Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Do You Advocate Or Oppose Social Media? Essay
Advocates of the tender Media say that these communities facilitate friendly and political stir offer teachers, librarians, and students valuable access to educational support and materials promote increase interaction with friends and family and broadcast economic consumptionful instruction rapidly. Opp unitynts say that these sites alter childrens brains and behavior waste time on frivolous activity thwart face-to-face communication expose users to predators like pedophiles and burglars and afford false and potenti all in ally dangerous schooling.In this paper I will give a brief history of the accessible Media and will also enumerate in an unbiased way some pros and cons of the mixer Media. History of the affectionate Media, which existed from 1997-2001, is considered the prototypic cordial networking site because it allowed users to create own(prenominal) spaces and tie to friends online. Friendster, created in 2002, popularized friendly networkin g in the United States but was quickly outpaced by other friendly networking sites like MySpace (2003), Facebook (2004), Twitter (2006), Pinterest (2009), and Google+ (2012). Facebook identify one billion monthly users planetary on October 4, 2012, making it the most popular social networking site with one in seven people on the planet using the site. each day, Facebook manages 2.7 billion Likes, 300 million photo uploads, and 2.5 billion status updates and check-ins. Twitter, the piece largest social networking site, had an estimated 107.7 million users in the United States (as of Jan. 31, 2012) and 500 million worldwide users (as of Sep. 28, 2012). Pinterest is the third largest social network with 23 million unique visitors in July 2012, followed by LinkedIn, Tagged, Google+, and MySpace. 59% of all profits users use at least(prenominal) one social networking site and 56% of social networking users argon female. cordial Media ProsSocial networking sites spread learning f aster than any other media. over 50% of people learn about breaking brisks on social media. 65% of traditional media delineateers and editors use sites like Facebook and LinkedIn for story look, and 52% use Twitter. Social networking sites are the top novels source for 27.8% of Americans, be close to newspapers (28.8%) and higher up radio (18.8%) and other print publications (6%). Twitter and YouTube users reported the July 20, 2012 Aurora, CO theater shooting before news crews could arrive on the scene, and the Red Cross urged witnesses to tell family members they were safe via social media outlets. (Hughes & vitamin A Pesce, 2012). honor enforcement uses social networking sites to catch and prosecute criminals. 67% of federal, state, and local law enforcement professionals surveyed infer social media fosters solve crimes to a greater extent quickly. In 2011 the NYPD added a Twitter trailing unit and has used social networking to arrest criminals who call for bragged of t heir crimes online. When the Vancouver Canucks lost the 2011 Stanley form in Vancouver, the city erupted into riots. Social media was used to catch vandals and rioters as social networking site users tagged the people they knew in over 2,000 photos posted to the sites. (Global Post, 2012).Social networking sites help students do better at school. 59% of students with access to the Internet report that they use social networking sites to discuss educational topics and 50% use the sites to talk about school assignments. by and by George Middle School in Portland, OR introduced a social media program to engage students grades went up by 50%, chronic absenteeism went down by 33%, and 20% of students school-wide voluntarily completed extra-credit assignments. (Delmatoff, 2010).Social networking sites allow people to improve their relationships and make new friends. 70% of adult social networking users visit the sites to connect with friends and family, and increased online communicatio n strengthens relationships. 52% of teens using social media report that using the sites has helped their relationships with friends, 88% report that social media helps them stay in touch with friends they can non see regularly, 69% report getting to know students at their school better, and 57% make new friends. ( everyday Sense Media, 2012).Social media helps em authority business women. Being able to connect on social networking sites gives business women a support group not readily found offline where female CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are outnumbered by male CEOs 15 to 485. Many social media sites are dominated by women 72% of Pinterest users are women, 58% of Facebook users, 62% of MySpace users, 60% of Yelp users, and 53% of Instagram users. craft women useTwitter chats to support each other, give and receive peer knowledge, and founder guest speakers share expert knowledge. helps African women entrepreneurs connect on social media to grow their businesses. (One.o rg, 2012).Social media sites help employers find employees and business concern-seekers find work. 64% of companies are on two or more social networks for recruiting because of the wider pool of applicants, more efficient searches, and no need for an outside recruiter. 89% of employers have engage employees through LinkedIn, 26% through Facebook, and 15% through Twitter. One in six job-seekers credit social media for helping find their current job. 52% of job-seekers use Facebook for the job search, 38% use LinkedIn, and 34% use Twitter. (Jobvite, 2012).Social Media ConsSocial media enables the spread of unreliable and false information. 49.1% of people have comprehend false news via social media. On Sep. 5, 2012 false rumors of fires, shootouts, and caravans of gunmen in a Mexico City suburb spread via Twitter and Facebook caused panic, flooded the local practice of law department with over 3,000 phone calls, and temporarily closed schools. Shashank Tripathi, tweeting as Comfo rtablySmug, spread false information in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy by bank bill on Twitter that the New York Stock Exchange was flooding and that the power company would cut off electricity to all of Manhattan the bogus information was picked up by national news outlets including CNN and the Weather Channel. (Laird, 2012).Social networking sites privation privacy and expose users to government and corporate intrusions. 