Monday, September 30, 2019
Response to Shooting an Elephant Essay
George Orwell, one of the most famous English authors, was born Eric Arthur Blair in Motihari, India, in 1903. His father was a colonial official for the British and his mother’s family also had colonial ties. In 1922, Orwell worked as a British imperial policeman in Burma for five years but he finally returned to England again because he recognized the injustices of the British imperial rule in Burma and could not suffer the guilt of oppressing the Burmese anymore. Later, Orwell spent the next twenty years as a writer; the essay â€Å"Shooting an Elephant,†set in the Burma of the 1920s and written in 1936, is one of his most famous works. In the early twentieth century, Burma was still a colony of Britain but anti-imperialism protests and social movements developed very fast, causing â€Å"great tension between Burmese, Indians and English, between civilians and police†(Meyers 56). Orwell’s essay â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†is based on this historical tension. In this essay, Orwell depicts an older narrator recounting his imperial policeman’s experience of killing an escaped elephant that destroyed a market and killed an Indian man in Burma. Throughout the story, Orwell chooses language carefully to develop his narration so as to help the readers explore a young imperial officer’s emotional struggle. First, Orwell begins his story with frequent use of carefully-chosen diction to indicate the young policeman’s hatred and also sympathy toward the Burmese. When he describes he was always â€Å"an obvious target†to those Burmese who hated the British Empire, he writes: When a nimble Burman tripped me up on the football field and the referee (another Burman) looked the other way, then the crowd yelled with hideous laughter. This happened more than once. In the end the sneering yellow faces of young men that met me everywhere, the insults hooted after me when I was at a safe distance, got badly on my nerves. (Orwell 94) Using the strong emotional words â€Å"hideous,†â€Å"sneering yellow faces,†and â€Å"hooted†indicates the young officer’s disgust toward those Burmese. But in the following paragraph his emotions are suddenly described in a more complex way; the narrator says, â€Å"All this was perplexing and upsetting†(Orwell 94), which is opposite to the anger and bitterness that are suggested by the diction used before. By using these two words, Orwell changes the young policeman’s emotional voice to the older narrator’s more intellectual voice to suggests a more complex feeling about what the young imperial policeman experienced because of his job. In the next sentence, Orwell uses a series of strong phrases to describe what the young police officer observes in his â€Å"dirty work†: â€Å"The wretched prisoners huddling in the stinking cages of lock-ups, the grey, cowed faces of the long-term convicts, the scarred buttocks of the men who had been flogged with bamboosâ€â€all these oppressed me with an intolerable sense of guilt†(Orwell 91). From this specific and graphic description of the prison, readers can perceive the young officer’s sympathy and guilt toward the suffering Burmese. It makes them realize that the young imperial officer is not totally inhumane. In short, Orwell uses careful diction to create the first emotional struggle of the young officer within his policing duties under imperialism. In the essay, Orwell also uses repetition to show the young narrator’s complex emotions. For example, after the young officer sees the destruction caused by the elephant and finally finds his target on the paddy field, he mentions more than three times that he is not willing to shoot the elephant. When he sees the crowd following him, he reports, â€Å"I had no intention of shooting the elephantâ€â€I had merely sent for the rifle to defend myself if necessary†(Orwell 94). After he sees the elephant, he comments, â€Å"I knew with perfect certainty that I ought not to shoot him†(Orwell 94). Then, he starts saying that the elephant was â€Å"a huge and costly piece of machinery†(Orwell 95) and the elephant seemed harmless right now. The young officer continues claiming,â€Å"I did not in the least want to shoot him†(Orwell 95). These all shows the young man’s sympathy toward the elephant, but more importantly Orwell builds up a tension here by using three different versions of repetition to show how the young officer was wavering in his position. For the first quote, â€Å"no intention†somehow indicates the young narrator’s thinking: he seems to be saying, â€Å"I have no purpose to do that and I am not going to do it. †But then in the second quote, he says â€Å"ought not to†instead of â€Å"no intension of,†which contains much more certainty of not killing the elephant. It shows that the young officer knew he should not shoot the elephant, but he certainly felt a lot of pressure and his mind was not as firm as in the last statement. In the third statement, the young officer’s tone is obviously weaker than the last two; â€Å"I did not in the least want†¦Ã¢â‚¬ this tone sounds just like a prisoner talking about how he does not want to commit a murder, finishes it saying â€Å"I didn’t want to kill that person. †The young officer’s mind was wavering and he was taking a step forward toward killing the elephant everytime he introduces his different expressions of unwilling to kill the elephant. Orwell uses this repetition not only to show the young officer’s internal conflict, but also to imply, as a possible result, that the young officer will change his mind from not shooting the elephant to actually doing that. However, under the crowd’s pressure and his position as an imperial officer, the young police officer has to kill the elephant in order to maintain his master figure. Orwell uses the change from the first person to the third person to comment on the young man’s revelation. When the young man sees that the Burmese watch him excitedly, he suddenly feels that he should shoot the elephant after all. And it is because â€Å"their two thousand wills [were] pressing me forward, irresistibly†¦[that] I perceived in this moment that when the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys. He becomes a sort of hollow, posing dummy, the conventionalized figure of a sahib†(Orwell 95). The narration shifts from the first person â€Å"I†to the third person â€Å"he,†indicating not only Orwell’s comment upon this decision of the young person, but also Orwell’s main argument in the essay: as a imperial officer, a person needs to betray his own good nature in order to maintain his superiority toward the colonized. Then, Orwell uses strong terms again to replay the emergency and tension that the young officer encountered earlier: A white man mustn’t be frightened in front of ‘natives’; and so, in general, he isn’t frightened. The sole thought in my mind was that if anything went wrong those two thousand Burmans would see me