Sunday, March 31, 2019
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Importance of Language in Speech Communication
Importance of Language in Speech dialogueUSING LANGUAGEWords be the tools of a loud vocaliser systems craft. They shit special occasions, just exchange satisfactory the tools of anformer(a) profession. One coffin nailt drive a nail with a screwdriver or submit a screw with a hammer. It is the same with public speaking. One moldinessiness choose the right account books for the job you want to do.Good verbalizers atomic number 18 aware of the meaning of lecture both their obvious and their subtle meanings. They to a fault know how to use verbiage accurately, hitly, vividly, fittingly, and inclusively.All actors line have 2 kinds of meanings-denotative and connotative. Denotative manner of speaking are precise, literal and objective. They describe the object, person, place, idea, or caseful to which the word refers. On the other hand connotative spoken communication put forward of imply. These kinds of dustup give words their intensity and emotional power. They a rouse listeners feelings of anger, pity, love, fear, friendship, nostalgia, greed, guilt, and the like. Speakers like poets often use commutation to enrich their meaning.Language has to in like manner be used accurately. Using words accurately is as vital to a loudspeaker as give risement numbers accurately to an accountant. Every word has shades of meaning that distinguish it from every other word.Language moldiness also be used clearly. People are unlike. What get ats perfect common sense to someone else may be confusing to others. A speaker must never assume that what is perfectly clear to him is clear to his audience. Listeners, unlike readers, butt jointnot stoop to a dictionary or reread an authors words to discover their meaning.A speakers meaning must be immediately comprehensible it must be so clear that there is no chance of misunderstanding. One can ensure this by using familiar words, by choosing concrete words over abstract words, and by eliminating verbal clut ter.One of the biggest barriers to clear speech is using big, bloated words where short, penetrating ones volition do the job better. This is especially true when it comes to technical actors line that may be familiar to the speaker but not to the audience. another(prenominal) than beingness accurate and clear a speaker must everlastingly choose concrete words for his speech. Concrete words refer to overt objects such as people, places, and things. They differ from abstract word because abstract words refer to general concepts, qualities, or attributes such as carrot pencil and some(prenominal) more.To be an strong speaker one must lawn to decline clutter. Clutter is discourse that takes many more words than are prerequisite to express an idea. Clutter forces listeners to hack through a tangle of words to discover the meaning.When one makes a speech, he must keep his linguistic process lawn and lively. It is important not to use several words where one or two would do. F labby phrases need to be parryed. Let the ideas emerge crisply and firmly. Above all, redundant adjectives and adverbs should be watched.One can also blow out clutter by practicing ones speeches with a digital recorder. This will not precisely make one a better public speaker, but it will help them present ideas more in force(p)ly in meetings, conversations, and group discussions.A speaker must also be able to use his language vividly. Just as one can be accurate without being clear, so one can be both accurate and clear without being interesting. Although there are several ways to do this, two of the most important are vision and euphony.Imagery can be used by speakers to make their ideas come alive. Three ways to catch imagery are by using concrete words, simile, and metaphor. Concrete words are a key to effective imagery. They enhance clarity to the speeches and they also calls up mental impressions of sight, fit, touch, smell and taste.Another way to create imagery is through the use of simile. A simile is an explicit comparison betwixt things that are essentially different however have something in common. Similes get through and vitalize ideas. For example fit as a fiddle, hungry as a bear and busy as a bee. Such clichs are fine in everyday conversation, but one should avoid them in speechmaking.The metaphor also brings imagery in speeches. A metaphor is an implicit comparison between things that are essentially different yet have something in common. It is an excellent way to bring colour to speech, to make abstract ideas concrete, to clarify the unknown, and to express feeling and emotions.Rhythm is the second way of making a speech vivid. Language is a rhythm created by the choice and arrangement of words. Speakers, like poets, sometimes seek t deed the rhythm of language to enhance the impact of their words.The impact of a passing game can be heighted by how superb the delivery is but even up by themselves the words take on an emphat ic rhythm that reinforces the message. The speaker should never emphasize sound and rhythm at the expense of meaning. The point is to think about ways one can use the rhythm and flow of language to enhance the desired meaning.One can develop an ear for vocal rhythm by study and practice. One can easily begin by using four basic rhetorical devices employed by fine speakers to improve rhythm of the speech. These stylistic devices are parallelism, repetition, alliteration, and antithesis.Parallelism is the similar arrangement of a pair or series of related words, phrases, or sentences. Parallelism makes a sentence clear, consistent, compelling and have progression.Repetition is reiteration of the same word or set of words at the beginning or end of successive causes or sentences. It unremarkably results to parallelism. Not only does it build a strong Candace, it also unifies a sequence of ideas, emphasizes an idea by stating it more than one and helps create a strong emotional effe ct.Third is alliteration. This is the repetition of the initial consonant sound of close or adjoining words. By highlighting the sounds of words, alliteration catches the forethought of listeners and can make ideas easier to remember. It can spruce up ones speeches, to be nonsense(a) and draw too much attention, so that listeners get more affect in listening for the next alliteration that in absorbing the subject of the speech.Last is antithesis. This is the combination of contrasting ideas, usually in parallel structure. Antithesis has immense been a favourite device of accomplished speakers, because it nearly always produces a neatly turned phrase. It is a fine way to give ones speeches a special touch of class.The fourth way speakers can be effective is by using language earmarkly. Language is to be use appropriately based on 4 factors which are occasion, audience, topic and speaker. Language that is appropriate for some occasion may not be appropriate for others.correctnes s also depends on the audience. If this is kept in mind, it will help the speaker greatly when dealing with technical topics. His audience will know what he means. One should be careful to avoid language that might give his audience. Speakers conducted to elevate and polish their language when addressing an audience.Language should also be appropriate to the topic. One wouldnt use metaphor, antithesis and alliteration when explaining how to change the tyre of a bicycle but rather use all trine in a speech being given in respect of something or someone. The first topic calls for straightforward description and explanation or can evoke emotion, admiration and appreciation.Language must lastly be appropriate to the speaker. No matter what the occasion, audience, or topic, language should also be appropriate to the speaker. Every public speaker develops his or her own language style. To say the language should be appropriate to the speaker does not beg off ignoring the need for ap propriateness.There is a difference between ones everyday styles and ones developed style as a public speaker. Accomplished speakers have developed their speaking styles over many years of trial, error, and practice. They have worked at using language effectively.Regardless of the situation, audiences expect public speakers o use inclusive language that is respectful of the different groups that make up the society. Inclusive language is language that does not stereotype, demean, or patronize people on the basis of gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or other factors.As a speaker you must also be able to avoid inclusive language such as generic he to refer to both men and women. Avoid the use of man for both men and women. Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender and lastly use names that groups use to identify themselves.In conclusion a speaker must realize that language helps create the sense of reality by giving meaning to events. The words used to l abel an event crack to a great extent how we respond to it therefore every speaker must be careful and follow the rules of language to be effective in speech making and giving.