13 million users say they had not set or did not know about Facebooks privacy settings and 28% shared all or nearly all of their posts publicly. The US Justice Department intercepted 1,661 pieces of information from social networking sites and e-mails in 2011. The 2009 IRS reading manual teaches agents to scan Facebook pages for information that might assist in resolving power a taxpayer case. 4.7 million Facebook users have liked a health configuration or medical treatment page, information that is sometimes used by insurance companies to raise rates. (Na nce-Nash, 2011).Students who are heavy social media users tend to have press down grades. Students who use social media had an number GPA of 3.06 while non-users had an average GPA of 3.82 and students who used social networking sites while studying scored 20% lower on tests. College students grades dropped 0.12 points for every 93 legal proceeding above the average 106 minutes spent on Facebook per day. Two-thirds of teachers cogitate that social media does more to distract students than to help academically. (Lanir, 2012).Social networking sites can lead to stress and offline relationship problems. A University of Edinburgh Business School study found the more Facebook friends a person has, the more stressful the person finds Facebook to use. According to a Feb. 9, 2012 Pew Internet report, 15% of adult social network users had an experience on a social networking site that caused a friendship to end, 12% of adult users had an experience online that resulted in a face-to-face argument, and 3% of adults reported a physical encounter as the result of an experience on a social networking site. (Rainie, Lenhart & Smith, 2012).Social networking sites entice people to waste time. 40% of 8 to 18 year olds spend 54 minutes a day on social media sites. 36% of people surveyed listed social networking as the biggest waste of time, above fantasy sports (25%), watching TV (23%), and shopping (9%). When alerted to a new social networking site activity, like a new tweet or Facebook message, users recall 20 to 25 minutes on average to return to the master copy task. In 30% of cases, it took two hours to fully return attention to the sure task. 42% of American Internet users play games like Farmville or maffia Wars on social networking sites. (Willis, 2012).Using social media can harm job stability and employment prospects. Job recruiters reported negative reactions to finding oath (61%), poor spelling or grammar (54%), illegal drugs (78%), sexual content (66%), p ictures of or with alcohol (47%), and religious content (26%) on potential employees social media pages. Anthony Weiner, motive US Representative, was forced to resign after a Twitter sexting turd in 2011. Several athletes were banned from the 2012 Olympics because of their racist social media posts. (Recuero, 2012).ConclusionAfter reviewing this information, do you see yourself as an advocate or opponent of the Social Media? Do you believe that the Social Media facilitates social and political change, is valuable to education, promotes relationships and broadcasts usable information rapidly? Do you believe the Social Media alters childrens behavior, is a waste of time, prevents personal communication, is a useful tool for predators and burglars and spreads false information?I see myself as neutral in regards to either advocating or opposing the Social Media. I do see positive things coming from the Social Media, but also see negative things. I believe is a matter of doing resea rch and not taking all information the Social Media bombards us with as factual information. Its a personal choice, either we advocate the Social Media or oppose it. The decision is up to you.ReferencesBosker, B. (2012) Fortune 500 List Boasts More Female CEOs Than Ever Before. Retrieved January 6, 2013 from http// Common Sense Media. (2012). Social Media, Social Life How Teens View Their Digital Lives. Retrieved January 6, 2013 from http// Dalke, R. (2011). Social Media Case Study The Stanley Cup Hockey Riots. Retrieved January 6, 2013 from http// Delmatoff, E. (2010). How Social Media Transformed Our
Monday, January 28, 2019
Manila and Rizal Essay
Even if this great man lived a century and a half ago, his teachings and the ideals he embodied atomic number 18 still alive today. In fact, on that point is a little bit of Jose Rizal in every oneness if you only crawfish a close look. He would probably squander his fortunes by now, because he loves women, and he is probably working as on OFW maybe as a Mercenary for a private military company abroad. Or he immigrated to Spain and worked as a Physician And enjoys the weekend at the set down with his girlfriends, or he could have been Public Enemy number one for speaking the truth against the corrupt Religious establishments and Philippine Government. Much of Rizals greatness has been downplayed over the years. Most people only know of Dr. Rizal as the lay asider of two Filipino literary pieces that atomic number 18 studied in high school. He appears on the humble one peso coin. Hundreds conform to at Rizal Park, even if not to remember our subject hero, then to expire a lei surely Sunday afternoon.However, people may wonder how a man born 150 years ago can be considered relevant in todays epochs. The Philippines is no longer chthonic Spanish Rule, and theres no revolution going on. Filipinos are still being oppressed by debilitating poverty. The countrys resources are being raped. While we declare ourselves to be a democracy, there is no authentic freedom from the bondage of poverty, illiteracy, corruption and the manipulation of the masses. Or maybe other people would think of him as an ordinary more or lessone just desire you and me. He is not going to be our national hero if he were alive today. But knowing the capability of Rizal he might just be one of the Philippines prominent personality deal.Casino.Abalos.Fernando etc in addition in the politics because Rizal is a known speaker and a critics of the giving medication then. But didnt you notice that is why Rizal was born in those time and age for him to be somebody else. He wasnt put to be in these time & age.Why? Because his talent and his ability allow for be gone for naught or for nothing. That is why there is a time for each and every one of us, not to the time we accept it to be but what God has plan for all of us. But some people would also say that. Rizal was not meant for this time. He has his own mail and time just corresponding we do. If ever he was living at this time, probably the Philippines are speaking in several(predicate) languages just like him. And the Philippines are much more stable in economic terms. You take int need to be a doctor, rich, well educated, well traveled or get shot in the back to be like Rizal.There is Rizal in you if you love your country, if you respect your fellowman and want what is best for the nation. If you are willing to set aside your personal interests for that of the common or great good, then there is Rizal in you I think Jose Rizal would work as an ophthalmologist and serve the poor people in depressed area s At the same time He would educate the Filipino youth as a teacher. Hed be the first one to write articles against the corrupt government. If Jose Rizal were alive today, he would probably run for public office, since nowadays, thats what heroes and sons of heroes do. He would even likely be President.Up to this day, the received wisdom is that he had retracted and the many objections to it have been forgotten through the years. Rizals alleged retraction became just another controversy and his heroism lessen under a cloud. Fortunately, Rizal was both intellectually gifted, having mastered many different languages and being a versatile genius in many palm and strong in character, as he possessed outstanding traits like courage, devotion to truth, integrity, selflessness, and loyalty. Jose Rizal gives all of us inspiration in all the things we do. He is inspires us to be hardworking and diligent, which most of us are not. Rizal is our hero, our inspiration, our lesson of the yest eryear that we should be a man for our country.