pursued, caught, trampled on and reduced to a grinning corpse like the Indian up the hill. And if that happened it was quite probable that some of them would laugh. That would never do. (Orwell 96) Here, words like â€Å"sole thought,†â€Å"trampled,†â€Å"reduced to a grinning corpse†are used to emphasize the young man’s anxiety in shooting the elephant, for he does not want to lose face in front of the natives. This is the remaining emotion occupying his mind at that time; even though he still has sympathy toward the elephant, as a imperial officer, he will kill the elephant to protect his â€Å"conventionalized figure of a sahib. †By way of these specific word choices, Orwell describes vividly how the young imperial officer’s pride finally defeats his good nature so that he can maintain his superior figure. Finally, Orwell ends the story using the young officer’s naive voice as opposed to the older narrator’s voice mentioned before to make his narration more believable: â€Å"I was very glad that the coolie [which is the Indian killed by the elephant] had been killed†¦it gave me a sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant†(Orwell 99). Readers may feel sympathetic that the young man does not feel guilty but happy that he is not responsible for killing the elephant and saving his face or â€Å"avoiding looking a fool†in front of the natives. They may feel pity that the young man is likely to learn nothing from this incident and even to feel lucky that someone’s death can free him of responsibility for killing the elephant. But this naive voice can increase the old narrator’s credibility because readers can feel his sincerity; he is willing to admit that his younger self really felt a bit lucky that he was out of punishment because of the elephant killing an Indian man at that time. It convinces the reader to believe what the narrator argues at last: as an imperial officer, he has to do what the natives expect of him in order to conform to his â€Å"conventionalized figure of the sahib†(Orwell 95), which is â€Å"to avoid looking a fool†(Orwell 99) in front of the natives. Overall, in this essay, Orwell uses effective language to make his narration of the story more impressive and thoughtful, and to explore an imperial officer’s struggle between his good nature and his imperial role.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Post Modern Social Theory Essay
In a nutshell, postmodernism rose out of the perceived problems and dangers that were brought by the modern era of the world. With most parts of the world being under the influence of modern theoretical perspective like objectivity and scientific inclination, most of the theories that can be categorized under postmodernism can be defined as an attack and criticism to the perceived problems of philosophers, sociologist and even artists to the reality that was created by modernism (Kellner, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Under the banner of postmodernism, we can see numerous thinkers that had attempted to analyze the modern world using their postmodern spectacles. Among this thinker are French philosopher and sociologist jean Baudrillard and Zygmunt Bauman who manage to provide a rich and fertile discussion on the discourse of postmodernism and the cultural and sociological framework of the modern world. In this paper, two thinkers shall be put in focus. These two thinkers are so vital and important in the postmodern discourse that understanding their thoughts and ideas will enable us to understand more the context of postmodernism. Jean Baudrillard Just like any postmodernist theorists, the ideas presented by Jean Baudrillard can be characterized to be an attempt to analyze the modern sociological and cultural framework. In many cases, he managed to provide a discourse through the comparison of modern practical and theoretical system and pre-modern practical and theoretical system (i. e. frameworks during the industrial revolution). A good example that is very notable is his conception of the value system. For Baudrillard, the modern world had managed to provide numerous ways of characterizing value. He named at least four value systems that can characterize something or someone. The first one is the functional value which is in relation to the functionality and instrumental use of the object. The second one is the exchange value which is the value of the object in relation to the economic condition and economic sense of manufacturing it. The third one is the symbolic value which is in relation to the relationship of the object to some individual or group of individual (e. g. diamond ring for marriage proposal). Lastly is the sign value which is the value of an object in a given set or system of objects due to the idea or values that it may represent (Baudrillard & Levin 132-133). According to Baudrillard, the modern world today with all the products and things that are being developed are enabling the construction of a new world system that is based on the third and fourth kind of value system. This means that most of the objects and products today base their values on a superficial value system. This is in contrast to the value system of eras like the industrial revolution wherein things and objects are manufactured and made out of functionality and essence. This arrangement of the modern world that is based on superficiality of value is ought to be destructed soon due to the empty bubble that it creates that is not based on people’s needs but rather to people’s superficial beliefs and desires. An idea also related to the value system is Baudrillard’s idea on simulacra and simulation. For him, what we have in the modern world is a system wherein we perceive things that are not really real and necessary. We are now living in a world wherein we acknowledge things like holiness, titles, prestige and other categories which do not really exist. It is comparable to a hyper-reality wherein we are living in a world where we acknowledge references without real referents. Much of our activities are contributing to the development of this ‘simulacra’. In many cases, we disregard what is real and just fit to live under the influence of this new and alternative reality. Baudrillard argues that this is indeed a dangerous system wherein we are living our lives in this new reality and we are living what is truly real to rot and be set aside (Baudrillard, 50-51). Indeed, much of Baudrillard’s philosophies and criticisms are ought to make us review and rethink the human condition. With his ideas on superficial value system and simulacrum, we are being forced to open ourselves and think outside what the society taught us to be. We are being taught by Baudrillard to perceive and see things as it is for us learn more in the real world. Zygmunt Bauman Together with Baudrillard, Bauman, a Polish sociologist had also provided a fertile ground in the discourse in modernity, culture and consumerism. Just like other postmodernist