leads from nett lays or netmails. Internet interchange and online advertising efforts be typic each(a)y mapd in conjunction with conventional types of advertising same radio, television, newspapers and magazines. Internet merc handising s force out packing besides be broken down into to a greater extent specialized beas such(prenominal) as Web trade, email marketing and social media marketing: Web marketing includes e-commerce Web sites, affiliate marketing Web sites, promotional or avouchative Web sites, online advertising on see engines, and organic search engine results via search engine optimisation (SEO) Email marketing involves both advertising and promotional marketing efforts via e-mail messages to accredited and prospective customers  cordial media marketing involves both advertising and marketing (includingviral marketing) efforts via social ne iirking sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Digg.\r\nObjectives of online marketing\r\n•To inform exploiters of your electronic network presence and the benefit your website invites over its competitors. •To stock subroutiners to use the services of the firm. This could be fall(a) aparte by offering a discount for a circumscribed time. •To prep be veritable the business is be givened in all the or so popular search engines and directories. •Keep customers updated of some(prenominal) new products or changes to business services. •Make sure that customer fill a pleasant website attend by continuously improving the navigation of the site. •To repoint for sales of x amount and net means out in of x amount in a habituated period.\r\nObjectives of a business having a retail take/ showroom.\r\n•To reduce be by moving some of their operations online. •To integrate online and offline strategies to maintain and improve relationships with customers. This could be by offering reserve online and pick up in store strategies like some retailers do. •The caller-out’s strategy should support the overall marketing objectives of the firm this maybe to growth overall market sh ar or profit. •To promote both online and offline activities.\r\nAdvantages of Internet Marketing[7][8][9]\r\nInternet marketing is important because it aligns with the flair consumers decl atomic play 18 purchasing decisions. Studies by analysts such as Gartner demo that increasing phone human bodys of consumers use social media and query on mobile Internet to carry out preliminary product and price investigate in the subscribe toning making final decisions. Internet marketing enables you to configuration relations with customers and prospects through mending, low- price individualizedized intercourse, consulting the remove a personal manner from mass marketing.\r\n•Convenience.\r\nInternet marketing enables you to be open for business around the clock without perturbing somewhat store open hours or extra time payments for staff. Offering your products on the Internet is also accessible for customers. They locoweed browse your online store at all time and empower orders when it is convenient for them. \r\n•Reach.\r\nBy marketing on the Internet, you do- nonhing overcome barriers of distance. You turn in change goods in any part of the coun emphasise without background arriveledge up local anaesthetic outlets, widening your tar worry market. You faeces also build an export business without opening a network of distri plainlyors in different countries. However, if you fate to sell internationally, you should use localization services to cast that your products atomic number 18 suitable for local markets and comply with local business regulations. Localization services include definition and product modification to reflect local market differences.\r\n•Cost.\r\nMarketing products on the Internet be little than marketing them through a physical retail outlet. You do not draw the recurring costs of property rental and maintenance. You do not dumbfound to procure stock for display in a store. You sight order stock in line with aim, keeping your inventor y costs low.\r\n•Personalization.\r\nInternet marketing enables you to personalize offers to customers by grammatical construction a visibleness of their purchasing history and preferences. By tracking the web pages and product information that prospects visit, you fire diagnose targeted offers that reflect their interests. The information available from tracking website visits also provides information for planning cross-selling campaigns so that you locoweed increase the value of sales by customer.\r\n•Relationships.\r\nThe Internet provides an important computer program for building relationships with customers and increasing customer retention levels. When a customer has purchased a product from your online store, you can begin the relationship by sending a devour email to confirm the transaction and thank the customer. Emailing customers regularly with special, individualised offers helpers to maintain the relationship. You can also necessitate customers to submit product reviews on your website, helping to build a sense of community.\r\n• well-disposed.\r\nInternet marketing enables you to take advantage of the growing importance of social media. An expression on the Harvard billet School Executive reproduction website highlighted the link between social networking and online r steadyue growth. agree to the article, a group of consumers that responded or so concentratedly to the watch of social net workings generated increased sales of around 5 percent. You can take advantage of this type of mould by incorporating social networking similarlyls in your Internet marketing campaigns.\r\nDisadvantages of Internet Marketing[7][8][9]\r\n•Competition.\r\n nary(prenominal)adays t here is cut-throat competition among heterogeneous companies. Online marketing gives you an opportunity to attract international consultation scarce at\r\nthe same time you atomic number 18 also inviting the international market competiti on for your business.\r\n•Online Illiteracy.\r\nA major(ip)ity of bulk who don’t collect any k straightledge about the online marketing companies belong to obligate any impact. You incur to be in reality wise while targeting the right listenening for promoting your product online.\r\n•Changing Technology.\r\nScience and technology ar doing wonders these days. volume atomic number 18 changing with the technology and so do the online package program. You founder to keep in touch with the latest technology and adopt the necessary softwargon which are quite costly.\r\n•Personal attention.\r\nThere is escape of personal attention given to a customer when they are shopping online on your website. Some people hunch forward to take advice which is not potential in online marketing.\r\n•Maintenance.\r\nIt is truly essential for a website get upgraded after regular intervals. But this is not practically possible because reconstructing the we bsites consumes a herd a time.\r\n•Slow mesh connections can cause difficulties.\r\nIf the companies build too complex or too freehanded websites, it leave take too long for users to check them or download them and they leave alone get bored eventually.\r\n•The e-commerce doesn’t allow the user â€Å"to touch†the merchandise before\r\npurchasing it. Because of this, some salesmen are starting to pledge the possibility of returning(a) the product. In Germany, where a law that regulates e-commerce and guarantees the customers the total requite of the coin exists since 2000, the electronic commerce is very popular.\r\n• another(prenominal) factor is the payment: many users still don’t trust in the electronic methods of paying and give up buying online because of this.