The Last of the Mohicans
Is racialism a choice or not? The novel The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper, did provide evidences of racism as practice not further by Americans scarce also by other cultures which suggests a strong indication on the possible grow of racism. This paper because attempts to dramatize this new found reality that whitethorn not be known or accepted by many. The lead part thesis of the paper is stated in the following propositions (1) the racism has its roots in nature and it must be having been part of serviceman nature. (2) That racism has been practiced due to native-borns wanting to preserve their cultures, and (3) that racism is powerfully felt in gender mix.Since the primal Americans are forced to break with their colonizers, refusal to intermarry with the European colonizers must have been a intrinsic involvement to do. Hence what is ever is happening as racism in the coupled States must be traced back to this great of American history. To dwell at th at placefore on the belief that discrimination is a well-planned reaction to other cultures may seem to find litter support as it not natural to hate or discriminate other plurality.There must be a prior experience in the past that has entered the subconscious level. non surprisingly hence champion could read in the American books stories and novels that my have the colors or some racial problem. But the racial reactions was not chosen voluntarily as intended reaction but a subconscious reaction become something hurtful that has happened in the past.The abridge of apparently prohibited a internal racial sort betwixt cultures is depicted in the novel The Last of the Mohicans by Fenimore Coopers. The word miscegenation, which the cut down word for the sexual racial mixture has taken its meaning from two parts miscere and genus is apparently used in the at the end of the nineteenth century, and the word was actually found mainly in the analysis of forward literary works. In appreciating therefore the reality to a profound and virtual(prenominal) portrayal of gender and racial relations amid Native Americans and bloodless lot in the end of Indian and French Wars in his novel, rootage Cooper made an introduction of his own vision of early native Americans taking the position that miscegenation should be prohibited.It may be argued that the animated political and social issues are indeed square offd by the attitude of sportsmanlike people towards Native Americans in the past. To be specific about it wiz may check that the at the end of the seventeenth century there were indeed some American states to have passed specific laws that were aimed at prohibiting sexual racial mixture and this may inferred to have deprived people of antithetic races, with the exception of the white population but not without the undeniable rebound as far as the American political rights particularly entrancement to the principles of equality.On taking the contrary view miscegenation may change magnitude the differences between two races but people then or may even this could aggravate these distinctions because people would be detached and removed from their normal background signal and by forbidding them from integration into the new environment.This could observed by the fact Americas vision as seen by some is large beat of what the countrys have projected as a mock up about a future-realizable condition, instead of using the past to look the bit using creator. With this seeming mismatch, America may have been involved in complex racial tensions and conflicts which appeared to be directed Native Americans. This same reason was also evident in Coopers rejection of sexual mixture in the book.In his portrayal of gender relations and miscegenation in the novels, Cooper may be opening the minds of those who know the real background or origin of racism as a social phenomenon. non many people will disagree that the US the country that brou ght a into living together as community of people from different races if one will observe that such may have even started from the period of colonization. Since colonization may only be a desire to influence other cultures.But as soon as the process of fundamental interaction was started it, history has recorded about colonizers making constant attempts to destroy beliefs of Native Americans both from the cultural and religious aspects. The most immediate reaction only was for the indigenous population with America to want preservation of their cultural indistinguishability which normally is conflicting to the principles of white people.It is proper at this point to promote evidence from the text why Cooper has shown rejection of sexual mixture between races. In his narration, Fenimore Cooper has described the people or case in the novel with mixed and unmixed blood. One of the characters in the novel is Hawkeye, who condescension the fact of being culturally connected with bot h white people and Indians, he is pictured by author as a soul without a cross1 The author may have the same treatment of Alice Munro who is described as surprisingly fair2.For another character by the name of Chingachgook, the author has presented as an unmixed Mohican. Cooper has created characters belong to the other race like Cora, the elder sister of Alice, who may be described to of mixed race, who played the role of protecting even at the cost of her own life. Cora was indeed presented as coming from that unfortunate course of study who are so basely enslaved to administer to the wants of a luxurious people3 from the race of West Indians, who cannot marry a person from the South.It may be concluded then that Cooper did portrayed a story of racism in the US dating back to period of colonization as the book revealed women characters being prohibited to many from other race and therefore an indication of lack of freedom and equality when it comes to issues of choosing their m arital partners. Cooper portrayed a judgment for women who ignored racial prejudices and assigned their societal-dictated roles, by all being rejected by society or having to die as they are opposing to sexual mixture. In the novel, one could conclude in their minds how the author Cooper has chosen to exterminate ignorer of racial prejudices such Cora and Magua if only to prevent an incompatible marriage.Work CitedCooper, J The Last of the Mohicans, St. Martins Press, New York, 19841 Cooper, 1984 p.4.2 Cooper, 1984 p.378 3 Cooper, 1984 p.310
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Markets Price And Non Price Economics Essay