thinkers, Bauman had offered a picture of the modern arrangement of the modern world. He argued that what we have now is a society which preferred individual freedom rather than collective security. Prior to this system is an arrangement wherein individuals highly regards its power over nature, efficiency, hierarchy, rules and regulation. This is aimed to make our world safer and more secure. For Bauman, this is the characterization of the solid modernity. However, people had observed that despite these constructive efforts to bring peace, security and stability; there are groups that cannot just be really controlled. This groups or individuals which cannot be controlled shall be referred as ‘strangers’. As a response, this solid form of modernity will later transform to a liquid form of modernity. In this new form of modernity, what are more important are the individual pursuit and the new level of freedom. However, this new sets of characteristics are made possible at the expense of concepts like security (Bauman, Postmodernity and its Discontents, 130). In this new type of modernity, numerous problems are arising. Primarily, the classic institutions like school, government and even laws are now losing its grip to the people. The task of finding one’s individual path is left to the people. People are forced to decide for their own goals and actions which often bring confusion and disarray. The strangers mentioned earlier in the first part of the discussion are also experiencing problems. Bauman for example relates these theoretical strangers to the Jews in the time of the Holocaust. He argued that though societies are being enticed with the spontaneity and actions of the strangers, they are at the same time afraid of them because no one knows what they will do next. In this sense, the Jews are the strangers of Europe. The Holocaust is the result of the fear to these Jews that is made possible with the fertile ground provided by this new kind of modernity (Bauman, Intimations of postmodernity, 94). Conclusion One cannot deny the historical pattern of societal system that exists in our world. As one societal arrangement managed to rise and exist, a new one will come to arise out of its shortcomings and mistakes. As the modern society managed to successfully challenged earlier system such as feudalism, postmodernism is also a response for the shortcomings of modernity. Then again, we can always argue that postmodernism will improve the live that we have. Though we gain much from the modern system, we also lose much. The ideas of postmodernism are an attempt to repair our society and to reestablish or regain those functional characteristics that were dropped or erased because of our shift to modernism. Though some people can and may argue against this, one thing is for sure, the ideas of postmodernism are giving us a shot for a chance to improve our lives. Works Cited Aylesworth, Gary. Postmodernism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2005 Baudrillard, Jean & Levin, Charles. For a critique of the political economy of the sign. Telos Press, 1981 Baudrillard, Jean. Symbolic Exchange and Death. London: Sage, 1976/1993 Bauman, Zygmunt. Does Ethics have a Chance in a World of Consumes. Harvard University Press, 2009 Bauman, Zygmunt. Intimations of Postmodernity. London: Routledge, 1992 Bauman, Zygmunt. Post Modernity and its Discontents. New York University Press, 1997 Kellner, Douglas. Jean Baudrillard. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2007 Klages, Mary. Postmodernism. University of Colorado, 2003
Friday, September 27, 2019
Probable Difficulties and Risks Associated With Using a Public Assignment - 1
Probable Difficulties and Risks Associated With Using a Public Infrastructure - Assignment Example This paper illustrates that as revealed in the case scenario of ING, it also had to witness similar difficulties when incorporating technology initiatives in its business process. Consequently, the company incorporated a more advanced internet network by building an extranet to offer a Web-to-host service that would enable the brokers of ING to rapidly access the mainframe data ensuring a time-efficient process in responding to the brokers’ needs. The incorporation of an advanced extranet system in ING was also expected to help in accommodating new partners. However, the technology innovation in ING was also criticized to limit the security of confidential data owing to the fact that through its inbuilt extranet system, the private data of the company would be placed over the public internet which would become easily accessible by unknown users. Such intrusions are quite likely to affect the customers’ privacy which is quite likely to ultimately affect the company in it s long-run performance. Another important security concern for the company can be identified as the database level. Due to lack of configuration in the database maintenance system through the newly incorporated extranet framework, any unauthorized employee or external user can easily hack the system and access to all the private information about the company. In order to mitigate its security concerns as a consequence of incorporating an extranet system, ING has been using two NT servers, i.e. a (Private Internet eXchange) (PIX) firewall strategy and an SNA gateway system. It is worth mentioning in this context that the function of the PIX firewall is to prohibit illegal access from the external users to the company’s data acting as an Internet Protocol (IP) firewall. The PIX firewall delivers the advantages of a ‘stateful firewall safety’ system and secures Virtual Private Network (VPN) access to the extranet system applied. The security protection software also provides scalable safety solution with failover support for chosen models to offer maximum dependability within the technology communication system.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Summary and thesis development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Summary and thesis development - Essay Example As a result, people who frequently watch television shows tend to develop unbalance and unrealistic view of things in the real world. Presenting the ideas of Gerbner, Waters specifically criticises the depiction of characters as well as various ideas in terms of gender, race, sex, health, age, crime and work among other groupings. For example, Waters believes that crime is presented on television in a manner that it appears on the screen over ten times as it is in reality. He argues that presentation of crime on television has high propensity to promote aggression among the viewers. Crime featured in television shows inculcate certain lessons in social sphere by depicting what one person can do to another and go unpunished. While all the representation of characters on television shows are crucial for various reasons, Water’s critique, especially, of the way crime and race are depicted on prime television is very significant and relevant. The big questions are: does Waters’ criticism of crime and race presentation relevant to the modern society? Does it have a bearing on deviant behaviours witnessed in everyday life? Owing to the fact that the modern society is characterised by high crime rates and racially motivated actions, one can agree less that television shows can have a profound influence on the decisions that people make when confronted with certain issues in real life. The show Friday Night Lights is an epitome of a television show that can greatly influence the choices of its lovers. In particular, the episode of season two of the popular television drama features a gruesome murder of a man by a character who is a member of the show’s high school crew. The murderer pulls the trigger in response to an attempted rape on the girl he likes. Afterwards, he conspires with the girl to conceal the body of the victim so as to keep the crime under cover. Landry