Nursing Reflection Essay Skills Assessment
Nursing Reflection Essay Skills AssessmentAccording to the sensitive Collins International Dictionary of the English language, a strikeion is to reflect or to be in the state of reprehension. (Collins B heady, 1983) In this essay, I pick extinct to give a brief description of the skills listen that I underwent, the thoughts and feelings it provoked, the military rating and analysis of it ,conclusion and lastly my action plan.REFLECTION OF THE SKILLS ASSESSMENT2.1 DescriptionAs phonation of the Fundamentals of Nursing (FON) skills assessment, I had to att destination a block surface on week seven. Wound dressing and vital signs were the two subjects of this assessment. I had to draw lots to choose which room and subject I got and hence proceed to sit outside the room to read the case scenario inside the allocated five minutes. Once the case scenario of victorious vital signs was clear to me, I was allowed to enter the evaluation room to perform the necessary functioning on the unhurried within twenty minutes. During the course of the single-valued function, all the vital signs such(prenominal) as pulse rate, respiration rate, blood pressure and temperature were recorded on a clinical chart. The entire procedure was then assessed and graded by an assessor, who was observing my nursing skills.2.2 Thoughts and FeelingsI felt really spooky and eager before the skills assessment as I was seated outside the assessment room. When the clock time came for me to read and digest the background information, I felt overwhelmed as at that point in time, remembering the information on the ragtime provided was just exhausting. As I was about to enter the room and the prior student came out crying, I felt even more nervous as that gave me an intuition that the assessment might be a contend one . Despite that, I mustered all my confidence and proceeded with the nursing procedure when my turn came. I carried out the procedure in a tranquilize and smooth man ner. After my task was complete, I felt satisfied with my death penalty and happy with myself for having prepared well for the assessment before- peck as it turned out to be a good experience.2.3 EvaluationOn the whole, the skills assessment was a memorable experience for me as I felt that I had carried out the nursing procedure efficiently, keeping in mind all the protocols that had to be followed. Also, the six domains namely critical deliberateing, communication, technical skills, management of care, galosh utilise and professional and honest practice were carried out to my ability in umteen instances. Then again, I could brook done better in authoritative disciplines.For instance under the critical thinking component, I could start out plan my working area carefully. Instead, I was immediately involved in attend to the diligent and completing the procedure within the time limit which should non work been the case. As a result I had to move nearly quite a bit whic h could have been minimized with careful area formulation.On the part of communication, I tried my level best to re-assure the diligent and addressed his anxiety to a large extent. This skill I weigh I portrayed well.In monetary value of technical skills, I was incertain about my readings for the systolic and diastolic blood pressures and I had to fictionalize the procedure twice in order to double check my first reading. dismantle then, I experienced some level of uncertainty with the readings. Thus, I have to remediate my skills in this domain to become a better health care professional.To add on, I managed the patients care relatively well as I made it a point to retard that he was feeling well-to-do throughout the procedure. Keeping in mind the importance of understanding the emotions of the patient (Matsumoto Hwang, 2011), I in any casek note of the changes in his facial expressions to make sure he was receiving good care and was not in any kind of stress.To unders tand safe practice I had carried out good hand hygienics however ,I almost had forgotten to clean the ear plugs of the stethoscope, thereby downplaying on safe clinical practice on protecting myself. Furthermore, I had besides plotted the readings on the wrong column which was an unacceptable fracture.Lastly, on the part of professionalism and ethical practice, I believe I had done a praiseworthy job. I kept the patient informed on the risks he was victorious by undergoing the cataract surgery. Also, I kept the staff nurse informed of his concerns and his blizzard that he had developed. Apart from these, all the procedures during the assessment were within the terms of ethical practice.2.4 AnalysisFor in-depth examination, I have analyzed my skills in each of the to a higher tail mentioned six domains.Critical thinking is defined as the disciplined, intellectual execute of applying skillful reasoning as a guide to belief or action (Paul, 1990). In nursing, critical thinking for clinical decision-making is the potential to think in a organized and sensible manner with the readiness to marvel and think carefully about the reasoning process used to run into safe nursing practice and good care. (Heaslip, 1993) In the nursing profession, it is all important(predicate) to plan carefully to save valuable time while aid to the patient. During my practical assessment, I could have placed the hand sanitizer on the equal table as I had placed the other health check requisites on. This would have prevented me from constantly shifting to the table close by to perform my hand rubs, saving time. As mentioned by Mr. Tan during lab sessions, area planning is very important. Nurses in addition need to apply their intellectual skills for sound reasoning. (Heaslip, 1993) Having find rashes on one of the patients fort, I chose to take blood pressure from the arm with no rashes as placing the non-sterile handcuff on the affected hand could have worsened the rash.A s for communication skills, I believe I compete a good role as a nurse by clearly explaining the risks involved in the cataract surgery to the patient. As pointed out by Crow et. al, it is paramount for a patient to be aware of his/her medical condition and develop a better understanding of the procedures involved. (Crow, et al., 1999) To add on, I informed him of his various readings to ensure his awareness of his medical status.In terms of technical skills, I could not distinctively identify the Korotkoff sounds hence had to repeat the blood pressure measurement. When I re-took the blood pressure however, I frame it hard to release the pressure as I had turned the valve a little too much making it too tight to be released. It is mandatory for nurses to be fluent in the procedures. (Rennie, 2009) Hence, I should keep in mind not to turn the valve too much to allow indulgent release of the valve in future.During the procedure, I constantly made an effort to ensure that the patien t was feeling comfortable by questioning him frequently preferably of just carrying out the nursing procedure silently. Reference to Bensing, reveals that it is important for nurses to snuff it at an emotional level so that the patient feels cared for and also helps discover his concerns which he might otherwise not reveal. (Bensing, 1991). Also, I addressed the posture of the rash on his left arm and questioned him on how it originated instead of completely taking note of his vital signs. These actions I confide would have direct across the message to the patient that I cared for him well.In terms of ensuring safe practice, I kept the staff nurse informed about the rash the patient had developed on his arm and what medication he had previously consumed which might have led to the allergy. However, I had not plotted the readings interpreted on the correct column onto the clinical chart. I was unaware of this mistake until I read the remarks on the assessment sheet. Therefore , I have to strictly avoid such a mistake in the future as it may lead to but misinterpretations.My professionalism and ethical practice was portrayed instead well as I maintained a steady and sure-footed poise which I trust would have also allowed the patient to place his trust in me to carry out the nursing procedure safely and effectively. Butts has given a detailed description of the ethics that needs to be followed in the nursing profession (Butts). Not only that, I ensured that the patient was aware of the side effects and risks involved in the surgery so as to maintain ethical practice.2.5 ConclusionAll in all, this reflection has helped me better identify my mistakes in this skills assessment and how I can further improve myself in the near future. Not only that, it has also help me in the pursuit of realizing the importance of the six different domains that we were assessed on. This assessment was also a good platform for us to reflect upon ourselves and further improve our nursing competencies bringing our skills to a whole new level. At the end of the day, such assessments are the ones that mould us into trustworthy and reliable healthcare professionals.2.6 Action PlanIn similar situations in the future, first and foremost, I would quickly run through area planning in my mind so as to maintain minimal movement to save time when I am carrying out my nursing procedure. Then, when I am taking the patients blood pressure, I will remind myself not to turn the valve too hard so that it will be easier to release the pressure from the cuff when I am recording the blood pressure readings. Most importantly, I would ensure that I record my findings accurately onto the clinical chart. I hope all these precautions will help me carry out my duty as a nurse efficiently in years to come.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Electric Commuter Train Or Commuter Rail Tourism Essay
galvanising Commuter Train Or Commuter Rail Tourism essayElectric commuter twine chequer crop train or commuter rail is a passenger rail transport advantage between a city center and commuter towns that draw large subprograms of populate who run low on a daily basis. Commuter trains argon usually optimized for utmost passenger volume, in most cases without sacrificing too much comfort and luggage property, though they seldom have all the amenities of long-distance trains. This serving provided by the establishment in order to join to a greater extent appliance towards people for urban and rural atomic number 18as to move (White, 2002). The expediency is able to views the requirement and desire through the comprehension of Malaysian citizen towards the portion tincture of commuter train by Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB). The expediency theatrical role in the commuter train digest be measured by SERVQUAL dimension which is foc using ups in bourne of ta ngibles, dependableness and responsiveness (Parasuraman et. al., 1985). According to Wiki, SERVQUAL was originally measured on 10 aspects ofservice look reliableness, responsiveness, competence, access, courtesy, communication, credibility, security, understanding the nodeand tangibles. It measures the gap between customer vistas and experience.The service eccentric of the commuter train pay backs alpha liberate in order to have split and comfortable environment. The service case of the habitual transport in that argona seems un snug and average level, which ar strong-arm facilities in name of cleanliness and comfortableness, promptness, frequencies and responsiveness of the driver and conductor of the creation transports. Is it the go quality of the commuter train is really implemented well in this country whether in urban or rural areas? This is because much apportionment provided to reconstruct the quality of public transport. on that pointfore these explorees try to investigate the perception of the Malaysian citizen towards the service qualities of the Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB).Background of the field of operationIn Malaysia, KTM commuter is the one(a) of the electrified commuter train service that operated by Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB). It was first introduced in 1995 to add people particularly in Kuala Lumpur and the surrounding suburban areas and it is a frequent mode of transport for people who are working in Kuala Lumpur as they thunder mug make a motion to the city without being caught in transaction congestion. KTM commuter is currently the most profitable passenger service offered by KTMB, bring RM84.63 one million million million to group revenue in 2006, higher than KTM Intercitys profit of RM70.94 million in the same year (Nathan and Darshini, 2007). KTM commuter has attracted a significant number of passengers in the impartation market. According to the Ministry of Transport Malaysia 2008 Stati stics the annual ridership for KTM commuter was 36,557 millions of passengers (MOT, 2008).This information is important for KTMB generally and KTM commuter specifically to improve their run especially trains work. Having the information ga in that respectd from this study, they can look for in effect(p) ways in overcoming these problems and be much competitive in their service since the respondents for this study are KTM commuter customers themselves. From the findings of this study, the precaution can be made aware of the problems that they are facing everyday and the come up with proactive actions to provide better go to the customers. In return, the customers will enjoy a better quality of work in the future.Research objectivesThe objectives of the study areTo quantify the service quality perceived by passengers of Malaysian citizen who ride the KTM commuterTo view factors influencing the good services provided by KTM commuter.Problem statementThe current issues and pr oblems regards in the Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) public transports is the time arrival and time travel delaying. Many customers or passengers when went and used that service they was non satisfied with the service quality provided by this KTM B after used the KTM commuter service in term of punctuality and frequencies of train arrive. This issue showed even the public transportation is overhaul and in the urban areas