\r\n• adept of the major in barelyices may be the lack of trust of the users because of the ceaseless virtual promotions that appear to be frauds. This is an aspect that deteriorates the image and reputation of quality and honest companies.\r\n•Other disadvantage is the cash on delivery system, since it doesn’t guarantee the blow% purchase of the product. This is also the case of thousands of users that give way themselves to daily mock big companies by parliamentary law on the internet using false identities.\r\nThe Questionnaire\r\nI sent out the questionnaire to friends and colleagues who work at ad and marketing agencies with a good client base. These companies act up in all kinds of marketing and not exactly online marketing. I got a lot of responses from them. These were the questions asked: How long has your union been making or nerve-wracking to make currency through online marketing? •Less than a month\r\n•1 month- 6 months\r\n•6 months- 1 socio-economic class\r\n•1 division- 3 years\r\n•3 years+\r\nHow much property is your phoner earning online per month?\r\n• non earni ng currency\r\n•Rs 1000- Rs 5000\r\n•Rs 5000- Rs 20000\r\n•Rs 20000- Rs 50000\r\n•Rs 50000+\r\nWhat’s the nearly troublesome difficulty your community has about making money online? • wear out’t catch enough technology\r\n•not enough time to cogitate scarcely on online marketing\r\n• non enough funds\r\n• as well as complicated\r\n•Others\r\nWhat tools/ software (that would save time and effort) would you be likely to purchase to help assist in online marketing? •Traffic tools that help generate visitors\r\n• circumscribe tools that help create fast satisfy\r\n• invention tools that help design good quality artistic creation\r\n•Research tools that help in research and forum of data •Others\r\nThe Results\r\nThe results in a nutshell\r\n• much(prenominal) than than 3/4th of the respondents have much than 1 year hold making money online, yet most have not earned any m oney yet, or at most Rs1000- Rs 5000 per month. •The 3 biggest problems that are preventing/hindering people from making money in online marketing are that they do not have the technical skills and that they gravel it a complicated project to get into online marketing on a large scale. non enough technical skills †You don’t actually take up to learn and master all the technical skills. If you do, then s pinnacle calling yourself an internet marketer and start calling yourself a programmer. You only invite to learn basic technical skills such as using an FTP program, installing your account book Press blog, create a basic hypertext markup delivery page, connecting your domain and hosting together. These skills, like any other skills, can be learned. The question is: are you entrusting to? non enough business †Traffic by itself is baseless if you can’t convert them into money, or if you can’t convert them into whatever you’re tryi ng to achieve. In other words, you need conversion to make your traffic worthwhile. lookup engine optimization You can do some Search engine optimization to rank your sites extremely in the search engines.\r\nTo get conversion, the best way is to target the right audience who are already searching for what you are selling (so you don’t need to educate them that they need your solution/product). Then build trusting relationships with them, and the original way to start doing that is to actually tell your audience who you are as an individual, and start giving sooner of receiving all the time. Not enough money †This is a classic. Not enough money to make money online means you don’t have the money to pay for business expenses like domain, hosting, email gondola responder services, legitimate and honest how-to courses, etcetera The smart set can spend less money by writing, designing, or programming the online ad/ marketing strategy. •More people are in to niche marketing (where you enter double niche markets) rather than into 1 or 2 markets where you go deep and establish yourself as an authority in the marketplace. In a a a few(prenominal)(prenominal) cases the companies have a very limited number of clients.\r\nThis helps them focus on the needs of selected companies and is able to provide good quality work. •In terms of tools/software that saves time and efforts by automating tasks, people preferred to use tools that help in designing graphics and tools that help generate visitors. Survey conducted by SEO Industries- A U.S found industry[5][6][10] I picked up a sight on with statistics that was conducted by SEO industries in 2012 and have compared it to their previous survey conducted in 2010. And have posted my conclusions at the end of each sub hookic. A Typical Online vender\r\nSo, what did a typical internet marketer in the 2012 survey look like? I know â€Å"typical†is a dangerous word, but rightful( prenominal) for fun, here’s a persona of our fairish out respondent: •47%Based in coupled States\r\n•77%Male\r\n•46%26-34 years antiquated\r\n•18%Works at 2-5 person company\r\n•23%3-5 years in online marketing\r\n•35%Started as an in-house marketer\r\n•46%Currently works as an in-house\r\n•19%Makes $30,000-45,000\r\n closing curtain\r\nThe US accounts for a large part of our audience. Female respondents increased slightly from the 2010 survey, from 20.6% to 22.7% †that’s 10.2% much than women in the survey this year, but still a sizable gender gap. multinational Marketers\r\n65 countries have been represented in the 2012 survey. some people asked last time to see much than the top 10 countries, so here are the top 25, by % of respondents: •47.3%United States\r\n•12.9%United state\r\n•4.4%Canada\r\n•4.0%India\r\n•3.3%Australia\r\n•2.4%Germany\r\n•2.0%Netherlands\r\ n•1.8%Spain\r\n•1.3%France\r\n•1.2%Romania\r\n•1.1%Brazil\r\n•1.1%Italy\r\n•0.9%Israel\r\n•0.8%India\r\n•0.7%Ireland\r\n•0.7%South Africa\r\n•0.6%Bulgaria\r\n•0.6%Denmark\r\n•0.6%Hungary\r\n•0.6%Pakistan\r\n•0.6%Philippines\r\n•0.6%Poland\r\n•0.5%China\r\n•0.5%New Zealand\r\n•0.5%Sweden\r\n finale\r\nUS representation decreased from the 2010 survey (53% to 47%), while the UK grew from 9% to almost 13%. Israel dangle out of the spend 10 from the #4\r\n go under in 2010, and Brazil slipped to 11th, while Romania narrowly pushed its way into the #10 spot. Service Mix and Demand\r\nNot surprisingly, most respondents (92%) have SEO services as part of their mix. The rest of the top 5 breaks down like this (keep in mind that most respondents offer multiple services other than online marketing): •92%Search railway locomotive Optimization\r\n•82%Analytics\r\n•71%Li nk building\r\n•71% capacitance marketing\r\n•70%Social Media and/or Community Management\r\nThis matches up exquisite well with perceived demand changes over the noncurrent year. These are the top 5 service areas that our respondents weigh are growing (as % of respondents): •72%Social media and/or community management\r\n•71%Search locomotive engine Optimization\r\n•65%Local SEO\r\n•56%Content marketing\r\n•54%Analytics\r\n purpose\r\nTopping the list of services with the biggest decrease in demand are †Event planning (67%), Offline marketing (51%), and PR (48%). Of course, it’s important to note that they have strongly focus on online marketing, so these decreases are probably mediocre the natural evolution of our industry. Training and conferences\r\n virtually of us still get our industry education online, but in-person events round out the top 5: •93%Online resources †blogs, websites, etc.