Definition Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Definition Argument - Essay Example The thought of a private word used in my generation is awesome. If an older person gets online, they will not know what woot means. The term "w00t" (pronounced, and sometimes spelled, "woot"; IPA pronunciation: [wuË t]) is a slang interjection used to express happiness or excitement, most often expressed via the Internet. (Wikipeida 2006) An interjection similar to "YAYE!" or "Woohoo!" used to express joy or excitement, usually about some kind of accomplishment. Primarily used by gamers, spreading rapidly to anyone who chats online. (URBAN dictionary 2006) The current-day use of the word w00t stems from hackers in the early to mid 80s.While communicating with each other groups of hackers such as Razor1911 would need lingo which nobody else would be able to understand to express milestones in their hacking. One such milestone was gaining root access, but the term rooted or "gained root access" was easily understood so the term was changed to w00t to help disguise. Because of the difficulty of "rooting" many times the term w00t would be much in a celebratory tone. It later evolved to simply be a celebratory remark rather than a hacking milestone. (URBAN Dictionary 2006) One game on the Internet is â€Å"World of Warcraft†. I enjoy playing this game. Whenever someone wins, they furiously typed woot. Even though at first I did not know what it meant, I would reciprocate. Eventually woot has become part of my online vocabulary. Woot became a word with meaning to me. Even if it is not in the dictionary, woot is real to me. That makes it a word to me, but not everyone plays games online. The reason I chose and like woot is its conveyance of my exact emotion, even though it is absent from the dictionary. How do you explain the ecstasy of defeating unseen people on the Internet? I know all of my friends’ screen names, but most I only know online. That feeling cannot be articulated by the â€Å"real world’s†dictionary. All of gamers my age use this
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Project Recommendation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Project Recommendation - Essay Example The company has commenced investment in the project and lack of implementation may lead to substantial monetary losses. One way of dealing with uncertainty is employment of pretested technology. This may be a plus for the Project Stargazer as its research and development has been going on for a while. The return on investment determines the profitability of implementing the Project Stargazer through assessment of monetary implications of the funds and schedules. When the magnitude and timing of investment in the Project Stargazer is gauged and the timing of investment gains is directly proportional to the magnitude and timing of costs, a high return of investment is identified. This indicates that the gains associated with this project compare favorably to the implementation costs. This return of investment clearly shows that the project will not only be profitable, but also use the funds directed at it efficiently. The project will break-even when the total sales and revenues equalize the total expenses associated with the Project Stargazer. At this point, no losses or profits will be associated with the project, though with a high return on investment, the project is likely to break-even with ease. The product that is associated with this project is also innovative and has not been introduced in the market before. Developing and marketing such a product will be beneficial to the company as it will be developed for the first time. Success of the Project Stargazer might also pave the way for the company to market a variety of other products in the future. Project conception: The project Stargazer has already been researched and its development is already in progress. Previous analysis suggests that implementation of the project will benefit the company and chances of successful completion are high. Definition and planning: After the company approves the development of the project, a project plan outlining the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
With appropriate reference to theoretical and empirical literature, Essay
With appropriate reference to theoretical and empirical literature, critically assess the arguments of why a multinational may undertake corporate hedging - Essay Example Hence, it is the policies based on increased exposure of firm to price instability, resulting from future price knowledge. Corporate Hedging is done by multinational companies a lot, and the trend is being picked up speedily Motivation factors of multinational firms for corporate hedging seem are facilitation of internal contracting, competitive pricing concerns, and informational asymmetries. Moreover corporate hedging depends upon accounting treatment, derivative market liquidity, recent hedging outcomes, foreign exchange volatility, technical factors, and exposure volatility. What we need to understand is the reason for the multinational firms to take up corporate hedging. There are opportunities like increased leverage and tax benefits that are the motivating factors behind corporate hedging. The multinational companies opt for the hedging process simply because of the risk factor. More correctly it does not take away the risk rather the unacceptable risks are converted into acceptable risks. Many companies remain confused towards making the decision whether they should hedge or not hedge. The factors that hinder their decision making is the doubt about the risks, the cost of the hedging process itself, fear of reporting loss on derivative transactions. Also adding to all this confusion is the lack of strategies and also the un- familiarization with hedging tools. Then is the role of the corporate risk managers. They must determine the risks the company is willing to take and also the ones that the company wants to get away with through hedging. The fundamental principle behind corporate hedging is its hindrance against losses that multinational companies may face in difficult situations. Like for example the losses that incurred many IT companies by the year 1997 when there was depreciation of dollar. More commonly we can explain hedging functions in a similar manner as the hedges that protect the garden from stray dogs. The goal behind any hedging