just service quality is still wanting and not well implemented. This will lead to negative perception and not satisfy the consumer using the public transports (Karen Thompson, Peter Schofield 2002). The problem of time arrival delaying was related with the new(prenominal) problem which is the space in the KTM commuter. This is because insufficient space to carry more passengers and separates whereby the congestion occurred. Nowadays people out there mostly using a public transport like commuter as their transport so, the chance of increase passengers are higher than before. So when the space of KTM commuter limited and crowded it will become worsened to passengers to use and went it.Significant of the studyToday the need for an efficient and effective public transportation service like KTM commuter is becoming more importance in order to overcome these problems especially in the Klang Valley. excessively that, many another(prenominal) transportation companies are competing with each other to attract as many customers and gain more profit. It is imperative that KTM commuter needs to become more progressive and aggressive to compete with the competitors because nowadays, customers are becoming more demanding with the quality of the service. The want value for money that is they expect the service quality that they received from the service providers equals or exceeds what they had paid for (Mitra Lagerstrom, 2002). Reliability is focusing on frequencies and punctuality of the public transport arrives on time and able to meet the p erception expectation of the user. Reliability means the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately (Parasuraman, et. al., 1988). The measuring arrival of the public transport at the destination on time is of limited gain and will consecrate positive impact towards the public expectation and perceptions. The punctuality measured in term of time arrival and departure is important elements in reliability service quality of dimension.Theoretical frameworkSpeedPunctuality assistant qualitySpaceFrequencySafetyReliabilityTrain operationDEPENDENT VARIABLES relaxationINDEPENDENT VARIABLESResearch meditationThere are three hypothesis developed in this studyHypothesis 1 There is a significant difference between dimension of tangible and service quality of the Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB)Hypothesis 2 There is a significant difference between dimension of reliability and service quality of the Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB)Hypothesis 3 There is a signifi cant difference between dimension of responsiveness and service quality of the Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB)Task 2 (LOC 3 AC 3)Introduction literary productions look back is a documentation of a comprehensive review of the print and unpublished work from substitute(prenominal) sources of information in the areas of specific engage to the researcher. Past research on the phenomenon under investigation must chance key role in the process of problem formulation.Literature reviewCustomer pleasureAccording to our team survey , most of the people satisfied with KTMB services meanwhile there are some services that KTMB are not doing well in their job customer satisfaction are important because customer are judging by services based on pricing that KTMB create. KTMB also have to improve their services based on doing a survey, give a recommendation to customer itself, on other hand the customer also have to give their thought process on what there want or like.Customer commit talCustomer loyalty always follows satisfaction, which is determined from the service quality offered by the KTMB. It is also one of the most frequently used indicators to measure the triumph of a marketing strategy.Research methodologyIntroductionThe word methodology is the method that any researcher used with appropriate steps, method, technique and tools unneurotic with the approaches maneuvern in the research process.selective information collectionPrimary selective informationPrimary data is used for this research and the data is obtained using self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaire comprised of both sections. The first section is designed to capture the respondents demographic. The questions asked in this section are related to the respondents gender, nationality, ethnicity, age, marital status, and occupation. The second section is designed to measure the customers perceptions towards variant dimensions of services performance in KTM commuter service.The qu estionnaires are distributed among customers on age the train and those waiting for trains in the stations between 8 October to 10 October 2010. The sample for this study consists of 50 respondent in Batang Benar station.Secondary dataAccording Kotler and Armstrong, secondary data can be defined as information that already exists somewhere, having been salt away for another purpose. It may be getable from internal sources, or may have been collected and published by another organization. Secondary data usually can be obtained more quickly and at lower price than primary data as researchers can gain the needed data in form of government reports and statistics, company reports and accounts, articles or journals in internet and reports in newspapers. Besides, the data that has been collected can be used to get a new prospect on the current study, to compare the work from previous findings or to use as a reference for future study. The table below shows the secondary sources that wi ll be used in carrying out the research.SourcesExplanationBooksliterary work by professionals that relates to the food and beverage industry, guides on conducting research projects, as well as information on data of previously conducted research. lucreThe internet offers unlimited sources of information that caters to all topic areas.JournalsJournals are a good source of secondary data, as they may contain decisive information of a certain period of time.Past ResearchData from previous research can be used to compare the statistics and other informationTask 3 (LOC 3 AC 4 and LOC 4 AC 1 and AC 2)Here are more ideas as to how to solve the problem on transportation. This research can understand for rest why KTMB designate their routes Seremban-Rawang and Sentul-Port Klang. except being so rigid well-nigh it can lead to adverse effects.Most people who take the KTM commuter are doing it to get in and out of the city (e.g. Subang Jaya-Sentral). Or users who honorable want to travel d own the line (e.g. Seremban-Kajang). Although there must be people who use it to cross the Klang Valley (e.g. Seremban-Rawang), they are not in the majority. The way the service routes are designed, it seems silly why these trains have to gain one full travel back and forth each discriminate for every run.Actual fact, delays at one part of the system can lead to other trains being delayed elsewhere, further down the line. For example, a Rawang-Seremban service might be delayed simply because somewhere in Kajang, there is a delay. In other words, researcher suggesting that the operations of these services should be made somewhat a bit more free lance to each other.KTMB should consider introducing a variety of routes. Other than that, at not so busy hours, they should maintain their current service routes, as usual. But at peak hoursSeremban-Tasik Selatan Passengers take the Sri Petaling LRT or KLIA Transit to continue their journeys.Rawang-Bank Negara Passengers take the Sri Pe taling and Ampang LRT to continue their southward journeys.Reduce service on the Sentul KTM branch passengers can hope off at Bank Negara to continue on the Sri Petaling and Ampang LRT. pull in express services that bypass not-so busy stations.Introduce services that give-up the ghost and terminate at busy stations like Subang Jaya, Serdang etc. shambling up a Komuter station at Abdullah Hukum to allow westerly passengers to bypass Sentral (and at long last putting Abdullah Hukum to good use).Continue serving the usual full Rawang-Seremban and Sentul-Port Klang routes but at low frequencies.With the savings of bowl stock, couple those together to behave busy routes.The delays experienced by KTM commuter users seem to be with regards to opposition intercity and freight trains, and usually this is most severe in KL, from the Jalan Bangsar Junction to Jalan Kuching. course the most sensible thing would be to schedule all trains, and make sure they follow their schedules. But the y dont, for reasons sometimes beyond KTMs control.There is the issue of different grades of service on different lines. KLIA Transit, being the most posh, followed by the LRTs and Monorail and the KTM commuter at the bottom. And with this, also have different fares for similar journeys.For example, for the journeyBandar Tasik Selatan to KL SentralKomuter RM1.00KLIA Transit RM4.20Sentul to Bandaraya/Bank Negara (although Sentul KTM and LRT are at different places)Komuter RM1.00LRT RM1.40It is also inescapable that KTM has toImprove on its scheduling and also further computerization with business control.Increase in capacity by acquiring more rolling stock to articulate the current trains and to have more train sets in service.Improve its station quality as well as desegregation with other rail lines.CUsersANNA HBCRDesktopKlktm.gifFindingTo find effectiveness of KTMB as a public transportationKTMB was an effective way to travel as a public transportation. KTMB was the responden ts choice as a public transportation to travel around Rawang-Seremban, Sentul-Port Klang. Alternative public transportation that the respondents choose was bus.To separate the areas covered by KTMBKTMB covers the area that the respondents were going therefore it showed that the respondent were gifted and satisfied with the areas covered by KTMB. The areas that had been covered by KTMB was shut to the respondent study and to Mid Valley which one of a top spot for tourist and people to shop and hang out.To compare the fare of KTMB with other public transportationThe researcher found out that the respondent were satisfied with the ticket price of KTMB compared with the price of other public transportation. The factor that many respondents were satisfied was the fare price is cheaper than taking other public transportation. KTMB was close to the place that many respondents were going therefore KTMB was the majority respondents choice of transportation.To contemplate the frequency of travelers using KTMB transportationThe researcher found out that the travel frequency for KTMB was adequate for respondents as many of the respondents used this service to travel around Rawang-Seremban, Sentul-Port Klang. Important factor would be that the respondents used this service because their workplace is situated in KL Central, Mid Valley and etc also to avoid traffic jams.Gantt Chart for Research Project ProposalActivityStart come acrossDuration (days) destination DateProposal14/9/2011317/9/2011 conform to Methodology14/9/2011115/9/2011Literature Review18/9/20111210/9/2011Authors18/9/2011725/9/2011 government Publications27/9/201174/10/2011Questionnaire conceptualisation5/10/201116/10/2011Interview and Survey6/10/201128/10/2011Tally and die Survey Questionnaire8/10/201119/10/2011 abate Discussion and Conclusion9/10/2011110/10/201114/9/20118/10/201125/10/20116/10/2011ProposalSurvey MethodologyLiterature ReviewAuthorsGovernment PublicationsQuestionnaire PreparationInte rview and SurveyTally and Analyze SurveyEnd Discussion and ConclusionStart DateDuration (days)Task 4 (LOC 4 AC 3)Conclusion and recommendationFindings of this study have important practical to management of quality of the Malaysian rail services. This study demonstrates the usefulness as a measure of service quality. The measurement scale also serves to identify symptoms and the underlying problems that inhibit the effective provision of quality services in rail transport.Once the attributes of rail services from the customers perspective are more clearly known and understood, its service providers will be in a better position to anticipate consumer requirements rather than to react to consumer dissatisfaction. The attributes of reliability and tangibles have been identified by respondents to be the most important dimensions of service quality. These two dimensions were also found to have the highest gap (perception minus expectation), implying that customers expectation of reliabi lity and tangibles dimensions of the railway services are not met by KTMB. Although these findings cannot be generalized to the overall passenger profile, KTMB should use it as an impetus to assess their services, particularly to study ways of improving on their reliability and tangibles dimensions.KTMB management could start by improving on staff training, especially to train their staff to be more professional and courteous when dealing with customers. The public confidence of KTMB has to be gained and the best way is for the management to look at improving on aspects such as reliability of services, improving somatogenetic facilities, training of staff and communicating precise information on train schedules.In view of the intense competition in the transport heavens with the opening of the North-South Highway, it is imperative that the management of KTMB carry out more research to discover any shortfalls in service quality and to take prerequisite corrective measures in case of a shortfall. This could ensure that the service quality of KTMB provides the best to its consumers in order to compete effectively with other modes of transport. As the consumer plays a key role in the definition and evaluation of the quality of rail services offered, managers of KTMB should incorporate consumer expectations and perceptions in the formulation of effective long marketing strategy.KTM should improved the train service in terms of the punctuality and provide a suitable frequency (for example every 10 minutes) to reduce congestion at the stations especially during peak hours. This study also recommends that future researchers should come out with the focus groups to compare the opinion between KTMB users with other transportation mode users.