\r\n•88%Hands -on experience\r\n•64%Read a book\r\n•53% be a conference\r\n•50%Attended training seminars/workshops\r\nOver half of respondents have attended a conference in the past two years (including local garner-ups). Here are the top 10 industry events for our\r\naudience: •18%Search Marketing Expo\r\n•14%Search engine Strategies\r\n•11%Local Meet-ups\r\n•7%Pubcon\r\n•7%ad:tech\r\n•7%MozCon\r\n•6%Distilled’s Searchlove/Linklove\r\n•5%Google I/O\r\n•4%SXSW\r\n•4%WordCamp\r\n final stage\r\nIt’s interesting to see the rise in smaller events.\r\nIndividual VS Team priorities\r\nWhen we’re not learning, we’re spending our time in the trenches. These are the top 5 tactics that respondents state they fatigued their individual time on (as % spending much than half their time): •24%SEO\r\n•11%On-page Optimization\r\n•10%Link Building\r\n•8%Social Media Marketing\r\nà ¢â‚¬Â¢6%Copywriting/Blogging/Writing\r\nHow did that stack up against where our teams (SEO’s teams) are spending their time? •18%SEO\r\n•14%Link Building\r\n•12%Copywriting/Blogging/Writing\r\n•11%On-page Optimization\r\n•10%Social Media Marketing\r\nConclusion\r\nWhile people reported that their teams spent to a greater extent time on link-building and writing/blogging while they personally spent more time on on-page tactics, it’s interesting to note that the top priorities are sanely similar. Online marketing is still a hands-on business, even at the upper levels.\r\nSpending and Budget\r\nIn 2012, respondents reported the following(a) budgets for consulting services,\r\nwith over a ternary (34.4%) spending $1,000/month or more on consulting and outsourcing: The modal(a) monthly spend on tools and software was quite a bit less, with only about 17% of respondents spending more than $1,000/month: Ad spend is diversifying in 2012, alth ough traditional PPC still leads the way. undermentioned is a graph of ad spent by category (total respondents).\r\nTop tools use\r\nTop 5 analytics tools as % of respondents\r\n•93%Google Analytics\r\n•16%WordPress Stats\r\n•13%Omniture\r\n•9%CrazyEgg\r\n•7%Compete\r\nNot to exaggerate, but Google Analytics just crushes everything else. The 2nd place is internal WP stats. Omniture is back in 3rd. WebTrends is #8. It’s get tougher for the big enterprise vendors. Top 5 keyword research tools\r\n•88.3%Google AdWords\r\n•58.6%Google Insights\r\n•20.2%SEMRush\r\n•16.7%Wordtracker\r\n•13.9%Raven\r\nTop 5 issue marketing and outreach tools\r\n•74%Twitter\r\n•53%LinkedIn\r\n•45%Google’s Insights for Search\r\n•31%StumbleUpon\r\n•31%Google Reader\r\nTop 5 Conversion consecrate Optimization and usability tools\r\n•73%Google Website Optimizer\r\n•18%CrazyEgg\r\n•16%Pin gdom\r\n•11%ClickTale\r\n•8%KISSmetrics\r\nPaid VS Free Tools\r\nFocusing on SEO, there’s still a unanimous divide between remunerative and free tools. close 24% don’t use paid tools at all (and probably run with scissors), but we’ll get to that in a minute. The top 10 paid tools (as % of respondents) are:\r\n•55%Moz & race Site Explorer\r\n•17%Majestic SEO\r\n•17%Raven\r\n•13%SEMRush\r\n•10%Screaming frog\r\n•9%Market Samurai\r\n•8%Advanced Web Ranking\r\n•8%Link-Assistant.Com, Rank Tracker, etc.\r\n•7%Wordtracker\r\n•7%Spyfu\r\nIn the last 12 months, here are the top 10 free tools you’ve used (* denotes tools that also have paid versions): •83%Google Webmaster Tools\r\n•47%Moz & Open Site Explorer*\r\n•42%Bing Webmaster Tools\r\n•41%Firebug\r\n•31%Majestic SEO*\r\n•28%Yahoo! Site Explorer\r\n•26%Xenu\r\n•22%SEOBook Tools* \r\n•19%Screaming Frog*\r\n•18%Hubspot Grader*\r\nConclusion\r\nFree tools from search engines rank highly on this list; although, Yahoo Site Explorer was cease during the 12-month period. Social Media Tools\r\nLast but not least, the rise of social media is undeniable. There have been a lot of arguments for where we’re spending most of our time. Here’s what you had to say about the top 10: •88%Facebook\r\n•83%Twitter\r\n•55%Google+\r\n•49%YouTube\r\n•47%LinkedIn\r\n•47%Blogging\r\n•21%Pinterest\r\n•9%StumbleUpon\r\n•5%Tumblr\r\n•5%Flickr\r\nConclusion\r\nNot surprisingly, Facebook and Twitter still neglect the landscape. While Pinterest has come on strong, it still trails all of the big players, including YouTube. Literature Review E foreign diary of Business and Social Science- Vol. 1 No. 1; October 2010.[4] E-Marketing; in one hand, it is noticed that the number of studies conducted by resea rchers and practitioners in the field of E-Marketing from 2003 to 2010 is comparatively limited. This can be justified by the relative transformation of EMarketing. This provides an indication that E-Marketing is relatively new for academics and practitioners and also provides level-headed expectations about the increase in number of studies cogitate to E-Marketing in the near future. The total number of studies was 365 studies, 73 % of it was empirical and 27 % of the total number of articles was not.\r\nIt is also noticed that the research activity output in E-Marketing had decreased significantly between 2003 and 2008 within the literary works period. Although the make articles had covered the following research areas: E-business, E-marketplace, electronic Commerce, electronic platforms, ICT adoption, Internet marketing, On-line trust, B2B, Performance evaluation, The Web, Electronic marketing, E-mail Making, Ereadiness, E-relationships, E-security, E-service, E-supply chain management, Internet adaptation, Mobile marketing and some other research. Electronic Commerce was the major research area covered by the researchers in the field followed by Electronic Business and Internet marketing. Most of the empirical studies had been conducted in: the USA, Australia, New Zealand and the UK which was the biggest in number of studies conduct in the literary works period. By analysing the articles conducted in the UK market it was noticed that these articles had covered the following research areas: E-business, Electronic Commerce, Electronic marketing, Internet marketing, the web, ICT adoption, Business public presentation and some other research areas. On the other hand, most of the articles in the literature were published in the daybook of Small Business and green light Development (27 articles) with a percentage of 7.4 % of the total number of studies conducted in the period of the literature. The next six top journals were: Internet research, Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Internet Marketing, Journal of Interactive Marketing and Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing. Based on the literature there are clear research gaps in the field of E-Marketing especially in the areas of EMarketing performance as well as E-Marketing adoption in Small Business enterprises (SBEs).\r\nTo fill such gaps and extend previous studies there is a need for conducting more research to investigate the relationship between implementing E-Marketing and SBEs performance. Online Marketing; New models of advertising?- By Kim Eriksen, Claus Hemmingsen, bathroom Kuada Supervisor- Aalborg University.[3] throughout our search we discovered that it appears that the companies, have been, and still are using internet as a communication tool to a limited extent, i.e. one way communication to the consumers (as opposed to new marketing models). The literature provided us with some indication of wh y this is the situation. One can call it simplicity for the companies or lack of knowledge towards other ways of using the internet. Most important discovery is maybe the fact that the last mentioned has been the trend and way to do business. Many companies have not been keeping track on the trends that have arisen in the past decade. So the answer to our prototypical question is that, international oriented danish companies have alternative options available, and are not that far from being able to utilise these alternatives. With few correction and a little of extra resources it would be possible for most of them to gain a better use of the internet.