Monday, September 23, 2019
Todays Woman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Todays Woman - Essay Example For example, in the bible when the first human was created who is Adam, God saw that the man was very lonely and he need a companion and a helper as he was in-charge of the whole world. God created the woman (Eve) from the ribs of Adam and therefore human beings have interpreted that the woman is inferior to man. As a result of her supposed inferiority, the woman took the female role of being a house wife and a helper to the man and all the decisions were made by the man and in some of the cultures, this has been the trend to this day. Most of the time much of the women’s work has remained unrecognized and to some extent, undervalued, be it economically, politically, socially, or culturally. For example, many house chores are seen to be very easy, but in a day, a woman is supposed to prepare meals three times and at the same time do the cleaning while also taking care of the kids. If the total number of hours that both women and men work is put together, the woman works for mo re hours compared to a man (Gupta 73). In today’s society, the world is going through social change and the role of women as being house wives is changing. Today women are being educated and as a result, they are occupying high powered positions and influential careers, which have brought a fresh outlook and a positive impact in the society. This paper discusses the positions of women in today’s society and the positive impacts they are making. The Role of Women in Literature Many women have been victimized for their attempts in the field of writing. This is because literature was a male dominated field and for a woman to get a position in literature, it has not been an easy task. Most women in these patriarchal societies have seen their gender as being a very big and painful obstacle towards the success of their writing careers. The nineteenth century saw the emergence of elite and educated women in America and Europe. Since then, this has presented threats to the soc ieties which are very rooted in patriarchy, as women can represent themselves even in public arenas and that means empowering women (Pastor and Lloyd 2-3). During the second half of the twentieth century, Latin America saw an emerging and influential group of women writers, who have left an authoritative legacy through their literature. Most of these writers concentrated on their historical marginalization, but the trend is changing and the modern women writers have embarked on different themes like those of science and mathematics among others. The women are now seen to have positive impacts in the society from all aspects of their literature. In America, there have been many women writers who have contributed a lot to literature. Examples of these women include Zora Neale Hurston and Toni Morrison among others. Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960) is a re-known folklorist and writer, who is celebrated for her great impact on the culture of the African American society of the rural south (Britannica Educational Publishing, American Literature 131). She is also remembered for the contributions that she had on the Harlem Renaissance. Harlem Renaissance was an African American culture, which involved creative arts and that had a lot of influence in the African American history. The impact of this was that it helped the black people to be proud of their heritage and re-conceptualize the stereotypes from the whites that had affected their heritage to each other. It has also served as the basis of all African American literature as well as black literature worldwide (Britannica Educa
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Wonderful Health Benefits Essay Example for Free
Wonderful Health Benefits Essay As the world becomes aware of all the wonderful health benefits of malunggay plant, the next question for many is how to use malunggay or moringa. Fortunately, malunggay is very versatile because one can enjoy all its benefits in a variety of ways. One of the best ways to ensure that one’s body gets to absorb all the goodness of malunggay is by drinking it as a tea. Malunggay tea is a very healthy drink because it is abundant with polyphenols or flavonoids, an effective antioxidant. If you cannot find moringa or malunggay tea in the market, you can buy or harvest (if you have your own moringa tree) fresh malunggay leaves and try making your own malunggay tea. The malunggay leaves to use should be so fresh with no signs of yellowing. How to Make Malunggay Tea You will need: Fresh malunggay leaves with no signs of yellowing (2-3 compound leaves) Clean Tray Clean sheet of manila or bond paper Basket with 2-3 cm. fine mesh Tea bags Air tight containers Procedure: Put the fresh malunggay leaves in a tray. Clean the leaves by dusting and sorting out any unnecessary particles.  Then lay out the leaves in a clean sheet of manila or bond paper. Put the malunggay leaves in an indoor drying shade and left it there for 2-3 days. Be careful not to sun-dry the leaves as it will destroy the vitamins and minerals in malunggay and affect the quality of the tea. The malunggay leaves will only be air-dried to wilt and remove excess moisture and it only needs a very light amount of oxidation. After the air drying, the next process is pan-drying. In this method, heat will be applied to the dried malunggay leaves by dry cooking it in hot pans. Minimal oxidation will happen during this process. To do this, heat the leaves in a pan with a very low fire to remove excess moisture and to sanitize it. The leaves should be constantly stirred and turned over for 2-3 minutes. Be careful not to overcook it. Put the roasted leaves in a transparent plastic bag. Seal or tighten the plastic bag and then crush the leaves until it turned to tiny powder particles. Pack the tea leaves in air-tight containers and store it in a cool, dark and dry place to maintain freshness. Proper packaging is a must because the shelf life of malunggay tea depends on it packaging. It also has the tendency to lose its flavor when exposed to air. To brew malunggay tea, you can put  ½ teaspoon of malunggay tea leaves and place it in a tea bag. You can buy tea bags in some Chinese drug stores. Then submerge the tea bag in boiling water for a few seconds. After that, put the tea bag in a cup and pour just enough hot water. Let it steep for 1- 3 minutes. One can add honey or sugar if desired. Enjoy your healthy moringa tea!