Organizational Culture and Leadership Styles of Enron
Organizational Culture and drawing cardshiphip Styles of EnronTo begin, matchless should look at the background of Enron and how it became the coarsest energy transaction company in the piece (Needle, 2004) in less than two decades. Founded in 1985 in a merger between Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth, Enron expanded from pipelines to electricity and online occupation. Enron was base in Houston, Texas and it built pipelines, power stations and gas plants in the the States and around the world Kenneth Lay was the Chairman and chief operating officer. jibe to the documentary choose Enron The Smartest Guys in the Room, the arrival of Jeffrey Skilling as chief executive officer was a turning percentage point in Enrons business activities. Skilling was a visionary initiator and he adage the future of Enron as a middleman in nationwide and spheric energy trading. The tide of energy deregulation in the 1990s do it possible for Enrons senior executives to convince investors, pecuniary regulators, and the United States Government that its deal of financial instruments similarly cognize as derivatives was economically sound.ORGANIZATIONAL horti cultu authenticOrganisational destination was adept of the important views which contend a crucial manipulation in the downfall of Enron. Using Scheins layered conceptualisation of culture (Rollinson, 2008) iodine commode begin by analysing the core of the culture similarly known as basic assumptions. In this layer, main desire of an organization is to hit wealth for its sh arholders, employees, and investors. As revealight-emitting diode in the documentary film, the commission and trading floors were preoccupy with value of the Enron stock from which wealth would be generated batch inside Enron literally did whatever they could to ensure that the stock kept rising to attract win investments.The next layer in Scheins model is values and beliefs. Here priming coat of reward and effort be in instan tly recognised as an important aspect of Enron. As menti cardinald before, Enron paid large bonuses to employees and partners who performed their chew over exceptionally well. To receive these rewards some divisions of Enron falsified information regarding their financial performance. In this layer we also find trust and h integritysty which Enron did receive from its customers and employees until its downfall. In fact the buffet and disbelief of its employees and customers evidently supports the model that Enron was a respected business in the investor community and in the government.The final layer, artefacts and creations, argon those most visible to the public public. As the 7th largest company in the USA there was relatively a lot of publicity regarding Enron as the loss attracter in regeneration having received the Fortune honour of Americas Most Innovative Company hexad long clock in a row. It became a norm on the trading floors to cipher overtime in hope of recei ving bonuses. In the documentary, a local anaesthetic priest revea direct how some employees came to see him for counselling as they felt that Enron was winning over their lives. Symbols of hierarchy were also explicit Kenneth Lay, Skilling and most senior managers meshed large offices in the top floors while traders operated on the lower floors. Myths and stories is a very interesting aspect since senior management circulated stories regarding devilish trips inducing the idea of a macho culture where it is admirable to find risks. This furthered the notion that it was acceptable for throng at all levels in the Enron hierarchy to take risks to expand the company. Last merely not least, taboos were considered the few hardly strongly outspoken criticisms it received by few investors and journalists these were ignored completely. This blunt ignorance played a major role in its downfall because it could still be in business today if it had responded to early criticism.LEADERThe re are a lot of definitions for the term Leader. One of the definition which suits the attraction in this case study being A person who holds a supreme or superior agency at bottom its field, and is able to exercise a high degree of control or incline over others.Jeff skilling, the CEO of Enron has been depicted as the leader in this case. He was aggressive, intelligent and have exemplary lead qualities which was incremental in creating a culture of belligerence and incentivised competition in the organisation. He cute to alter the way in which Energy was being traded. He acquireed in initiating a market for born(p) gas wherein it started being traded as stocks. He converted energy into a financial instrument and this led to Enron becoming the largest energy trader in North America.In the movie, Bethany has said that Jeff Skilling was an inspi quick of scent leader who inspired his work force and empowered them. He was a genius who controlled the working environment wit h his intelligence, asking employees to believe that they are the best group of employees and understand that they are associated with the best organization in the world.LEADERSHIP TRAITSTraits are distinguishing qualities or characteristics of a person, while character is the sum total of these traits. The much of these you display as a leader, the more your pursual exit believe and trust in you. The five leading traits/ leading qualities are honest, forward-looking, competent, inspiring and intelligent.Jeff skilling was very practically forward-looking in nature as he always wanted to work up maximum out of the business and wanted Enron to be one of the largest organization in the world. He was inspirational to numerous sight including the parcel holders, employees, media and flat stock brokers/analyst. These multitude blindly deciphered him because of his attractive leadership style. He was one the intelligent minds in Enron. Under his leadership the organisation change from a small energy market player to the biggest energy trading company in North America with a rapidly expanding orbiculate operations network. The company was being driven by the aggressive and individualistic attitude which was strongly ingrained in the system by Jeff Skilling and the policies of the management team up for attaining short term profit. These were palmy in achieving the results in hindsight merely were seriously damaging the ethical balance in the system. His charisma had many apart(p) side tendencies which overlooked the ethical side of the business leading the company to go down in a few years time frame.LEADERSHIP STYLEAn influential definition of leadership states as follows The process whereby one individual influences other group members towards the attainment of delimitate group, or organizational goals. (Barron Greenberg, 1990).The case of Enron singles out two individuals in picky with leadership qualities namely Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Sk illing. Group members whitethorn be considered to be the employees of Enron unless in the documentary mentioned above, many obtain out that the traders acting the day-to-day business activities are those most influenced by the CEO. From the quote one can also see that the traders desire to be known as the ones making the most money for the company and the desire for Lay and Skilling to be rich and influential are two goals which go well overhaul in hand. However it may be this mutual desire which blind some(prenominal) partners and drove them to greed and illegality. It is now one turns to the role of leadership in the downfall of Enron.Although both Lay and Skilling essentially are managers prescribed by those with the most shares in Enron, it is evident that during their tenure they possessed leadership qualities which affected their subordinates.Using first the descriptive prelude to leadership (Rollinson 2008), one can observe that many people inside and outside the Enron respect Lay for his rise from a modest preacher family to a Washington-insider and CEO of a billion dollar company. In America, individualism is regarded as the overabundant workplace culture and as CEO of Enron Lays influence was therefore significant. In essence Lay embodies the capitalist ideate in the US in particular. Having received the leadership mantel Lay bluntly lied to his subordinates and investors regarding the financial state of Enron as it faced financial difficulties. This prolonged the period of debts and may be the reason to the speed of the eventual collapse.Jeffrey Skilling as well as being the appointed CEO possessed leadership qualities of a contrastive kind. The functional approach to leadership (Rollinson 2008) shows that Skilling arguably acquired his leadership status as accredited with the visionary movement of Enron into the online trading medium. Ironically, it is likely that this new complicated trading paved way for the accounting fraud to come an d ca utilise the downfall.An aspect perhaps less investigated but which also affects leadership is the idea of interchangeable causality (Rollinson 2008). The pursual, in this case the employees in return for their fealty to the leaders also demand something in return. It is acknowledged that many traders received large bonuses for creating wealth for the company. At best this gave employees incentive to work hard with dedication and work overtime and at worst it engaged some, in particular traders, in illegality as shown in the documentary with the California blackouts.5.1 Transactional and transformational leadershipIn transactional leadership, the leader holds the power and has the control over his employees or followers. He provides incentives for followers to do what he wants. Hence, if an employee does what is desired, a reward will follow and he or she does not, a punishment or with holding of the reward will occur.In transformational leadership, positive changes can be o bserved in the followers. Transformational leaders are very energetic, enthusiastic and passionate by nature. They are primarily concerned about the processes and are always knotty in it to make it even better. These kinds of leader interact with their employees, take their suggestions into consideration and help them to succeed in their work.The best leadership is both transformational and transactional. Transformational leadership augments the effectiveness of transactional leadership it does not replace transactional leadership, (Walsman, Bass, Yammarino, 1990). Transaction is an effective and necessary tool for leaders at all levels. Transformational leaders generally resort to the transactional style when they do not find a suitable solution for any of the riddle faced. When the transformational leader sees him/her in a win-lose negotiation he tries to convert it into a win-win problem solving situation. If this is not possible, then he or she can display the transactional s kills necessary as an effective negotiator, (Walsman, Bass, Yammarino, 1990). Transactional and transformational leadership are antithetical from each other but still they are not in return exclusive processes and different leaders may use both of these found on different situations. This may be termed as situational leadership where the leader responds differently under different circumstances showing the behaviour of both transactional and transformational leadership.Jeff Skilling demonstrated both these styles in his leadership. He was transactional in the sense that involved an exchange taking place between leader and follower. He wanted employees to believe on his words and make sure that each and either employee work according to his instructions and timelines, making sure that maximum production is achieved in the minimum time. For this, he kept on motivating employees by rewarding them for the work done. He was also simultaneously transformational where in the follower s were motivated to transcend their own self interests for the good of the group, organization, or society. According to Jeff Skilling, certain elements like hiring the most talented people and providing them a contest environment for them to perform to their best, flattening the traditional corporate hierarchy to encourage personalized accountability, efficiency, and motivation, being first in new markets and adopting the best systems and technology are critical for maintaining an environment where innovation can thrive.5.2 CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP AND furorIn charismatic leadership, the leader has the ability to communicate and behave in such a basic and emotional way that the followers are inspired and motivated in a great way. Being charismatic may be difficult, but not impossible because many people have the capability to communicate on a very strong emotional level and they even include some personality traits. magnetic leadership is not an essential to be an effective leade r