An agreement made where purchasers and Sellerss come in plastered contact with to each one(a) other straight or indirectly to rat or purchase goods and services.Categorization of MarketsMarket CharacterisitcsMarket TYPENO.OF BuyersNO.OF FirmsEntry ConditionssMarket power charter breezeMerchandise DifferentiationNet income maximastion statusPricing providePerfect tiltMany purchasersMany Sellerss throw overboardNone dead expandibleHomogeneousP=MR=MC=AR=Min AC financial pry TakerMonopolistic rivalryMany purchasersMany SellerssFreeLimitedcomparatively elastic fast Substitutes with differentitated swopsMC=MRTo the extent of their productsOligopoly competitorMany purchasersFew dependantSomeRelatively elasticClose substitutions, differentiated or undiversified intersectionsMC go finisheding through discontinuous MRUncertainDuopoly oppositionMany purchasersTwoRestrictedDividedRelatively elasticVery near replacements_Monopoly competitionMany purchasersOneRestrictedFull moonR elatively inelasticNo replacementsMC=MRMonetary measure MakerMonetary determine and Non- cost Competitionnon pecuniary lever competion may be describe as the selling scheme downstairs which the peculiar fireside tires to diffrentitate its merchandise from the competitiors merchandise this distinguish is done by the designor workmenship. It abide be besides distinguish merchandise by offereing through quality service, client attending, distribustion scheme and other promotional activity.Where as the financial repute competion is refered to when the planetary houses attempts to separate its productfrom the rival by maintaining the fiscal value of the merchandise lower than the competitiors one. Now a yearss more houses be engaged with the non fiscal value competion though it is really expensive in genius the realm behind that it is more profitable than selling the goods at lower financial value and avoid the hazards of financial value war. By and large in oligopoly merchandises and monopolistic commercializes are utilizing the non pecuniary value scheme because in this competions the houses becomes extermely capable with each other. Central of the non financial value competion is merchandise diffrentiation. Hence the characteristics of merchandise diffrentiation areTechnical criterionsQuality criterionsDesign characteristicsService characteristicsMerchandise diffrentiation as the footing of set uping a down ward falling hold curve. This were introduced by the SRAFFA.but the chamberlin suggested that the motive is non merely determined by the pricind scheme of the house but besides by the manner of the merchandise and the services associated with them.he introduces cardinal policy variables which are merchandise itself and selling activities. Individual house is incorporate with this dimensions on that pointfore, the use up curve will switch ifThe manner, servicesor the merchandising scheme of the house alterationsRivals change thei r pecuniary value, end product and servicesor merchandising policiesTastes incomes, pricesor selling policies of merchandise from the other industry alterationNon pecuniary value competitionNon financial value competition is applicable to all types of securities industrys except than the monopoly and holy competitionPerfect competition expulsion because the in this state of affairs he all merchandise are homogeneous in natureMonopoly exclusion because the individual marketer is the accountant of Te market so no 1 at that place for the non fiscal value competitioNon monetary value determiners of demand non monetary value deteminants can be described as the any attempt made by the house to prolong in the market to gain the net income and to increse their demand in the market. Following are the some non monetary value determiners of the demand,Tastes and prefrencesIncomeMonetary values of sustitutesNumber of purchasers prox outlooks of purchasersFinancing footings.As the determin ers of demand are of import in the monopolistic market we besides should give equal importance to the determiners of the supply in the non monetary value competitionFactor inputs alterationsProduction technique commute in no of Sellerss in the marketExpectation of future alterations in monetary valueAdvantages of the non monetary value competition Consumers gets low monetary valuesManufacturers and providers are going more displine in natureto cust down the monetary values.New betterments in engineeringEnormous betterment in the quqlity or serviceImformation for the consumers leting people to do more informed pick expenditure duck soup of the demand Responsiveness on the shooting of the measure demanded of a good or service to a alteration in its monetary gives the per centum alteration in the measure demanded in responses to the 1 % alteration in the monetary value.Price competion is applicable in all types of markets except so faultless competion and monopoly competion .Perfect competion exclusion because in perfect competion the houses are monetary value takers the monetary value is non decided by the house it is accepted.Monopoly competition exclusion because in this state of affairs there is a individual marketer in the market who is the decider of the monetary value hence it is non applicable.Price cracking of demand with reapect to the marketsPerfect competition in the the perfect competion the elasticiy of edmand is prefectly elastic in nature because all the merchandises availble in this market are homogeneous in the nature. As the homogeneous merchandises are perfect replacement for each other the market becomes extremely recative in nature.monopolistic market snap of demand is comparatively elastic In nature as the filet point substitues are availble in the market this substitues are availble with the small diffrention.Oligopoly market oligopoly market is some how combination of the perfect competition and monopolistic market so the sna p of the demand the comparatively broad(prenominal) in nature as the all merchandises are homogeneous in nature and they are utility for each other.Duopoly market in he duopoly market there are merely twain Sellerss in the markets with call for to many purchasers. The snap is comparatively elastic because in this state of affairs there are really close substitues are availble for the merchandise.Monopoly market in this market the snap is comparatively inelastic nature as there is merely one goad the reactivity of the demand for a good to alter in the monetary value of anthoer is measured as the per centum alteration in demand for the source good that occurs in reactivity to % alteration in monetary value or 2nd good.Cross monetary value snap of the perfect competion with regard to replacementsthe reactivity of the demand for a good to alter in the monetary value of anthoer is measured as the per centum alteration in demand for the first good that occurs in reacti vity to % alteration in monetary value or 2nd good.Cross monetary value snap of the perfect competion with regard to replacementsucer in the market so the manufacturer is holding the affluent market poer in the custodies. there is no sustitute availble in the market.Cross monetary value snap of demand with the availble substituesCross monetary value snap the reactivity of the demand for a good to alter in the monetary value of anthoer is measured as the per centum alteration in demand for the first good that occurs in reactivity to % alteration in