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Personal Plan Proposal | Leadership
Personal Plan Proposal | Leadership Personal development plan for a leadership would be to recognize areas for further development and encourage lifelong learning. It acts as a process of empowerment, self-assessment mentoring, continued renewal, role modeling, positive attributes, networking, and improvement on weaknesses. The proposed plan process describes how leader should lead by having the above mentioned skills to lead affectively. and support to help staff develop their capabilities. I would reinvent as nurse leader who is innovative by possessing the following abilities such as; self-assessment, empowerment, mentor, continued renewal, role modeling, positive attributes, networking and improvement on weaknesses (Bleich Kasiak, 2007). By having these trades will assist in support the staff to develop their capabilities and gain to be an efficient leader. I have never thought of myself as leader but I have been told that I possess the skills. The thought of being a leader sometimes alarms me because of all the stress, headache, which I have heard and seen managers or leaders complaining about their job is never ending. But to be a great leader one must develop these characteristics to lead others which are the followings; Empowerment, delegate and encourage staff members to take responsibility. Mentor, give staff advice, guide, train, coach. Role model, set positive example for others to follow, give advice to develop leadership. Net working, is to maintain a positive relationship with other managers or staff. Self-assessment, of the self as a leader which will help measure the progress overtime. Continued renewal, consider the concerns of staff members and patient care. Positive attribute, as a leader one must possess an important element which is compassion. Improve on weakness, such as time management, multitask (ex. I sometimes pick up where others leave off. Picking up the slack in the workplace). Show how a weakness can be turned into strength. I am happy to be a nurse and l like the way people responds to me when I tell them I am a nurse. Nurse empowerment as both individually and as a profession can be achieved. The fact that nursing has traditionally been thought of as a profession for only women but that has changed more men are nurses now than before (OGrady Mallock, 2003). The nursing profession has changed dramatically. There are so many opportunities for nurses now then before they can be political workers, publicists, journalists, speakers, researchers (Fitzgerald, T., 2000). Weve expanded into so many different avenues. Since I became a nurse has helped me to have the vital critical thinking and decision making skills in doing my patient cares. Studies have been done at national level in recent years have asked nurses what factors supported to their job satisfaction. In general the most important factors reviewed were research on each of the following factors contributed to job satisfaction are the, productivity, burnout, turnover rates, and, empowerment (Fletcher, 2001). Power is demonstrated as much by the attitude that one project as it is by the tasks that one perform. Some self analysis may be in order in terms of the attitude and image that you portray. It is import to act in professional manner but it is also important to look professional. Even dirty shoes and long acrylic nails can give the impression to others that we dont take ourselves very seriously in the regard. Power sometimes comes from others so it may be helpful to make connections. The truth is that sometimes who you know rather than what you know is important. Use the grapevine may or may not be accurate, so also do some investigation on your own. Make these connections for positive reasons and in a careful manner, such as to assist in your professional growth, rather than to win power or take power from someone else. Avoid confrontation, as it rarely helps anyone. Power without respect is hollow. We dont need to see o urselves as victims. We complain to each other about how bad our jobs are and how nursing is not what we thought it would e. It doesnt have to be that way. We can increase our involvement in our workplace whenever possible. We can continue to observe our environment, gather information and contribute whatever we c can to make improvements. We can be a visible presence in the workplace, networking with others and asking questions. We can continue to practice professional ways to communicate our thoughts and needs, but recognize when using power may not be in our best interests or may increase hostility. We owe it to those who will come after us in the nursing profession as well as to ourselves to make an effort to change the degree of authority and power that we have. We can do it? Self awareness is stated as knowing ones internal states, preference resources and intuitions. This is being conscious and being able to connect to our feelings and actions. By accepting and understanding our thoughts and interpretation processes, one will have a clearer picture of what we want to achieve. And this will undoubtedly help in making wise and sound decisions in a personal or professional relationship. Interview: FF is the nurse manager of renal clinic at hospital. She is an R.N. whose leadership position is unique because she also created the program she is in charge of. F.F. had a vision and used her leadership skills to see that vision become a reality. The renal clinic began because there was a need. One of the