and more ever relying on charisma to lead can also be problematic. Jeff Skilling was one of the charismatic leaders, who lacked other leadership characteristics and skills (e.g. integrity), who led his followers into situations that turned out horribly.At Enron, Skilling aimed at developing a charisma strain around him. He did every possible thing to promote himself and his views which was accordant with the business. The employees at Enron, media and even the market analyst believed his words blindly without mark verifying or questioning any his argument or annunciation made by him. Skilling and Lay were successful in controlling the minds of people. They were internally known as Darth Vader.Charisma is a powerful attribute in many cult leaders which is use in a shun way for self-serving and being destructive to others. Charisma is useful during the cult formation. Only an influential and strong-willed leader can convince others to follow him and belief his words. People mi sinterpret the quality of this cult leader and the leader foster them belief in his special qualities.At Enron, the leaders had the disposition of living in unusual wealth this is a disparity that is used in reinforcing the intuition that the individuals possess extraordinary charisma, insight and abilities. The CEO led an ultra opulent life. A good example is Kenneth Lay, an executive leader of Enron he had to pay a sum of $7 million for an apartment, which together with his wife transformed into a Venetian fortress with deep velvets, dark woods and a period sanctuary (Watkins Swartz, 2003).POWER AND INFLUENCELeaders generally use two kinds of powers- Position power which is due to the position they hold in an organisation and Personal power. We can safely say that Skilling had both at his disposal. In terms of position, he would offer rewards to people who did a good job, hence demonstrating Reward power and also people would comply to his orders as they thought he was at a lev el of authority t make that request and they had to obey. This showed the use of legitimate power. likewise due to the knowledge he had and what was demonstrated in the movie followers even looked up to him, this showed the use of expert power. He also used referent power which was the personal power he could use to influence people. People wanted to gain his approval as they admired him and were fearsome by his charismatic personality and were willing to do anything to stay in his good books or be commended by him.Skilling influenced people by rational persuasion and inspirational appeals by being logical in his arguments but also at the corresponding time appealing to their values and acquiring their commitment as this was needed to prevent the whistle blowing of all the activities that were calamity within Enron. All employees were part of the Enron game, which could only be done by showing them a better future for the organisation.FOLLOWERSFollowers were in awe of Skilling. They drew a blind eye to everything wrong adventure within Enron. The charismatic personality was having its effect on the people, and even though under normal situations they probably would have acted different, under Skillings leadership, they were committed and loyal. They wanted his approval, and they believed in the vision he showed them. They were unaware of the fact that they were being played. Skillings job was to get higher profits for all the stakeholders and that was exactly what he was seek to achieve. As mentioned in the movie, Enron captured the hearts and minds of stock analysts. Employees were very much ring by the healthy environment of the company and the stock price of Enron was an fixation among them. They believed that Jeff Skilling was the person responsible for this and thus followed his instructions to enjoy the benefits of the companys performance. They worked extra hours to execute the demand raised by Jeff Skilling as they were been promised bonuses a nd rewards for the completion of task on time.LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENTEnhancement of leadership quality and skills of a leader within an organization is termed as leadership development. These skill enhancements results from experience and time spent within the organization.Jeff Skilling was one of the finest minds and that was the reason why Kenneth Lay recruited him and introduced him to Enron. He spent time understanding the essentials of Enron and followed the directions of Lay to get a detainment on the organizational process. Soon he understood that the halo of Enron was found on the belief of the stakeholders who followed Enron strategy blindly. He, as a leader, made sure that the followers follow his words and work according to his strategy. For this he followed the transactional approach to make sure that every employee is giving his best effort to get the work done on time, so that he is eligible for rewards. At the same time he also added some transformational methods to make the employees feel that they are equally involved in organizations development. As per the movie, he even changed up his get up to look more vibrant. He also followed situational leadership methods to tackle different situation and keep everyone on the same track that whatever he is doing is for the betterment of the organization and its stakeholders. His leadership aura spread and everyone started feeling that whatever Skilling does is a stepping stone towards the success of Enron and everyone is waiver to be benefitted from his strategic move. He even became the CEO of company within a few years time frame. He developed, from an employee, to a successful leader who was considered as icon in US industries. This self-confidence of his increase over the period the time and he kept exploiting the re microbes to fulfil his dreams and briefly the dark side of his charismatic leadership was exposed.CONCLUSIONThe reasons for the downfall of Enron were analysed from the leadership and ethical perspectives. The movie Enron The Smartest Guys in the room was a great source of information which helped in conducting an analysis about the cultural and leadership patterns in the organization. It was observed that Enron had an obligation to all its stakeholder but those were not met at the end. Enron executives made unethical and illegal decisions based on their personal benefit but those went totally wrong.The leaders job was to provide the vision for the group but it was done in an unethical manner. The view provided to the employees, media, stock analysts and external world was doctored unethically and improper practises were projected as the best business practises by the ubiquitous skills of Jeff Skilling and Kenneth Lay. The dark side of charismatic leadership was observed in the movie, where Jeff Skilling had a dream and ability to get the company to support that dream but he used his charismatic aura to influence people in wrong direction. He provided a self -manipulated framework by which the employees in the organization can achieve their dreams in the form of rewards and bonuses. But the companys culture did not allow the employees to challenge and question the ideas of Jeff Skilling. Rather they were given the send and timeliness and asked to achieve it by planning accordingly, in order to be eligible for rewards and bonuses. Enron did not allow dissent, people who suggested alternatives were castigated for not being team players. The leaders produced an environment of fear, stagnation and antipathy in the organization and this led to the downfall of the Enron.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Immanuel Kants Ethics Of Pure Duty and John Stuart Mills Utilitarian
Immanuel Kants The foundation garment For The Metaphysics of Morals and John Stuart Mills UtilitarianismImmanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill argon philosophers who addressed the issues of morality in terms of how moral traditions be formed. Immanuel Kant has presented nonp atomic number 18il viewpoint in The Grounding For The Metaphysics of Morals that is founded on his belief that the charge of man is inherent in his ability to reason. John Stuart Mill holds other opinion as presented in the book, Utilitarianism that is seemingly in contention with the thoughts of Kant. What is nearly distinctive about the ethics of morality is the idea of responsibilities to occurrence individuals. gibe to Kant and Mill, moral obligations are not fundamentally particularistic in this counsel because they are rooted in universal moral principles. Mill and Kant are both philosophers whom have made great impact on their particular fields of philosophy and a critique of their theories in relatio n to apiece other may help develop a better taking into custody to them and their theories individually.Mill?s utilitarianism scheme is a version of the ideal sentiment theory. So is Kant?s, but there are differences. Mill holds an empiricist theory while Kant holds a reasoning(prenominal)ist theory. Kant grounds morality in forms that he believes, are necessary to free and rational practical judgment, namely his deontological ethics. Mill?s utilitarian theory is a form of consequentialism because the rightness or inappropriateness of an act is determined by the consequences. Thus, deontologicalism and consequentialism are the main criticisms for both these theories. Kant?s ethics of pure duty is the basis for his categorical imperative, which provides the basis for his universalistic duty based theory. Mill?s theory of utilitarianism is a capital form of consequentialism. Both deontologicalism and consequentialism are valid points of argument to the ethics of an fulfill bu t they are also argumentative towards each other. Mill, in his afterwards work, On Liberty, adds deontologicalism to correct his consequentialist view. John Stuart Mill, who made utilitarianism the subject of one of his philosophical treatise Utilitarianism (1863), is the most proficient defender of this doctrine after Jeremy Bentham. His contribution to the theory consists in his recognition of distinctions of quality, in addition to those of intensity, among pleasu... ... will is the distinction of rational beings to all else, we may take this direction to always respecting the will of others. However, Kant cannot lodge that we never act contrary to someones will because this could not be followed in a situation where wills conflict. It might be closer to Kants idea to lay out him as requiring persons always to respect others as capable of acting for principles, and thence ably prepared to restrain our actions towards others if they or we could not will our byword to be univ ersal law.Works CitedMill, John Stuart, Utilitarianism, Hackett Publishing Company Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, 1979, original Publication, 1861Kant Immanuel, Grounding For The Metaphysics Of Morals, Third Edition, Hackett Publishing Company Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, 1993, Original Publication, 1785Internet Sources ConsultedKant, Immanuel. Selections from Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals. Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals (1993) 104-112. Blackboard. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.Mill, John Stuart, Utilitarianism, N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. .
Platos Meno Essay -- essays research papers
The dialogue opens up with Meno asking what equity is and whether it could be taught. Socrates asks Meno for a general definition of sexual abstention, since as Socrates points out, we can non figure out if truth can be taught if we do not have a classify idea what it is. Socrates is looking for a general, or formal definition of sexual abstention, not just examples or instances of it. Socrates wants to cut what all the examples of meritoriousness have in common. He wants to know the essence of virtue. Meno initially offers a list of virtues, exactly Socrates rejects this as a sufficient account. Meno also states that there are unlike virtues for everyone. The virtue of a man is to order a state and the virtue of a woman is to order a household. I believe that virtue can be found in everything, smashing, bad, or ugly. Meno makes an interesting point. How volition one know when they find virtue if they do not know virtue? The Socratic paradox is Socrates visible claim that virtue is a kind of knowledge, and vice a kind of ignorance. It is a paradox because hoi polloi usually think a person can know the good and still fail to do it. That is, people usually think that virtue is more than a matter of knowing, it is also a matter of willing. Socrates says that if virtue were knowledge, then anybody who really knew the good would automatically be good. Indeed if Socrates is near that virtue is knowledge, it would be impossible to know the good and not to be good. For example, Christians know s...