monetary value or 2nd good.Cross monetary value snap of the perfect competion with regard to replacementsPerfect competiton the gamey monetary value cross snap can be seen in this market as the manufacturer Is monetary value taker and non the monetary value shaper. More over that the merchandises are homogeneous in nature which are replacement for each other.Monopolistic competition there are figure of manufacturers are at that p lace in the market.du to the high competition the manufacturers are willing to do more market lot so the cross monetary value snap is comparatively high in nature.Oligopoly competition in this market the cross monetary value snap do issues because in this market. As the replacements are availble in the market with the homogenity or merchandise diffrention.Duopoly competition there are merely two manufacturers are availble in the markets there are really close replacement for each other and because of this cross monetary value snap is low.Monopoly competition there is merely one manufacturer in the market and no replacement is availble so there is no inquiry of cross monetary value snap.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Basic Ethics Essay
According to Michael Boylans book Basic Ethics the depicted object of ethical motive concerns itself with right and wrong, judgments that assign praise or blame. In the grammatical case of ethics, these judgments be usually assigned to people or to actions (Boylan, 2009). This essay give discuss three major ethical theories, virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. It will as well provide a individualal experience to help explain the kin between virtue, values, and moral concepts as it relates to utilitarianism. The three ethics theories discussed herein are the virtue ethics theory that examines a persons fiber over a long period of time and is forgiving of an fooling mistake that is non consistent with a persons locomote(prenominal) character. Deontological ethics or duty-based morality is a theory based on a nonconsequentialist view of people and moral decision-making. Deontological ethics supports that actions are not justified by their consequences. Rather, factors other than correct outcomes determine the rightness of actions (Deontological Ethics, 2014).Utilitarianism in the most basic term is based on measuring good in terms of usefulness. Utilitarianism is often defined as an effort to carry out the greatest good for the greatest number. Also this principle advocates that the ends justify the manner in other words if a negative action mustiness be used to reach a greater good and so its justified (What Is Utilitarianism?, 2014). There are marked differences between the three ethics theories. Unlike deontic or action based theories of morality that focus on the actions a person performs, the virtue theory, aka character ethics focuses on help people develop good character traits, like kindness and generosity, The deontological ethics is grounded in the Categorical Imperative, The Categorical Imperative simply declares, Act as if the maxim of thy action were to become by thy will a oecumenical law of nature. The Categorical Imperative is very similar to the Golden regularisation of Christianity, and other religions (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) (Deontological Ethics, 2014). On the other hand utilitarianism revolves around the concept that the end justifies the means. A personal exemplar I have of utilitarianism being practiced was when my Father was in hospice with remnant throat cancer. He ordered a DNR, do not resuscitate.My family and I did not like his wish but it is what he chose for himself and we all original his final wish. Although many feel this is not right to just allow someone die without trying to help the person anxious(p) the spatial relation on these decisions is purely determined by the person dying. The utilitarian onrush can be selfish in nature because the judgments is strictly that of the person thinking of his own truth in my Fathers case his last dying wish. So depending on what kind of person you are, how you were raised, the environmen t you live in, your faith, the influences you may have from the social circle you belong to you all these factors could influence your ethics and depending on the situation on hand you may find yourself mournful towards one or the other of these ethic theories. Morally or ethically, I would never let my Dad die without making some tackle to resuscitate him but on the other hand I tempered aside my moral belief and my ethics to allow my Dad his last and final wish.ReferencesBoylan, M. (2009). Basic Ethics (2nd ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ learner Hall. Deontological Ethics. (2014, February 17). Retrieved from allaboutphilosophy .org http// What Is Utilitarianism? (2014, February 17). Retrieved from http//
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Srs for Bank Management
EXPERIMENT NO 2 AIM To register Software Requirement condition for Dance Academy. THEORY 1) Introduction 1. 1) pop the question This document gives detailed functional and non-functional requirements for Dance Academy. The purpose of this document is that the requirements mentioned in it should be utilized by software developer to implement the brass. 1. 2) Scope This governance every(prenominal)ows the bank employee to maintain a record of alone the guests who have accounting in the bank.With the help of this organisation, the employee should be in a position to anticipate the records of a particular customer, provide him detailed account info and wipe off and update the customer information as and when required. 1. 3) Overview This arrangement provides an easy outcome to the bank employee to maintain customer as well as employee records and maintaining a record of all the transactions that load down place. 2) General Description This bank Management System replaces the conventional, traditional file and record based system with the help of which a lot of paper land will be reduced.Thus the manual work of maintaining files which are subjected to physical wear and tear fecal matter be avoided. The employee must(prenominal) be able to view all the information of customers such as name, account number, date of birth, gender, address, initial balance. Also it must be able to record different transactions such as withdrawal, deposit or transfer of funds from one account to another. The employee endure also add new staff members to the system providing them direct chafe to the database and thus enabling them to provide services to the users.The employee backside also convert his password to follow security constraints. 3) Functional Requirements 3. 1) Description The identity of apiece customer is verified and only then changes are made to the records individually customer. After proper verification, the bank employee preserve bring proper changes to the database as per the requirements of the user. Also the system maintains an employee database thus keeping a record of all the members of bank as well as keeping the records of the transactions which take place daily. 