\r\nHaving analysed several(prenominal) company websites it is clear that parts of the theory roll in the hay the new marketing models are being used. Whether cognizant choice, random chance or even a need to â€Å"follow suitâ€Â, most companies try to keep their sites easy to navigate, with focus on language and information . However several are not utilising items such as chat forums, direct service contacts and in general the two way communication to get closer to an enhanced use of their presence online. We have examined the Internet users’ demands and needs online, and found that they only to a small degree ask for involvement. There are explicit demands for less advertising and simple and well structured websites, but when it comes to talks, and participation only a smaller part of our population asked for direct involvement. Login and personalisation are however in high demand, a relatively new tool, login have appeared on more and more sites, developed from extranets (dealer logins) to consumer login to remember setup, addresses and other information the consumer need to type each time a purchase is made. This leads us to conclude that over time the demand for further involvement will grow. One of the most important features the internet provides is communication, communication between th emselves and their customers. Companies has for a long time been using the internet as advertising tools to promote their product.\r\nIn other words, it has been a one-way communication. Chat and forums is one of the possibilities the internet provides. The focus has to take a turn in the consumer’s direction. So instead of one-way communication it should be two-way communication. Consumers want to able to identify themselves in the sites and product. This would be achieved through chartrooms and forums. Instead of being a visitor they would rather be participants on the sites. conceivably more like Blogs and newsgroup provides. What we also found out, was that the entrance to a site has to be simple and direct. A concern that we were faced with, was the fact that only few companies has a list of contact persons for direct contact. Also, with big companies a receptionist is available; why not make his/her presence available on the internet via the company website.\r\nA simpl e process that would start the dialogue with the visitor, perhaps reveal areas where the website are failing to meet the needs of the visitor. It would moreover be an indication that the companies baffling the consumers/participants in the process. All in all we intend that in order to gain fully loading of the internet and thereby increase the sale it is more important to have 20 dedicated customers that uses the sites than 100 visitors that have no direct connection to the site and therefore do not purchase anything. Danish companies have to reorganise their homepages in a way that it becomes easy and simple to navigate through and the possibilities to overtake with the consumers. Recommendation[2][10]\r\nYour online marketing strategy is based on getting more potential customers to your site and converting them into paying customers. It really is that simple. Through using a wide diversity of techniques you can pinpoint those customers and make sure that they bugger off you r business when they search online for products or services that you provide. When they find your website a variety of other online marketing tools will be waiting to convert them to buying customers. In order to do this effectively, most of the focus will be on two major aspects of the marketing plan: using keywords in all online content and creating as many links as possible to your website.\r\nThe more backlinks you have, the better your site will place in search engine results and the more people will find your website. The more effectively you use keywords, the more search engine friendly your content is and therefore more likely to be ranked. The more visitors you get to your website will result in more new customers for you. New customers mean an increase in sales and profit just like we said when we talked about the potential for exponential growth with online marketing for your business. Techniques to Increase Your Business’s Profits:\r\nWhether you have suffered a d ownturn in your business, have neer built it to the level you are aiming for or if you are just starting out, your goal needs to be using online marketing strategies\r\nto increase your cabbage. There are four basic ways to improve profits: 1.Increase customers\r\n2.Increase traffic to increase customers\r\n3.Add to product offerings to make them more compelling\r\n4.Use PPC, SEO, local business results, article marketing, etc. 5.Increase number of transactions per customer\r\n6.Build mailing list\r\n7.Increase customer communications through auto responders, newsletters, deal out messages 8.Offer them upsell opportunitiesâ€pitch something seasonal 9.Send out reminders for services and specials\r\n10.Increase the average dollar amount per transaction\r\n11.Offer bundle packages and upgrades, strong reasons to purchase\r\n12.Decrease costs, finding free traffic, lowering cost per click 13.Increasing conversions, decreases costs.\r\n14.Offer a bonus, change a headline, offer a f ree consultation. 15.Even converting from 1% to 2% is a 100% improvement and cuts costs for buying traffic in halfâ€pure profit! By putting an online marketing plan in place and following through with it, you can achieve all of these goals. You can easily improve your profits through the strategic use of online marketing techniques that will increase customers, increase the number of transactions per customer, increase the average dollar amount per transaction and decrease costs while finding free traffic which leads to a lower cost per click. Conclusion[1] [2]\r\nInternet Marketing is Not Easy it is filled with many complicated challenges that can put you off track, confuse you, and prevent you from succeeding. Reports and eBooks that campaign to give you a one-size-fits-all approach tend to set down a very important point; prospering internet marketing requires you to be a dynamic, intelligent, and flexible. So a set of static, unchangeable plans is unlikely to make you succ essful.\r\nTraditional marketing methods are still highly relevant in the networked economy, though firms must now consider a host of new and progressive marketing methods available online (e.g., dynamic pricing, online community) In course to the one-way mass promotion that characterizes modern marketing, Internet marketing enables firms to engage the individual in personalized dialogues Individualization and Interactivity are two forces that make online marketing different Marketing, and the relationships it creates, should be considered in the context of particular proposition processes and stages\r\nBibliography\r\n•Internet Marketing Report- University of International Business and Economics- busyness Ying[1] •Online Marketing; New models of advertising?- By Kim Eriksen, Claus Hemmingsen, John Kuada Supervisor- Aalborg University.[3] •E International Journal of Business and Social Science-Vol.1 No.1; October 2010. [4] •2012 SEO Industry Survey [5][9]\r \n•Best Retail Brands 2011- Interbrand\r\nWebliography\r\n•[2]\r\n•[6]\r\n•[7]\r\n•[8]\r\n•inauguration Nation[10]\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Health and Social Care – Unit 32\r'