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Personal Narrative- Moose Hunt Essay -- Personal Narrative
ain Narrative- Moose HuntIt was the middle of October, and it was fin all toldy time for my long expect moose hunt. I exhaust waited ever since I was a comminuted girl for this opportunity, and it was finally here. So, my father and I packed up our pinch and left the warmth of Phoenix. We were leaving the Valley of the Sun and headed for a break by means of called Wyoming. After two daylighttimes and fourteen long hours of driving, we made it to our hunt down unit. The mountains were tall (11,000 feet +) and covered with bright powdery snow. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. I was eager to stigmatize-up camp and prepare for our nine day hunt. But, Dad said that we had to drive around and check out all the good places, just to make sure that we were in the best area. This was partly understandable, but since I am a teenager Im not conjectural to understand anything So, we spent another(prenominal) several hours driving. We went up and down through with(predicat e) the mountains and then we saw it. The spot was beautiful it was right on the keenness of a vertical drop-off, over insureing everything. It was like paradise, but colderWe set up our camper and got everything ready to go for morn. Sooner than I knew it, morning came and that annoying alarm clock was ringing in my ear. I late dragged myself out of bed and got ready to go on yet another driving/ scouting trip. This would be our first opportunity to really look around and see what these mountains had to offer. We spent several days really scouting the entire unit, and we had seen several decent bulls. Finally, the evening before opening day we spotted the best bull yet, and he was right by the jeep trail I decided that he was the one I wanted. He was with a cow and a calf, so we thought he would credibly be i... ...e high in front of the lungs and behind the brisket. All of his release had been internal. An inch either way would have made our tracking personal credit line a l ot easier. But then I would not have had such a great story to tell We also imbed that my third shot with the 300 grain hollow point went through the moose and took out both lungs. My final shot broke his book binding and dropped him in his tracks.They say that the easy part of moose hunting is up until you pull the trigger. Well, if this had been the easy part, I did not want to know what the embarrassing part was. Then, six hours later, I understood Actually, we finally had a successful break a half-mile before we caught up to the moose they had crossed a jeep trail. So, after we de-boned the Moose, it only took us four hours of packing fully loaded pack frames to get him to the roadand we are still take that tasty meat.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Cuba Essay example -- Cuban Politics, Communism, Fidel Castro,
Cuba is a very unique res publica with regards to government and politics. It is characteristic not only in its being the last communist country in Latin America, but also due the fact that it has and is play to undergo major changes with regards to government policy. Through analysis of the five criteria for democracy, and interrogatory of remainss theory, policy-making scientists can see that Cuba is on the path to momentous political change due to its rapidly deteriorating, soviet modeled, communist government. Before breakout down the components of the criteria for democracy and systems theory as they apply to Cuba, it is important to briefly consider the same countries history. Cubas current government began after death chair Batista was overthrown in a violent coup led by Fidel Castro in 1959. In 1961 Castro formally declared Cuba a socialist read it is promptly recognized simply as a totalitarian communist state (US State dept, 3/25/10). While the Cuba does have a written temper allotting civil rights, it for all intents and purposes, negates these liberties by declaring that, any citizen attempting to prevent the proceeds of socialism is exempt from said rights (US State dept, 3/25/10). The constitution also identifies the Cuban Communist Party as the only political party with legal legitimacy. As one may have already inferred from these mingy governmental laws, the economy is also controlled entirely by the communist party, this but is one of the interesting points in the analysis of the Cuban political the system as a large portion of the government employed custody is soon to be fired in favor of a move to the private sector (The Economist, Nov. 2010). At the time of the US state departments spread over on Cuba, eighty-t... ... five criteria for democracy as presented by Charles Hauss, Cuba failed miserably in competitive elections and rule of law, on the other hand while sure far from industrialized democracies, recent develop ments hint at the potential for improvements in civil rights and the prevalence of capitalism. As far as systems theory is implicated in Cuba, it is almost impossible until improvements are made In the aforementioned civil rights criterion. Finally as it compares to other communist countries, Cuba is showing signs of locomotion the path of the USSR and facing collapse as Perestroika begins and the regime is restructured. All things considered, Cuba has obtain an immensely intriguing country for political scientists in recent geezerhood as it has begun several transitions toward far greater democratization than it had ever undergo under its former leader.
Arthur James Balfour and the Balfour Declaration :: Middle East History
Arthur James Balfour and the Balfour Declaration super recognised for his continuous confirm of the establishment of a Jewish depicted object homeland in heaven and the Balfour Declaration, Arthur James Balfour is one of the most great(p) individual figures that contributed to the seemingly inevitable solvent of the State of Israel in 1948. The Balfour declaration added a new dimension and even greater complications to the conflict in the midst of the Arabs and Jews in Palestine. The declaration was issued on November 2nd, 1917 on behalf of the British governance announcing its complement in the formation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. It is contained in a letter from the British foreign secretary and former point Minister, Arthur James Balfour to a prominent British Jew, Lord Rothschild. There ar 3 distinct parts in the declaration. First, it favours the establishment in Palestine of a case home for the Jewish people. By this declaration it became blatantly obvious tha t the British government, in which Balfour had a strong influence, recognised the Zionist contention that Jews had a claim to Palestine as a national home. The impact of the low gear clause of the declaration is somewhat lessened by the second which recognises the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine. Balfour intended to convince the Arabs that their rights would non be affected, thus the power for the second clause os the declaration. each involved in this intricate declaration immediately saw that these twain clauses could well turn out to be contradictory, which was exactly what transpired. It is found that this was the basic cause of Jewish-Arab hostility in Palestine until 1948. Instead of settling the onset between Arabs and Jews, Balfours declaration had the reverse effect. Jews were somewhat grateful for Balfours intervention and support in the for the retaining of their rightful homeland, while the Arabs in Palestine despised the British government for allowing Balfour to intervene in such a manner. Hebrews, now known as Jews, believe Palestine is their rightful homeland in accordance to their sanctum sanctorum Book, the Torah and their covenant with their God. This is where the conflict lies because Muslims believe that Palestine is their rightful land as is said in their Holy Book, the Quraan. Thus being part of the reason of the never-ending aggression between these two religious denominations and uprise of military force at the proposed declaration by Arabs. This crucial affirmation of support by Balfour on behalf of the British government is often described as the first great achievement of the Zionist movement, and even as the foundation pit of the Jewish state.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Comparison Of Trade Rivalries :: essays research papers
The German- smashing Britain backing tilt like the U.S.- lacquer trade rivalry involved a rising power cutting into the trade ofan already dominant trading power. There were several causes of the German-Great Britain trade rivalry correspond to Hoffman. The first was Germans diligences zeal in procuring cutting contracts and expanding markets. They did this by fulfilling contracts even if they were in truth small and constantly trying to stay up with market demand. Second, Germans had a knowledge of languages that the English firms lacked. Third, German industry was aided by their government. In contrast Great Britain did not even supply consular supporter in helping develop markets in British colonies. Fourth, British trade was hurt bythe conservatism of British manufacturers who were unwilling to develop new markets or hold onto those it already possessed. These four factors be just both(prenominal) of the factors that helped German industry grow and rival that of Great Br itain. These four factors are all very similar to the Japan-U.S. trade rivalry. Japan like Germany was satisfactory to catch up to the U.S. because the U.S. was large and arrogant and refused to believe it could face competition from Japan. Like Britain, U.S. industry believed that they could hold onto markets and would not face competition. British and U.S. industry were startled by the fast rate of growth and industrialization that allowed Germany and Japan to transform themselves quickly into trading rivals. This fast rate of growth likewise caused corrasion between both sets of countries. Relations between Germany and Great Britain were dishonored as they bickered over markets in particular colonies in Africa . This is similar to the friction between the U.S. and Japan unfair trading practices and closed markets. Both the U.S. and Great Britain in response to losing markets toyed with the idea of economic nationalism and tariffs. As Britain preoccupied markets to Germany m any in Britain felt that Britain should adopt tariffs on goods while others know as the free traders believed that a free trade would benefit Britain by creating markets. This split between Tariff Reformers and Free Traders is similar to the split in the U.S. between those in favor of free trade and those opposed to it. Germanys overhear for new markets in the 1890s through commercial treaties such as the 1891 agreement with Austria-Hungry is similar to both the United States and Japans free trade zones with neighboring
Biblical and Classical Interpretations of the Witches of The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays
Biblical and Classical Interpretations of the Witches of The Scarlet letter The theme of witchcraft is twine into the fabric of The Scarlet Letter. The introductory Custom-House chapter includes an appeal by the author to annihilate any witches curses on his family. Once he takes us back to the capital of Massachusetts of the 1640s, he frequently hints about the cohorts of the Black Man who meet in the woods beyond the town. But if the reader understands the classical meaning of the rallying cry witchcraft such as used in the Bible and opposite(a) classical works, then we understand that Hawthorne had something more in mind than the melancholy cultists like Mistress Hibbins. The real witch of The Scarlet Letter was a far more sinister character, a personality who makes a significant statement about the nature of man. The Greek New Testament and Septuagint on Witchcraft Witchcraft occurs only once in the King throng New Testament and sorcery twice--Galatians 520, Revelati on 921 and 1823. The articulate in the Greek New Testament in all three cases is pharmakeia, derived from the develop pharmakon (drug), the source of the position word pharmacy and its cognates. The standard koin Greek-English Lexicon translates the word as sorcery or magic, unless its cognate sorcerer (pharmakous) used in Revelation 218 and 2215 is translated mixer of poisons as well as magician. The line of descent of both speech communication, pharmakon, literally means poison or drug.1 A few key Old Testament passages about witches which are lots associated with the puritans such as Exodus 2218 (Thou shalt non suffer a witch to live--KJV) use pharmakous in the Septuagint--the word translated sorcerer in Revelation 218 and 2215.2 The Greek New Testament and the Septuagint version of the Hebrew Scriptures use different words such as mageia (magic) when other types of occult practices like name on spirits or using curses are meant. In English such words are usually trans lated wizard, necromancer, or some other appropriate word or phrase.2 Because of the Greek word chosen in each case, it appears that the New Testament authors and Septuagint translators understood the idea of witchcraft in terms of the use of drugs or poisons. Finding the Witch according to this translation Now there is a character in The Scarlet Letter who would be convicted of witchcraft, Mistress Hibbins. She characterizes the witch of New England folklore such as we weigh in Young Goodman Brown.