3. 2) Technical issues The system should be implemented in .NET. 4) port Requirements 4. 1) graphical user interface GUI 1 The first form provides lumberin page for the employee. GUI 2 After successful login, there are different actions that endure be performed i. e. change password, sign-out, add customer, delete customer, add expatiate, view details etc. GUI 3 For adding customers, all the required information is taken and the submit button is selected for making corresponding changes into the database. GUI 4 at one time the changes are made into the database, on clicking the view details icon, the details of the customer can be obtained.GUI 5 and 6 The details of the customer can be updated with the help of form 5. A particular customer can be re moved with the help of delete customer option. GUI 7,8 and 9 These forms record the different transactions such as withdrawal, deposit, transfer. 4. 2) Hardware user interface Hardware user interface 1 The system should be embedded in each PC of the bank and in all of its branches. 4. 3) Software user interface Software Interface 1 Bank Management System. Software Interface 2 The staff and employee database should maintain necessary records. ) Performance Requirements The system should work concurrently on multiple computers during the working hours of bank. The system should support 50 users. 6) Design Constraints The system should be designed in 2 months. 7) some other Non Functional Attributes a) Security Each employee is provided with a user ID and password to log into the system. Only then he can manipulate the database. b) Availability The system should be available during bank working hours. c) Maintainability There should be a facility to add or delete customers as and w hen required. ) Reusability The same system must be used in every financial year. 8) operative Scenarios There will be an employee database and customer database. The employee database contains personal information of all the employees. The customer database contains personal as well as account link information. 9) Preliminary Schedule The system has to be implemented in 2 months. CONCLUSION Thus we have documented Software Requirement Specification for Bank Management System (BMS).
Explain the Principal Psychological Perspectives Essay
The demeanourist perspective is an idea that we lay out up understand ein truth type of conduct by waying at what the psyche has learner. This implys disposition traits much(prenominal) as unobtrusiveness, confidence, optimism or pessimism. Behaviourist psychologists rationalize either mankind behaviour as resulting from catch. Two depict psychologists argon Pavlov and Skinner, although these two theorists believed that unalike processes were conglomerate, they both explained all types of behaviour as organism the result of learning. This is e precise(prenominal)thing from shyness to aggression and happiness to depression. Classical conditioning was a scheme create by a Russian psychologist called Ivan Pavlov. He was working with computer-aided designs to investigate their digestive system.The dogs were attached to a harness and Pavlov attached monitors to their stomachs and mouths so he could treasure the unwrape of salivation. He noniced that the dog began to salivate when someone entered the manner with a bowl of food, hardly before the dog had eaten the food. Since salivation is a reflex action response, this seemed unusual. Pavlov decided that the dog was salivating because it had in condition(p) to associate the psyche with the food. He and so discloseed a theory. Food automatically led to the salivation response, since this response had non been learned, he called this an un learned response, which is a response that regularly occurs when an unconditioned stimulant is presented.As food automatically leads to this response, he called this an unconditioned comment, which is a stimulus that regularly and consistently leads to an automatic response. Pavlov then presented food at the same(p) time as ringing a bell (neutral stimulus), to see if the dog would learn to associate the bell with the food.After several trials, the dog learned that the bell was associated with food and forceually it began to salivate only when the b ell was motorbike and no food was presented. It therefore had learned the conditioned response of salivation to the conditioned stimulus, the conditioned response is a new, learned response to a antecedently neutral stimulus that mimics the response to the unconditioned stimulus. The Conditioned stimulus is a neutral stimulus that, when paired with the unconditioned stimulus, produces a conditioned response, dear as the unconditioned response used to.Operant conditioning was a theory created by an Ameri push aside psychologist called Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Skinner worked mostly with rats and pigeons to discover key principles of learning new behaviours. He used a device called a Skinner box, the box contains a lever which, when pressed, releases a food shooter into the box which therefore should reinforce lever- pressure behaviour. When the rat is first placed in the box it will run around and sniff the various items and at some point it will press the lever, releasing the fo od pellet. When the rat has performed this action several times, it will learn that this behaviour is automatically followed by the release of a food pellet.Because the pellet is reinforcing, this con eon increases the prob readiness of the behaviour being repeated. The two types of reinforcement be positive reinforcement and disallow reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is when the consequence following a voiceicular behaviour is experienced as desirable. Negative reinforcement is when behaviour results in a consequence that removes something un lovable. Skinner tested the negative reinforcement by campaign a very low electrical current on the coldcock of the skinner box. The current would be de-activated if the rat pressed the lever. The lever pressing was therefore negatively reinforcing.Social learning theoryThere be many influences on our behaviour, this comes from peers, siblings, parents, television, sports and celebrities. According to the societal learning theory, graphic symbol models are very important. The likelihood of imitating behaviours is strongly influenced by the way we perceive the person performing the behaviour. If we observe the behaviour of someone we admire, we are more belike to imitate their behaviour. For example, if someone much(prenominal) as Bradley wiggins recommends that we should wear a cycle helmet, we are much more possible to imitate this behaviour as we are closer to being like this admired model.But, if someone we look depressed on recommends that we do the same, we are much less likely to do so as we do non want to be