qualities in an effective leader is the ability to recognize a need and take action to make that need met. F.F. started her nursing career after graduating from west state university by working in various areas and units. While working in these capacities one Dr A.B. approached her on several occasions about the need to have a renal clinic for diabetic patients. These patients population was not being served locally. F.F. would agree with him saying yes, it would be nice to have a renal clinic, and that would be it. Then in that time F.F. needed to care for a sick family member. At the same time the hospital needed a manager and F.F. was filling in as an interim for the inpatient d epartment. This position had a very demanding schedule that included weekends, being on call, and rotating shifts. And the hospital was not recruiting for a manager and what was supposed to be an interim position now did not have a foreseeable end. With a sick family member at home, F.F. needed more flexibility in her work schedule. This was the turning point that spurned F.F. to take action to meet the needs that were before her. The answer to F.F. personal dilemma took the shape of creating a renal clinic. F.F. could see that working in this specialty would give her the family friendly schedule she desired. She took the initiative in making the renal clinic a reality. As it is mentioned in the article of Quantum leadership that those who are not born leaders can acquire the necessary skills, (OGrandy Mallock, 2003). I believe anyone can be a leader by motivation and applying the self to become a leader. As a leader I would like to have a vision of greater good and initiate actions to achieve that vision. In making decisions to attain goals, as a leader I would create change and make that change a past history. In a nurse leadership often times they use personal traits to be beneficially and ethically which will influence others through a process where clinical and organization outcomes are achieved through joint efforts. As a nurse leader I would unite in building a relationship to empower staff or others that would led toward achievement. I like all the other elements of a nurse leader I dont have a less preference. As a follower I would want a leader that has direction that can be trusted, have a vision and hope for the department or organization. The most valuable asset of a leader is honesty and trust. I want a leader that is honest with both his or her staff and the management. Another element that a leader must have is integrity. Once a leader compromises his or her integrity it is lost. That maybe the reason integrity is considered the most admirable trait. Leadership qualities are different for different position but one must be thinking for future scope of improvement, quality and quantity of in conducting business. The ideal leader must have a vision beyond what is here today know where the business is headed and be able to use that vision to move the department forward. I would help my peers to become better by being a great leader that my peers can look up to and depend on. As, a leader I need the ability to lead because there is a certain quality to manage a problem if my followers cant face the problems on their own. This leadership quality is extremely important because if the leaders do not possess some special ability, then there wont be anything that will distinguish him/her from his/her followers. As a leader I would motivate my team mates for good work and maintain healthy environment. And make my first priority is safety for the workers and see that they are not exploited by superiors. These are some of the many ways that I can lead and have followers. Reference Bleich Kasiak, 2007 Fitzgerald, T., (2000), Nurse appeal profession tries new tactics to woo next generation of nurses, posted date January 13, 2000. Retreived on November 13, 2009 from Ketle, J. L., RN. Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction in the Registered Nurse, University of North Carolina, charlotte, NC. Retreived on Novermber 23, 2009 from OGrady, P. Mallack, 2003. Quantum Leadership 2003, article for this course. Bradberry Greaves, 2003 Francis, F., RN. (2009). Indian Health Service Hospital/ACL, Personal interview in October 28, 2009. Fletcher, C. E. (2001, June). Hospital RNs job satisfactions and dissatisfactions. Journal of Nursing Administration, 31(6), 324-31.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Essay --
The X - ray was discovered in 1985 by a German physicist, Sir W. C. Roentgen. Since then, the application of radiation has been widely used in radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy for both diagnostic and treatment of different kind of diseases encountered by the human beings.(Luk, Leung, & Cheng, 2010).Even though the radiation play important role in diagnostic and treating the patient, the biological effect caused by medical radiation is more concerned in recent survey(Arslanoğlu et al., 2007). Due to the advanced development of medical equipment’s such as multi - detector row computed tomography and nuclear medicine there is significant increase in the population’s cumulative exposure(Rehani & Berris, 2012).The application of computer tomography has increased dramatically since 1970,with the number of annual scan go up to 72 million in 2007 form 2 million in 1980s (Baumann et al., 2011).The radiological examination performed every year crossed 3.6 bill ion and the number is expected to increase in future(Nations, Committee, & Radiation, 2010).since the radiological exam...