'Unit 32 Factors affecting growth and fastness M1 In this assignment I am deprivation to explain the factors that might affect the growth and amends of finger cymbals. There ar umteen an(prenominal) different factors that arse affect the growth and repair of the grind aways I am going to explore 4 factors and these are; * Exercise: Doing regular exercise helps build the musclebuilderman’s in the torso, but it likewise helps asseve reckon the mug up and increase the bones strength. Exercise causes the muscle to contract a accomplishst the bone. This action then stresses or also stimulates the bone and the bone lead start to pose stronger and denser.When people think of exercise they think of infinitely but even walking and movement well-nigh the day bath help to confirm the bones. outset from a younger age with exercise will help the bones to get stronger as the mortal gets older and there bones will gain strength. The best exercise for the bones is the weig ht-bearing kind, which constricts the bones to choke against gravity. Certain cells called osteoblasts constantly bring atomic number 20 into bones to make them stronger and osteoclasts take calcium from bones. Exercise increases the rate that osteoblasts strengthen bones. Inactivity weakens the bones.So any exercise that places force on a bone will strengthen the bone. Most people achieve their peak bone mass in their 30s. After that, the strength and tightfistedness of bones begins to decline. Exercising slows the process of decline and helps hold on fractures and osteoporosis. * Diet: One of the key nutrients that the body needs for bone growth and development is calcium, this is normally nominate in different foods and especially in milk. It is essential that calcium is took in a diet because is non it can lead to the bones being weaker and can be prone to break more easily. many other important functions.Because calcium has so many important jobs, it’s important to get luxuriant of it in your diet. The amount of calcium you need depends on a number of different factors, including your age. However, one subject’s true for everyone: you and your bones will good from eating plenty of calcium-rich foods, limiting foods that deplete your body’s calcium stores, and getting your daily dit of magnesium and vitamins D and Kâ€nutrients that help calcium do its job. Refrences http://www. drmirkin. com/joints/bones_exercise. html http://www. google. co. uk/imgres? q=exercise+in+bones http://www. google. co. uk/imgres? q=calcium+bones\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Sentence Outline\r'
'The Sentence Outline Topic: life style Diseases Narrowed Topic: fleshiness: The Global plaguey Purpose:To inform the general public round the dangers associated with obesity Thesis:The increasing prevalence modus vivendi diseases such as obesity is a study world health concern, since it affects the physical, mental and economic eudaimonia of those affected. 1. Though obesity is not a characteristic addiction, its effects on physical health are just as serve as those of alcoholism. A. Obesity is a leading preventable cause of stopping point worldwide. (Barness et al, 2007) B.Obesity increases the risk of many chronic conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. C. explore shows that a person who is 40 percent wakeless is twice as prone to die advance(prenominal) compared to a person who has average weight. 2. The mental health effects of obesity can be as damaging to your health as the physical effects, jibe to recent obesity research. A. Mental health struggles caused by being overweight include social discrepancy low self-esteem, and even suicide. (Pawlik-Kienlen, 2007) B.Obesity may induce feelings of concern and depression. C. Obese individuals may develop anti-social behaviour. 3. Obesity is not only a health concern provided also an economic phenomenon A. Employers may not postulate to hire obese people due to higher(prenominal) expected healthcare cost if the employers provide health insurance for their employees. B. The economic effects of obesity may be direct or indirect. C. Estimated medical costs connected to obesity and smoking each greenback for about 9. 1% of all health expenditures in the United States (Finkelstein, Fiebelkorn, & Wang, 2003).\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Essay Free Will Essay\r'
'â€Å" barren bequeath†takes one of the central questions of any unearthly realm. Whether a hu homosexual has a freedom in his plectrum? Whether a homophile can make a personal, independent decision such us what he should do in each situation? Or are all told of his actions pre taked, and the possibility of making a free choice an illusion? Since the time of the classical philosopher Socrates to modern times, philosophers, theologians, scientists stick out tried to prove the founding of â€Å" superfluous depart†or its absence, and as healthy have to answer to the question do concourse have real control over their actions?\r\nThe question, approximately representence of â€Å" cease Willâ€Â, appeared in ancient Greek philosophy. Socrates and his followers believed that the dependence of the lower beastly impulse is an equivalent to slavery, but responsible control which was inspired by military personnel mind, means a â€Å"Free Willâ€Â. Soc rates argued that all humans are looking for the good behavior, but not all equally know what good behavior is. If a person in reality knows what the true morality is, therefore this person wants to do it, but one, who doesn’t know, usually takes imaginary goodness instead of real goodness.\r\n indeed(prenominal) rushes to reach the imaginary goodness and makes mistakes. This then produces fell deeds. No one is willinging to be foul on their own will. This way, moral evil decrease to thoughtlessness, that equal to a lower needs level, and goodness for Socrates, according to Aristotle, expresses of the intellect, which is an equivalent to a â€Å"Free Willâ€Â. Which means, only human who doing good things can have â€Å"Free Willâ€Â. Based on the foregoing, it is potential to make a conclusion, that by the term â€Å"Free Willâ€Â, Socrates understands the qualities that exceptional passel have, rather than an constituent(a) part of every human being.\ r\nThe idea of â€Å"Free Will†gets a new interpretation with the teaching of Christianity. If we trace the history of â€Å"Free Will†in the Bible, it is necessary to start with the character of God, who decided on his own and created the universe and all that fills it. The Bible says that man was created in the image and likeness of God. This means that a human is equal to God, and has a consciousness, feelings and will, and has the ability to theorize and make decisions.\r\nSuppose a person is really free in his choice. In such a case, two problems appear right away. According to religious beliefs, everything in this world happens only by the will of God. â€Å"God makes, all he wants, in nirvana and on earth. †And no one, including human can’t resist God’s will. How, then, can a person can have any â€Å"Free Willâ€Â? If a person is not free, another(prenominal) ethical problem appears. According to Christianity (as well as Islam and Judaism) God rewards man for good behavior and punishes him for his bad.\r\nHowever, if a person cannot choose what he should do in each case, if his actions were predetermined and even corresponded to the will of God, how and why in this case, it is possible to punish humans? And what then is the â€Å"Free Will†for a man? Scientists visit issues related to the freedom of will. With development in perception particularly genetic engineering, neuroscience and psychiatry; human cypher the presence of â€Å"Free Will†has changed. Scientists believe that quite a little do not choose the genotype and the environment, do not choose the other factors affecting their lives.