perceived as the person we look down on. Certain attri furtheres of a person determine whether the behaviour is more likely to be imitated, these attri providedes include gender, similarity to ourselves, status, prestige, competence and fame. Our behaviour is also influenced by the presence of other, no matter how much we believe ourselves to be individuals.Culture is the shared values, norm s, langu days, impost and practices of a group. It also refers to different sub-groups within society. It is important to understand how finale affects our behaviour in order to gain a full understand of the people we encounter and those we work with. Watson found that the average amount of middle involvement do varied between countries, with high degrees of eye contact being seen as insolent by some Afri messs and East Asians, whereas among Indians and Latin-Americans this was seen as desirable. The self-fulfilling prophecy is a concept in psychology that has an impact on the way we deport towards others and expect them to be select towards us.If we believe ourselves to be worthwhile, pleasant and likeable then we will almost certainly be well-mannered and cheerful towards those we meet, therefore it will create a favourable impression. In response, those who come into contact with us perceive us favourably and be birth in a positive way towards us, this results in our posi tive self-beliefs being verifyed. On the other hand, if we are angry and feel the whole knowledge domain is against us, then we are likely to behave in a more aggressive way and therefore this is how we will be responded to, which will confirm our views of ourselves and the world.The Psychodynamic approachThis approach was created by an Austrian psychologist called Sigmund Freud. Freud was one of the earliest thinkers to obtain to public attention the idea that we are not always advised of all aspects of ourselves. He said that were are aware of things in our conscious mind, but things like our memories, feelings and past experiences are locked up in a subprogram of our mind called the unconscious(p). We cant main course the unconscious part of our minds but they leak out in dreams or done a slip of the tongue. Part of the unconscious that we can easily access he called the pre-conscious. This contains information that isnt in the conscious part of our minds but can be easily retrieved.Freud believed that early experiences determine behaviours later in life. He relegateed the psychosexual theory, he believed we all go by means of several acquaints of psychosexual developing. At distributively ramification, the individuals libido is focused on a part of the frame that is particularly relevant at that symbolize. If the require are met for the developing baby bird at each defend, it moves on to the next education academic degree. If there is a struggle or conflict, the individual becomes stuck at this stage. This results in certain personality traits, which are carried through into adulthood and which can explain behaviour in later life.The earliest stage is the oral stage, the focus here is on the mouth and consists of behaviours such as sucking, virulent and licking. Freud believed that, either, the child was ablactate too early and would feel under-gratified and unsatisfied and would develop into a pessimistic sarcastic person. On the o ther hand, the infant was weaned too late and would develop a gullible personality and naively trust in others. This stage lasts from birth to approximately 18 months. If the infant passes through the oral stage without becoming stuck, the next stage is the anal retentive stage, which lasts from approximately one to 3 years. The libido here is focused on aspects to do with bum training. If there is a battle with parents about potty training, with the child feeling forced to use the potty before they are ready.The child may rebel by retaining their faeces, therefore holding on to the control and withholding satisfaction from the parents. This is called anally retentive and is associated with later personality traits such as obstinacy, miserliness and obsessive traits. The alternative is that the child is not stipulation enough boundaries over potty training so they take frolic in excretion and become a messy, creative, disorganised person. During the ages of four to quintuple t, a child passes through the phallic stage. Fixation at this stage is associated with anxiety and wicked feelings about sex and fear about expurgation for males.If this stage is not resolved, Freud suggests that a boy may become man and a girl may become a lesbian. Between the ages of five to seven and the onset of puberty, a child enters the latency stage, it is not a developmental stage but is when the focus is on social pursuits such as sport, academic excellence and the development of friendships. The final stage is the gential stage, this begins at puberty. Freud believed that the less fixated a child has become during the preceding stages, the more easily this stage will be n self-importancetiated, resulting in the ability to form strong heterosexual relationships, with the ability to be warm and winning as well as receive make love in a mature way. Another important feature of early experiences is the development of ego disaffirmation mechanisms.An ego is the part o f the mind whose function it is to moderate the demands of the id and encumber the superego being too harsh. It operates on the reality principle. The use of a defence mechanism allows us to block out events that threaten to overwhelm us. Examples of ego defences are things such as repression which allows a person to forget an event such as a traumatic event. Regression is reverting to an front stage of development such as wetting the bed when gaining a new sibling despite never doing so before. Denial is thrust an event or emotion out of the conscious mind, such as denying that a loved one has died.Displacement is redirecting requires onto a safe object, such as taking your anger out on someone you love because of someone else giving you a hard time. Freud suggested that the mind is divided into three dynamic parts which he called the psyche. The id is the part of the mind which is all in all unconscious and exists at birth. It is focused on getting what is wants and has aggres sive, sexual and loving instincts, such as i want. The superego is a result of enculturation and consists of all the instructions, morals and values that are repeatedly reinforced when growing up. It consists of an internalisation of all the values of right and wrong we have been socialise to believe in, it is our conscience and represents a view of our ideal self.The main role of the superego is to subdue the activity of the id. The ego tries to balance the id and the superego. It is the rational part of the mind. unlike behaviours can be understood by trying to infer which part of the psyche is dominant at any time. For example, a person who is submissive, guilty and always wanting to please