Lincoln In American Memory by Merrill D. Peterson Essay -- Book Review
O Captain My Captain Our fearful trip is through with(p) The ship has weatherd every rack, the prize we sought is won The ship is anchord well(p) and sound, its voyage closed and done From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with bearing won Walt Whitmans description of a ship weathering a powerful storm, and locomote safe with its mission complete, perfectly illustrates the United States enduring the divisions of the Civil War. This poetry is one of numerous commemorations to the sixteenth president of the United States, Abraham capital of Nebraska. Merrill D. Peterson, author of Lincoln in American Memory, examines an interesting variety of sources, including statues and prints made of Lincoln everyplace the years in addition to the numerous biographies written, and attributes three prominent images to the bequest of Abraham Lincoln Savior of the Union, the Great Emancipator, and the Self-made Man. From the moment Lincoln died on Saturday, April 15, 1865, these images ha ve developed in the hearts and minds of the American public, withstood the test of time, and salvage remain to this day (Peterson 1).The day had been Good Friday on the Christian schedule when the commander in chief had been shot, and immediately his correlation to the life of deliveryman Christ as an American martyr began (Peterson 1)Both were born in forlorn hovels. Both Joseph and Thomas their fathers were simple carpenters. Both were humble, kind, sorrowful, and loving of their partner man. Both spoke in parables. Both were sent to fulfill churchman missions and preceded by prophets who were executed John the Baptist and John Brown. On Palm sunshine Jesus journeyed to Jerusalem, Lincoln to (or from) Richmond one had his Last Supper, the other his work cabinet meeting (Peterson... ...With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the castigate as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the states wounds, to share for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may chance on and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. (Faragher 477)The nation would eventually reunify and forever commit to memory the images of Lincoln as Savior of the Union, the Great Emancipator, and the Self-made Man.Works CitedBasler, Roy P. Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. batch 5. Abraham Lincoln Association. 27 Feb. 2004 Faragher, John Mack, et al. Out of Many A record of the American People. parvenu Jersey Prentice, 2000.Peterson, Merrill D. . Lincoln in American Memory. New York Oxford University Press, 1994.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Literacy Narrative Essay -- Personal Narrative Literacy Education
Throughout my childhood, the idea of having a college education was greatly stressed. As a result, it was my duty as the next generational child, to outstrip in my studies and achieve a life of prosperity and success. Learning became the basic vowation of my growth. Therefore, my youth was overtaken by many a(prenominal) hours spent version and constitution what was kn proclaim to be correct Standard English. I first found this to be a great shortcoming, but as I grew older, I began to realize the many rewards acquired by having the ability to be literate person. During adolescence, I began cultivation and makeup by means of a fundamental learning program called, qualified on Phonics. This program consisted of long hours spent reading short novels and writing elementary phrases which were special Kly taught in the second and third grade. With the motto, Improve your childs reading and writing skills in just four weeks I was bound to hold out the next Mark Twain . The method of this course specialized in the improvements of news show acquisition rates as well as reading look sharp however, it lacked in the area of teaching comprehension. At a young age, I was instilled with the dire need to be highly educated and although I was unavailing to experience a fun and adventurous childhood like many other children, I am grateful for being raised with a greater knowledge and wisdom than that ingrained in many. From my past experiences, I have grown to prefer reading over writing. When I am reading, I can visualize the text in any bearing that I see fit. It is almost as if I am rewriting the novel using the illusions that I feel express the speech communication in a passage. For example, in the current independent novel I am reading, it portrays a woman of high stature who is able to lure ... ... that break up of reaction to the reading. Lastly, I can read at my own pace. I have no obligation to read speedily in order to seem as thou gh I have no complications with the words in the text.In my opinion, people should be given the right to emit and read in any language that they wish. Although, it may benefit them to be knowledgeable in the speech that is being taught and spoken in the common country, everyone has their own cultural background and each has the right to be literate in the way that they desire. They were given the right to freedom of speech through the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights and therefore, have the right to speak in their own native language. Literacy plays a major role in the lives of humans today. It gives us the power to read, speak and write and is therefore a valuable addition to society and the development of its economy.
Herman Melvilles Billy Budd - Captain Vere was Correct :: Herman Melville Billy Budd Essays
maestro Vere was Correct in nightstick Budd Captain Vere makes the correct decision by punish Billy Budd. If CaptainVere lets Billy live the persist of the clustering world power get the impression that they will not be held accountable for their crimes. If the crew feels that they can get away with what ever they want then on that point is a chance that they world power form a rebellion and draw a anarchy. A riot would destroy the stability and good figure of speech of the ship and the crew. Captain Vere does not want to see this happen. There are three main reasons Captain Vere makes the right decision by executing Billy Budd. These reasons are that if Billy lives then a mutiny might hail, because the law states that a crime as severe as Billys is penal by death, and Captain Vere feels sorry for Billy and does not want Billy to suffer with guilt until a martial court could give a decision. &nbs p If Billy is not executed then corruption might occur on the ship and cause a mutiny. Captain Vere knows that a mutiny might occur and does not want it to happen. Captain Vere could possibly be using Billys execution for his crime of killing Claggart as an type for the rest of the crew. It shows the crew what will happen to them if they try to start a mutiny. afterward Billys death CaptainVere obviously feels regret for executing Billy. Captain Veres last speech are Billy Budd, Billy Budd (p. 76) show an example of this. Those last terminology might symbolize that Captain Vere killed Billy for the wrong reasons. If CaptainVere uses Billys death for an example to the rest of the crew then it might not necessarily be the wrong reason. CaptainVere has to decide between one life and the lives of the entire crew. No matter what Captain Veres reasons are he does make the right decision. & nbsp another(prenominal) reason CaptainVere might of executed Billy Budd is because CaptainVere follows the law to the letter. The law states that mutiny is punishable to by death. Some readers might not see this accidental murder as mutiny, but killing a superior officeholder in the British navy is considered mutiny.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
The Question of Freedom in America :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
The United States democratic system embraces its numerous obligations in a manner which promotes a comfortable and effective society in which the citizens may embark on everyday look knowing that the government is continually engrossed in performi ng its duties to protect and support the rights of the people. Although self-annihilation is consumptiveegal, the government must recognize the trauma of those who are terminally ill in order to maintain a fair and equal democracy. By weighing these ideas and recognizing the dignity of an undivided along with the law, government attempts to provide a suitable life for all. Through combined efforts of freedom of expression and censorship, indecorousness is maintained, because both the speakers and the listeners rights are re spected. The government recognizes that all humankind life is precious and, therefore it does its best to enable each individual the might to gain their desired position in life throug the help of affectionate services. A position not necessarily of vast wealt h, but unrivalled in which a person may feel content and gratified. Jefferson fancy such cases as above long before they were contemplated it is through the resolve of Independence in 1776, he reflected his strong, intellectual beliefs (Jeffers on 615). Of the most of the essence(p) part of Jeffersons philosophy is the following quote All men are created equal, they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever whatever form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter it. (616) In accordance with the remainder of the Declaration of Independence, this statement has been the basis of both human rights and overall justice in American democracy. Because there is a coalition between the government and the people in the U nited States, society has change in every aspect. The government recognizes and embraces responsibility, knowing that the citizens may control their cause lives without harming others. Likewise, individuals are given the ability and courage to pursue a merry life. Hence, people are free to express themselves with all intention towars respecting individual freedom of others.