\r\n batch do not choose in which family to be born, therefore they do not choose genic genes that are the most meaningful way determine our lives. Some genes predisposing to a human disease, some genes find out appearance, behavior, intellectual abilities all of them affect our lives. According to scientists, human body is as a kind of machine, constituted and acting at the direction of the external forces that incur it to work in certain way. This point of involve is a concern because it is mean that people cannot be responsible for their behavior in any situation.\r\nNo one has found the answer to the question of whether people have the â€Å"Free Will†or is it in force(p) an illusion. But in any case, a human has the right to follow the path of good or choice the path of evil. All humans exist like cells in a single tremendous organism called â€Å"the universe. †World created from all its parts or elements. Each element contributes to the world their personal attribute; effects and change world’s destiny. It whitethorn be weak and insignificant in the boilersuit system of the world, but it is exists. It operates within certain limits on domestic fundamentals essence and nature. Without any of these elements would be a different world.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Practical Detail B Tech Mechanical Heat Transfer Lab\r'
'The equipment consists of a metallic container in which steam contemporaries takes place. The lower portion houses able electric heater for steam generation. A particular arrangement is provided for the container for filling the water.The glass cylinder houses deuce water cooled copper condensers, one of which Is chromium plated to conjure up drop un employ condensation and the other is in its natural state to give film refreshing condensation. A connection for pressure gauge Is provided. calve connections of two condensers for passing water are provided. ch vitamin Aion Rota meter with appropriate can be used for measuring water move rate in one of the condensers under test. A digital temperature index finger provided has multiplying connections.Which measures temperatures of steam, two condensers, water inlet & event temperature of condenser water flow. To find the heat take away coefficient for Drowses condensation and Film wise condensation process. Condensers : unity chromium plated for drop wise condensation & one natural finish for Film wise condensation otherwise identical in facial expression. 19 mm outer did. 170 mm length. fictitious from copper with reverse flow in concentric tubes. Fitted with temperature sensor for surface temp Measurement.M. S. Fabricated construction comprising test section & steam generation section. Test section provided with glass cylinder for visual image of the process. Suitable water heater. 1) Temperature Indicator: Digital 0-199. 9 0 C with multinational switch. 2) Temperature Sensors : RD PUT †ascorbic acid Type 3) Rota meter for measuring water flow rate. 4) Pressure Gauge: Dial type 0-2 keg/cam Dimensions Mall unit 1 OFF heat up Elements : Instrumentation Web S tit : www. Etherealness. Com e-mail: [email protected] reengineering. Com, [email protected] Com\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Types of Abuse/Signs & Symptoms\r'
'Types of yell/Signs & Symptoms ‘No Secrets identifies categories of abuse. They are: tangible Abuse Abusive implement Signs & Symptoms Hitting. Slapping. Pushing. Kicking. Misuse of medication. Restraint. unconnected sanctions. Series of unexplained falls or major injuries. Injuries/bruises at different stages of healing. Bruising in bizarre sites e. g. inner arms, thighs. Abrasions. Teeth indentations. Injuries to head or face. guest very passive. Sexual Abuse Abusive Action Signs & Symptoms Including rape and informal assault or sexual acts to which the vulnerable adult has not consented, or could consent, or was pressured into onsenting. mixture in doings. Overt sexual behaviour or language. Difficulty in walking, sitting. Injuries to genital and/or anal area. Neglect Abusive Action Signs & Symptoms Includes acts of omission. Ignoring somatic or medical get by needs. Failure to hand over access to appropriate health, social care or education al services. Withholding necessities of life e. g. medications, nutrition, heating. Absence of food, heat, hygiene, clothing, comfort. Preventing client to have access to services. Isolation. Absence of prescribed medication. psychological Abuse Abusive Action Signs & Symptoms Emotional abuse. Threats of pervert or bandonment. Deprivation of contact. Humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks. Withdrawal, depression. Cowering and fearfulness. change in sleep patterns. Agitation, confusion, change in behaviour. Change in appetite/weight. Financial Abuse Abuse Action Signs & Symptoms Theft, fraud, exploitation. Pressure in connection with wills, property, heritage or financial transactions. Misuse or defalcation of property, possessions or benefits. Unpaid bills. Basic needs not being met. lack of cash on daylight to day basis.\r\nInstitutionalAbuse Abusive Action Signs & Symptoms Poor care standards, lack of positive responses to complex needs. Rigid routines. forgetful staffing. Insufficient knowledge base within service. softness to make choices or decisions. Agitation if routine broken. Disorientation. Patterns of contest behaviour- Discriminatory Abusive Action Signs & Symptoms Racist, sexist, or that establish on a persons disability. Other forms of harassment, slurs or analogous treatment. Failure of agencies to ensure that staff receive suitable anti-discrimination practice training. Low self esteem. Withdrawal. Depression. Fear. Anger. Risk Indicators\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Contemporary vs Society in 1984\r'
'A. P. English 12 21 March 2011 Contemporary Society vs. 1984 In his dystopian novel 1984, Orwell transmites his vision of the nearing future by dint of a fictional plot. Within the plot, Winston Smith, the novels protagonist, harps a life control guide unaccompanied by a populaceipulative and exploitative politics. He, embodies the conventional personality of each citizen of Oceaniaâ€a person who abides by the laws of the view overlarge companion authorities. Through the evolution setting and characterization of our protagonist, the reader is able to find oneself the numerous aspects of control, manipulation and maturation exercised by the comp each and braggy Brother.\r\nAs his frustrations with the societys control of history and incli democracy desire to meet with a female co-worker increase, Winston begins to perplexity the society he once aimlessly con do worked to and the laws he once followed. Through Winston’s ordeal, Orwell expresses his concer ns with an exponenti every last(predicate)y expanding the Statesn regimen. such(prenominal)(prenominal) gross violations of personal liberties move over played a prominent role in Americas past as well as in its present. sequence writing the novel, Orwell recollected his childhood experiences in an laden India and began to draw comparisons to the then- received state of America.\r\nDuring the 1940s, America experienced increase military involvement, significant expansion of the federal bureaucracy and world dominance. In turn, Orwell’s writing of 1984 patently serves a cautionary and educational get. Honest government may expand into an oppressive one if its citizens do non vigilantly monitor its activeness. In contemporaneous society, Americans face similar circumstances to those subject to the milieu portrayed in 1984. The unfortunate happenings of the Terrorist Attacks on family line 11th, 2001 bland affect Americans presently.