others may have a very strong superego. A person who is impulsive, careless of other peoples feelings and does not care about the consequences of their actions will have a very strong id.A person who can be submissive but assertive when need be, who is able to think about other peoples needs but value their own can probably balance the id and superego. Eric Erikson was a psychologist who agreed with much of Freuds theory that we developed through a series of stages. Although, he believed these continued throughout our lifetime and were essentially social in nature. He believed that Freud put too much emphasis on desire and not enough on our need to be accepted by society and lead a meaningful life. Erikson suggested that we move through a series of psychosocial crises with a different social focus at each stage.The Humanistic perspectiveHumanistic psychology looks at human experience from the viewpoint of an individual, it focuses on the idea of free will and that we are all capable of making our own choices. Maslow is an American psychologist who believed that we are all quest to be the best we can both, spiritually, physically, emotionally and intellectually. He called this self-actualisation. He made a theory called the hierarchy of needs, which explains that every person requires certain prefatorial needs to be met before they can reach the next level.Maslow believed that until our staple fiber needs are met, we will focus on getting them met and not be able to progress further. When we are comfortable physically, we focus on our emotional needs such as self-esteem. When these needs are met we make to self-actualise. Carl rogers was a psychologist who was interested in the concept of self. Self-concept refers to the way we view ourselves, this is physically and bio pellucidly, attributes such as being male or female, blonde or brunette, tall or short, as well as personality traits such as being kind, humble, assertive or hard-working.The self-concept is formed from an early age and children internalise other peoples judgements of them, which may become a part of their self-concept. Internalise is the way we take in information from the foreign world and build into our soul of self. It then becomes part of our feelings, thoughts and beli efs about ourselves. If a child is told theyre silly, naughty and will come to no good, part of their self-aspect will contain these aspects. On the other hand, if a child is praised and support to succeed, they will have positive self-concept.The cognitive/information processing perspectiveJean piaget was a Swiss psychologist who initially worked on measuring intelligence. He noticed that children on the same ages make the same mistakes in logic, no matter how bright they were. He came to the conclusion that cognition develops through a series of stages, each new stage building on the earlier one. Birth to 1 or 2 years the sensorimotor stage Learning to use senses and muscles thinking without language. Babies are born with the ability to sense objects, they are also born with a range of reflexes such as the sucking reflex to enable them to feed. These reflexes lead to motor actions controlling body muscles.The sensorimotor stage is a stage when thinking is limited to spying o bjects and performing motor actions. Piaget believed that a baby would not have a working system for remembering and thinking about the world until they were about 18 months old. 2-7 years the pre- operative stage Pre- uniform thinking in language but without concord logic. Piaget believed that during this stage, children could not think in a logical way. Children can use words to communicate but cannot understand logical implications involved in language. Pre-operational children cannot properly understand how ideas like number, mass and volume in truth work. 7-11 years the concrete operational stage A stage where logical thinking is limited to practical situations.Children in the concrete operations stage can think logically provided the issues are concrete. In the concrete operational stage children may be able to understand simple logical puzzles. 11+ years the formal operational stage Thinking using logic and abstract thought processes adult thinking. With formal logic, an adult can solve complex problems. This stage allows adolescents and adults to use abstract concepts to gain understanding of the world.Adults can think scientifically and think through complicated ideas in our head without having to see the concrete picture. George Kelly developed a psychological theory called the psychology of personal constructs. He saw the individual as a scientist, making predictions about the future, testing them and revising them according to new evidence. A construct is a way of construing reality and the environment. Kelly believed that we do not have to be constrained by our past history but can seek out new, alternative, more positive meanings.The biological perspectivematurational theory this theory holds that the effects of the environment are minimal. A child is born with a set of genetic instructions that are passed down from their parents. Their cognitive, physical and other developmental processes merely unfold over time, earlier than being depe ndent on the environment to mature. It is a theory which states that development is due to nature not nurture. Arnold Gesell believed that development occurred according to a sequence of developmental processes. Development in the womb has a fixed set of stages the heart begins to form first, along with a nervous system. Bones and muscles develop next and over time the organism develops into a fully public presentation human being. As the child develops from birth, its genes allow it to develop gradually into the person theyre meant to be. Genes can affect behaviour in many ways. numerous diseases such as Cystic fibrosis and Huntingtons disease are passed on through parents genes. Diseases such as these are genetically determined, regardless of environmental factors. Disorders that are not genetically determined, but where an individuals genes may leave them with a vulnerability to developing the disorder are very common. The autonomic nervous system produces its effects through ac tivation of center fibres throughout the nervous system, brain and body or by touch on the release of hormones from endocrine glands.Hormones are biochemical substances that are release into the blood stream and have a profound effect on target variety meat and behaviour. They are present in very small quantities and individual molecules have a very short life, so their effects quickly thaw if they are secreted continiously. There are a large number of hormones, such as, melatonin which acts on the brainstem sleep mechanisms to help synchronise the phases of sleep and activity. Testosterone, which may influence aggressiveness, and oxytocin which stimulates milk production and female orgasms.
Monday, January 21, 2019
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