Artificial Tanning Essay -- Skin Cancer Culture Papers
Artificial TanningJim rice loved the way convert make him look and feel, that is, until he became personally affected by the dangers that came with the frivolous loudness and glamour of a nice tan. Artificial tanning has become a sub-culture for youths across the nation. Those who do not go tanning are a minority and those who do tan ignore the health adventures posted in every tanning booth and bed in the state of Massachusetts. However, for Jim Rice, a middler chemical engineering major at Northeastern University, the health risks of tanning transformed into a f in effect(p)ening reality.Recreational tanning was always the renal pelvis thing to do back in high school, say Rice. exclusively when I started to notice skin discoloration on my lower articulatio coxae during my senior year of high school it wasnt so hip any more(prenominal).When doctors told Rice that he had pre-cancerous cells in existing moles he didnt think much of it. He figured that he would have the moles re moved and his worries would be over.I got the to the highest degree perplexed when my dermatologist told me to stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen at all times, said Rice. It was as if being tan was more of a priority than his health. Following his initial surgery, Rice had to pay a trip to his skin doctor every six months. Upon his first telephone back to the doctor, Rice was diagnosed with two cancerous growths - one pre-cancerous and one cancerous. another(prenominal) surgery would have to take place immediately. Suddenly, Rice looked back on his frequent tanning salon habits and his darkness competitions with fellow lifeguards over the summers in utter regret.Rice has had seven surgeries since. He had plastic surgery to helper reduce the scarring on his body. His doctors placed him on an extremely high risk f... ... admits that she is impatient and would rather get spray-tanned in 30 seconds over excrete in a tanning bed for twelve minutes. There are no proven health ris ks of spray tanning as of right now however the FDA is investigating the safety of the DHA component in the unfathomable Tan.Everyone should be aware that what happened to me could very possibly happen to anyone, said Rice. The risks that come along with tanning are not far from a reality, even if they sneak up on people ten or twenty years down the road. Rice understands that tanning provides an ultimate self-pride boost. Although Rice wishes that he could get his tan back, he realizes that tanning is barely a temporary satisfaction. He has learned this the hard way. People actually need to weigh out how important tanning is to them and if they are disposed(p) to deal to the consequences, said Rice.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Selfishness in Ywain the Knight of the Lion Essay -- Ywain the Knight
Selfishness in Ywain the horse cavalry of the social lion In Chretien de Troyes Ywain the Knight of the Lion, in that location appears a substantial amount of committal to writing about(predicate) noble work force and women, and noble deeds. These noble acts consist of knights feeler to a maidens aid, regardless of the circumstances, and pravailing in battles in which they are either dispiritedly outnumbered, or pee-pee the appearance _or_ semblanceingly outstrengthed. Chretiens accost about Ywain likewise stresses a roll in the hay that takes a earth prisoner, a retire for which man or char would surely die for, and in which one loves another to a greater extent than himself. The ep itomes of these characteristics seem to be Ywain and Laudine. However, Ywain and Laudine are two driven by selfishness. Selfishness in love is evident in some(prenominal) Laudine, and Ywain. However it is more than prominent with L audine, simply because much of what is script ed about her in the story has to do with love, and although love is emphasized a great deal with regard to Ywain, more is written about his battle evil, and assisting those in need of his strength an d courage. Saying that Laudine is selfish in love means, at its root, that she uses it to enhance her hold welfare. This is first evident, when she finally realizes that she mustiness find someone to protect her people, her spring, and herself. Lu nette convinces her to take the knight who killed her preserve as her new groom, and right away Laudine wants to know about the name, the rank, and the family of the knight(30). Then when she finds out that he is really the distinguished Ywain, she becomes incredibly excited, and wishes him thither as fast as humanly possible, or faster. Laudine has no subject of what he is like, but because he is so well-known and strong she allow for love him. This love f... ...ined in love. Chretien writes about them that, he was loved and held beneficial by his lady, and she was loved by him (113). It is unachievable to believe this statement, but that is what Chretien wants. It is also written in the conclusion that Ywain give never visit whatever wrong on his wife once again (113). This is just one more statement that insults the intelligence of the reader, because as we have already learned, a man is of no use if he is not repeatedly proven in battle. Chances are Ywain will run take again as in short as Gawain puts pressure on him to do so. This ends the story with two fallacies that Chretien expects to be believed in spite of all the tell apart he gives otherwise. Works CitedTroyes, Chretien de. Ywain The Knight of the Lion. Trans. Robert W. Ackerman, Frederick W. Locke and Carleton W. Carrol. City, Illinois Waveland Press, 1992. Selfishness in Ywain the Knight of the Lion act -- Ywain the Knight Selfishness in Ywain the Knight of the Lion In Chretien de Troyes Ywain the Knigh t of the Lion, there appears a substantial amount of writing about noble men and women, and noble deeds. These noble acts consist of knights coming to a maidens aid, regardless of the circumstances, and pravailing in battles in which they are either hopelessly outnumbered, or seemingly outstrengthed. Chretiens romance about Ywain also stresses a love that takes a man prisoner, a love for which man or woman would surely die for, and in which one loves another more than himself. The ep itomes of these characteristics seem to be Ywain and Laudine. However, Ywain and Laudine are both driven by selfishness. Selfishness in love is evident in both Laudine, and Ywain. However it is more prominent with L audine, simply because much of what is written about her in the story has to do with love, and although love is emphasized a great deal with regard to Ywain, more is written about his fighting evil, and assisting those in need of his strength an d courage. Saying that Laudine is selfish in love means, at its root, that she uses it to enhance her own welfare. This is first evident, when she finally realizes that she must find someone to protect her people, her spring, and herself. Lu nette convinces her to take the knight who killed her husband as her new groom, and right away Laudine wants to know about the name, the rank, and the family of the knight(30). Then when she finds out that he is actually the distinguished Ywain, she becomes incredibly excited, and wishes him there as fast as humanly possible, or faster. Laudine has no idea of what he is like, but because he is so well-known and strong she will love him. This love f... ...ined in love. Chretien writes about them that, he was loved and held dear by his lady, and she was loved by him (113). It is impossible to believe this statement, but that is what Chretien wants. It is also written in the conclusion that Ywain will never visit any wrong on his wife again (113). This is just one mor e statement that insults the intelligence of the reader, because as we have already learned, a man is of no use if he is not repeatedly proven in battle. Chances are Ywain will run off again as soon as Gawain puts pressure on him to do so. This ends the story with two fallacies that Chretien expects to be believed in spite of all the evidence he gives otherwise. Works CitedTroyes, Chretien de. Ywain The Knight of the Lion. Trans. Robert W. Ackerman, Frederick W. Locke and Carleton W. Carrol. City, Illinois Waveland Press, 1992.
United Nations Millennium Goal Essay -- World Issues, Interventions
Target C of the seventh United Nations Millennium ontogenesis Goal is to halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to invulnerable drinking water and basic sanitation (UN, 2000). With our current model of sanitation, the blossom toilet, we ar simply unable to provide sanitation to everyone as the iron heel toilets ar grossly inefficient, requiring large amounts of water and sewer infrastructure to function, 2 things increasing hard to possess in the developing reality (Bill and Melinda furnish Foundation, 2011). This lack of possession leads to defecation and micturition into unsafe sources, such as nearby streams and rivers which also provide drinking water for these people. The unsafe urination and defecation increases the incidence of fecal-oral contamination and occurrences of other communicable diseases. It also forces the inadequate villagers to walk farther in search of uncontaminated water sources.Interventions and the service of t he sanitation system can bring about many confirmatory changes in developing countries where present knowledge and present development of sanitation is poor. Optimum benefit from water sanitation interventions can be achieved if the communities are made aware of the links between hygiene practices, poor sanitation, soil water, and disease (UNHRC, 2011). The redevelopment of the sanitation system is essential for the third world countries however, the global community of interests must overcome challenges before implementation to chink lasting success.The redevelopment of the sanitation system, particularly the reinvention of the toilet is an efficient and material way of improving health and hygiene, and womens education and personal safety. Currently, 40% of the worlds populati... ...blem of implementation by spending more bills on education and actual procurement of the reinvented toilets rather than the administration. It is great to affiance the increased education of the developing country to our advantage by apply the school children to spread the message about sanitation to their families and deep into their communities. tame Environment and Sanitation and Rural India states that The best way to break giving practices is to cultivate good practices and childhood is the best time for that as children are receptive to all influences (Majra and Gur, 2010). From these two suggestions for implementation, it seems very logical that the global community should focus on providing access to proper sanitation facilities at schools and on providing water, hygiene, and environment education at primary schools to further spread the reinvented toilet.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Homeless Families in America :: Research Papers
Thesis StatementThis paper will examine a subgroup of the unsettled population, homeless families. It will explore the multiple causes of family homelessness and the consequences homelessness has on family life. The three main(prenominal) reasons for the abundance of dispossessed families within America are the following 1) the pretermit of affordable housing, 2) low wages in the job-market, and 3) insufficient federal aid. In todays society, these causes are the main contributors towards the heartbreaking condition of family homelessness, which oft leads to family breakups, health issues, and educational obstacles. This paper will also give realizable solutions to family homelessness and improvement plans for the future.Defining HomelessnessHome is where we start from.(T.S. Eliot)Home is the human site of ultimate return. (John Hollander)Although most stack know what homelessness is and it occurs in most societies, it is primary(prenominal) to define because the forces o f displacement vary greatly, along with the arrangement and meaning of the resulting evanescent state. The Stewart B McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 defined a homeless person as an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence or a person who resides in a shelter, welfare hotel, transitional political program or place not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation, such as streets, cars, movie theaters, abandoned buildings, and so on Resent surveys conducted in the U.S. fork out confirmed that the homeless population in America is extremely diverse and includes representatives from all segments of society, including the old and young, men and women, unmarried people and families, city dwellers and rural residents, whites and people of color, employed and unemployed, able workers and people with serious health jobs. The diversity among people that are homeless reflects how delicate it is to generalize the causes of homelessness and the needs of homeless people. Robert Rosenheck M.D., the author of Special Populations of Homeless Americans, explains the splendour of studying homelessness based on subgroups, each subgroup of homeless people has unique wait on needs and identifying these needs is critical for program planning and design. Despite these diversities, homelessness is a devastating situation for all that experience it. Not only have homeless people doomed their dwelling, but they have also lost their safety, privacy, control, and domestic comfort. Homeless FamiliesFamily homelessness is a fairly new social problem in America. Beginning in the early 1980s, families with children have become the instantaneous growing segment of the homeless population.
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