\r\nConsequently, Americans kn owingly placed greater trust in their government and sacrificed certain liberties for blue-ribbon(prenominal) security. Resulting legislation, such as the nationalist Act of 2001, allows the US government to bypass certain screen rights in ordinate to ensure safety at bottom the nation. During the spend of 1798, the transfer and Sedition Acts passed by congress brought the linked States closer to a â€Å" spectacular Brother†foundation than ever before. The Alien Act â€Å"authorized the professorship to arrest and deport aliens suspected of ‘ treasonous leanings†Davidson 219). With no pull in definition as to what actually constitutes a â€Å"treasonable leaning,†the president couldve forced close in additionne out of the united States the instant they engaged in a form of anti-American protest. Surveillance cameras in just about buildings and some public streets further demonstrates the eternal and grim reality of governmental supervisi on. US troops argon stationed doneout the gist East in addition to their already inhabited locations.\r\nSimilar to those subject to the omniscient Big Brother government in 1984, Americans atomic number 18 controlled by specific qualities and principles, social constraints, manipulated by a self-colored and monopolized society and exploited by the falsified allure of the â€Å"American Dream. †â€Å"Freedom is the license to say that two summing up two make four. If that is granted, all else follows. †(Orwell, p81). Such a simplistic definition of freedom misleads those striving for despotic freedom. In fact, American and Oceanian citizens share ultimate freedom if freedom was solely confined to its previously state definition.\r\nHowever, the reader knows that those inside Oceania are enslaved by their deliver totalitarian government. Therefore, freedoms true definition is much more(prenominal) complex and often contradictory. The contradictory nature of freedom and country testifys the similarities between America and Oceania. Although not as radical of their 1984 counterparts, Americans defer to an elitist society to maintain their â€Å"freedom. †â€Å"In a paradox for democratic theory, the masses express the greatest confidence in the most elitist, nonelected severalize of the government†(Dye 309).\r\nWith greater confidence, comes blind trust. Since Americans allow a minority of elitists to dictate their society, true freedom and democracy cannot exist. Therefore, Americans are more like pawns that are governed by a select few, which was the reality of those subject to the society, rather than the assumed impression that the major(ip)ity controlled its own destiny. end-to-end Orwells novel, 1984, a fictional character named Big Brother exists. Throughout the town of Oceania are constant reminders of Big Brothers existence and his limitless oversight on the community.\r\nIn addition to the sense of survei llance by Big Brother, telescreens within every ho intentionhold and microphones scattered across the town, further accentuate the lack of privacy within Oceania. Ultimately, in 1984, engineering science’s sole purpose was to intrude into each citizens personal and private life. As technology further engulfs itself in current society, aspects of 1984 are scram more prominent. While telescreens are not exactly monitoring us every routine of the day, many community are probably insensible of how public most of their private life authentically is.\r\nBetween computers and security cameras, it really is not too hard for a member of some government agency to come about track of what someone does everyday. In contemporary society, human interaction and technology are becoming exceedingly intertwined. The rapid advancement of technology has allowed for the possibility of an inseparable combination of adult male and technology. Upon writing his novel, Orwell extrapolated much of the detail about the technology within 1984 because of its unavail aptitude or primitive features.\r\nThe technology of in advance(p) society far exceeds that of 1984. If government could utilize lesser quality technology and control an entire population, what could take in if the technology were superior? Cell phones, computers, cameras, global arrangement systems (GPSs) and other significant technological inventions in newfangled society have numerous benefits, but engender several drawbacks to ponder. Within each computer and mobile phone phone are locating devices which allow the value companies to observe the websites visited and the location of the each device.\r\nWiretapping, legalized by the Patriot Act of 2001, permits governmental monitoring of telephone and lucre conversations to ensure safety. Surveillance cameras survey the actions of pedestrians to prevent crime. Although most of these cameras are operated by private businesses, privacy is still invaded . Realistically, the government’s use of technology as a essence to intrude on American privacy is a definite possibility. In the past, and currently, the US government has used technology in order to ensure safety de kindle sacrificing certain liberties.\r\nWith humans bearing a greater dependence on technology, the exploitation of technology by the government would prove devastating and irreversible. â€Å"War was a sure sentry duty of sanity, and so far as the ruling classes were refer it was probably the most important of all safe-conducts. While struggles could be won or lost, no ruling class could be completely irresponsible†(Orwell 198). The central point of the Oceania’s economy was its overextending military. The constant contend, overshadowed by the developing plot involving Winston, provides justification and a safeguard against its citizens.\r\nThe purpose in participating in a perpetual war is to consume human comprehend and commodities. W ithout commodities, Oceania is able to justify their engagement in an unwinnable and â€Å" inevitable†war. In addition, constant warfare keeps the population fearful, and creates parking brake conditions whereby the government can expand its powers. People, manipulated into fear, will answer more favorably to regulations in clock of war. consequent the sacrifice of personal liberties, following the distressing events on September 11th, 2001, includes an extension of military activity.\r\nFirst low with Former death chair shrub, and current President Obama, the US Army is combative throughout the world, specifically the Middle East, in its attempt to curtail acts of terrorism. Seemingly, as in the case with Oceania, the unite States is continuously in a warring state. When serenity is made with one country, war is claimed or threatened on another nation to continue a military presence. The Department of Defense, analog to the Minister of Peace, allocates the large st level of budgetary resources and coordinates the activity of the joined States armed forces. Not counting the cost of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Defense budget is expected to be $553 gazillion in 2012, up from $549 billion in 2011†(Factor 24). In addition, the Department of Defense posts useless statistics, unseasonable economical predictions, and slanted opinions polls. The most infamous pattern of incorrect statistics and bias speech was Former President Bush’s Mission Accomplished speech. In spite of the continuing warfare, Bush declared this was the end to major combat operations in Iraq. Certain aspects of the Oceania war machine further manipulate the actions of the Oceanian citizens.\r\nThe government of Oceania, score by the company, influences its citizens into believing that they have a common landalty enemy in the Brotherhood, specifically Goldstein. The Two transactions of Hate, a daily period in which companionship members of Oceania must watch a film portrayal The companionships enemies, entices mob action and a blind mental synthesis of hate. The picture of Goldstein comes up on the screen, while the people scream in anger and horror at the image. Goldstein, they are told, is everywhere and must be destroyed.\r\nThe similarities to youthful society are more real than unvarnished and speak to what has been happening in the United States since being War II. Each significant event in history has seen evil characters that have been determined on destroying â€Å"the American route of life. †During World War 2, Adolph Hitler and Josef Stalin led the rise of fascism and against democratic principles. During the Red Scare, Mao Tse-Tung of china disturbed American peace with communists influence on the American public. During the Arms Race, Lenoid Brehznev of the USSR challenged the social integrity of America.\r\nDuring the 1980s, ibn Talal Hussein Hussein of Iraq and now Bin Laden promoted use of te rrorist attacks to harm Americans. Like Goldstein in Oceania, each man menaced society, striking fear and hatred into the peoples’ hearts. After their deaths, American society was not safer and soon after a replacement continued to terrorize America. Ultimately, the Party’s slogan â€Å"War is Peace†perfectly represents their exploitation of war and stronghold over their citizens. Through the view of the slogan, the Party contends that in times of war, Oceania is at peace.\r\nSuch a contradictory statement provides an example of the Party’s use of â€Å"double think†and manipulation of the people. Oceania †the Party †is able to continue at peace during times of war because of a war’s natural temperament. War acts as a means to ensure a stagnant social building and prevent true socialism. War, specifically in 1984, guarantees a final stage of produce (Orwell 191). With a scarcity of produce, economic disparity becomes apparent and overprotection of produce becomes unlikely. Thus, the Party is â€Å"at peace†because revolution or any social change is improbable.\r\nSimilarly, war has a parallel effect in modern society. In times of war, America is economically and socially stable. War creates an teemingness of jobs which distills any opposition from the lower class which has an subjective tendency to protest the actions of the highest class (Orwell 199). Industries rejoice as the government agrees to purchase any and all military related goods. The government expands its power by constricting several personal liberties which are voluntarily and volitionally bequeathed by the people. The nation rallies around a common enemy, fueled by propaganda, and confidence in its government reaches a pinnacle.\r\nWar establishes peace to authorities dictating the route of the nation: War is peace. Throughout 1984, the Party, in conformism with the Ministry of Truth manipulates its control of the past and rewrites history. In rewrite history, the Party ensures the completion of one of its slogan: â€Å"Ignorance is Strength. †The constant change of the â€Å"truth: and destruction of supporting records, allows the Party to keep its citizens ignorant of its true actions. Thus, the Party avoids face-off with questioning and aware citizens. To address those unaffiliated with the Party, the Party ses a more indirect approach to keep the Proles ignorant. With guaranteed liberties, the Proles are content with their uncommon privileges and do not seek to interrupt their happiness and therefore do not challenge the Party. According to the Party, promoting ignorance prevents doubt and creates a powerful strength in the idea. The only way to keep an idea strong is to remove all suspicion of doubt. If one has no reason to question a belief, then that belief will remain despite its unreasonableness. And if this lack of questioning can become indefinite, then the belief is also indefin ite.\r\nIn American history, some events are understated, while others are hyperbolise to glorify patriotism or conform to modern belief. Most recently, President Bush’s indisposition through several reasons to invade Iraq provide an example of understatement and deceit in politics. Initially, President Bush stated that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction which would prove harmful to Americans in the near future. After no weapons of mass destruction were found, President Bush stated that then President Saddam Hussein had anthrax and other biological harmful weapons.\r\nAnthrax was found in Iraq; however, the United States did not mention that the same anthrax was interchange to Iraq by America. President Bush, then, justified the military activity in Iraq by claiming to fight terrorism and cattle ranch democracy. Congressmen, who supported the War of Terrorism, eventually reversed their opinions of the war and stated that the President and the Department of Defense provi ded wide of the mark accounts of the terrorist activity in Iraq. President Bush’s waving between his reasoning to invade Iraq demonstrates an ability to keep Americans ignorant of the true motives of US encroachment in Iraq.\r\nIn 1984, there was an obvious dissolution of wealth. The London that Winston Smith calls home is a dilapidated, summing up city in which buildings are crumbling, conveniences such as elevators never work, and necessities such as electricity and plumbing are extremely unreliable. The grimy urban decay offers insight into the Party’s priorities through its contrast to the immense technology the Party develops to descry on its citizens. The conditions O’Brien, an Inner Party member, lived with greatly differed from the livelihood of Winston.\r\nO’Brien’s home was ornately furnished and enjoyed the likeness of cigars, coffee and tea. In modern society, the trend continues. The wealthy can contribute to live lavishly, while the poor can barely afford to live. The concentration of wealth significantly favors the elitists. Those poor, in America and Oceania, ignorantly misuse their money on lotteries with the ill-considered hope of becoming wealthy. Despite being regarded as a fictional novel, 1984 and its portrayal of a compulsory and exploitative government are comparable to the current conditions of modern society.\r\nThrough Winston’s characterization, Orwell expresses his concerns with an exponentially expanding American government and a foreseeable future. Orwell, as told through 1984, envisioned a world of constant surveillance, where the privacy of the individual was virtually extinct. Although the technology he predicted seems unsophisticated, the imagination of surveillance is applicable. Naturally, as the government expands, intrusion on the personal lives of its citizens is becoming accessible and simple.\r\nThe use of technology, such as computers and cell phones, is becoming grea tly intertwined in human interaction and everyday life. These advances in technology can be interpreted both positively and negatively. Legislations, such as the Patriot Act (2001) and the Alien and Sedition Act, have given the government an to the highest degree limitless means to interrogate radical thinkers. With the initial reading of this polemic book, Orwell’s work was subjected to savage of all sorts; however as society has let time take its course it seems that those who criticized this work were the most jejune of all, about our Lugubrious society.\r\n'
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