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Billy Budd Essay: Moral Shades of Grey -- Billy Budd Essays
Moral Shades of Grey in Billy Budd  Vere's decision, according to the Wartime Acts under which he was subject, was lawfully justified. To do anything else would be a direct violation of the law, and thus, the position in which he was placed. The captain could not follow any twinge of conscience that he felt, for it was not his position to do so. As Vere put it, "But do these buttons that we wear attest that our allegiance is to Nature? No, to the King." He and the judges were forced to follow their duty, which was to carry out the law. As officers of such a law, the morality of the decision was not their choice, as that same law dictated what they were to choose. The decision fell finally to Vere as he gave the speech which condemned Billy. "Our vowed responsibility is in this: That however pitiless that law may operate, we nevertheless adhere to it and administer it." This was, however, not the only factor to be looked after. What options they had does not dictate the morality of an act, it is only one part of a larger whole. Law is, in itself, morality, by nature of the fact that to defy law results in chaos. Originally the law was created to serve as a means of carrying out Justice, but the sheer nature of the fact that it has since, as in this case, acted in some way other than to uphold such a concept proves that it is a separate entity unto itself. Rather than considering the morality of a decision in the administering of Justice, it is now reasonable and required to consider the law as a factor in determining the morality of a decision. When the virtue of the decision is determined, then can Justice, and thus punishment, be considered. It is important to understand this concept: law is no longer a means of carry... ... choice, his decision is justified. Justification is as close to virtue as can be expected in this case. Life is not black and white, as theories of morality would dictate, but merely a complex set of shades of grey. Vere's final choice was only the highlights on a painting, the end of a process, and the selection among a set of distasteful colors on a palette of grey. Works Cited and Consulted: Chase, Richard. Herman Melville: A Critical Study. New York: Hafner Publishing Company, 1971. Melville, Herman. Billy Budd, Sailor and Other Stories. Ed. Frederick Busch. New York: Penguin, 1986. Richards, Lawrence O. The Bible Reader's Companion. Wheaton: SP Publications, Inc., 1991. Stern, Milton R. The Fine Hammered Steel of Herman Melville. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1968. The Holy Bible, New King James Version. Dallas: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1979.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Charles Dickens - Depiction of the Hard Lives of Children :: European Literature
Every author has a certain theme to all of their novels, no matter how different they may be one can always see something within a story that links to another one of the authors stories. The themes are also different for each author, some being happiness where the characters have good luck, while other novels are sadder, and have darker themes to them. One author who has a darker theme that is connected through his books is Charles Dickens; the theme that can be found in most of his novels is one where the main character is mostly a child and they are going through a hard time in their life, but how he knew about the hard lives of children has been wondered about before and there is proof that he either had done research on it or experienced the oppression himself in his own life. Great Expectations was written in the 1800s and has escalated to the point of being one of Dickens' most well-known novels. In the novel the main character, Pip, is a child whose parents had died when he was younger. So he is forced to live with his older sister, Dickens gives the impression that Pip's sister actually hates her younger brother; she also beats him repeatedly with "The Tickler" when she sees that he has been disobedient. The only friend he truly has at the beginning is Mr. Joe, his sister's husband; who is also oppressed by his wife. Even Mrs. Joes friends oppresses Pip when they all come over for dinner, talking about him as if he doesn't exist or that he isn't there. As the story goes on he receives word that he will be sent to Miss Havisham's house to play. Pip's life changes throughout the story, the boy getting some good fortunes and some bad ones as well. (Dickens, 1999) Another one of Dickens' more famous stories in which the child character goes through a hard life is Oliver Twist. In this novel the boy, Oliver, is an orphan who is raised in a corrupt environment until he met his aunt. His mother had died when she was giving birth so he had no relatives other than his aunt. The orphanage he had lived at was abusive, and after asking for more food one time he was sold to an abusive man. He eventually ran away and joined
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Alice in Wonderland Essay
It’s almost impossible to set this story in the time and in the space because nearly all of it forms part of a dream: Alice was very tired and suddenly she felt asleep and began to dream. However, she didn’t realize that whatever she saw in Wonderland was only a dream, a product of her imagination but not the reality. Anyway, we could say that there are two main stages: the real world and Wonderland, the fictitious one. In Wonderland all is â€Å"nonsense†and strange, you don’t know what’s going to happen in each situation. The real world only appears at the beginning and at the end of the story when she wakes up from her nap. Because of it, this world is not very important for readers and for Alice too, who prefers living in a world completely different from hers. Interesting and strange things only happen in Wonderland where everyone is mad. Moreover, there we can see a lot of different places where Alice spends her time like the rabbit-hole, the house of the rabbit, the garden, the house of the Dukes. The time is not very clear because Alice thinks that she has spent a lot of time there, but all her adventures only last the time of her little nap. When you are sleeping you can believe that you have spent a lot of time dreaming and perhaps it has been no longer than fifteen minutes. She doesn’t have any kind of time in Wonderland and everything happens all at once and very quickly; so that she didn’t realize.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Principles of supporting change in a business environment Essay
You should use this file to complete your Assessment. The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 3 pages and is made up of 3 Sections. Name: Section 1 – Understand why change happens in a business environment 1. Explain why change happens in a business environment. You should include at least three reasons in your answer. There are few factors which constantly pressure organizations to adapt and they force change in a business environment. We can apply here PEST acronym, it means that changes in business environment happen for political, social or technical reasons. Political changes are out of business’ control. They need to adapt to the all law changes. If not, they can even be prosecuted. Economic changes are dependable i.e. from the exchange rate due to its high influence on import and export. Economic change is also a change forced by a competition on the market. Products or services need to be competitive in price or/and quality, otherwise company will not prosper well. Social change comes from customer’s attitude and buying preferences. It can be shaped by media and big events. Technical change is forced by new technologies. To be competitive, and to be ahead of the competitors means, that company has to be up to date with modern solutions. Section 2 – Understand the purpose of supporting change in a business environment 1. Identify the main reasons for reviewing working methods, products and / or services in a business environment. Business environment is very changeable. Services or/and products have to be constantly efficient, so they have to be continuously reviewed. It ensures that company stays competitive and meets the targets. One of reasons of reviewing working methods is a change in a service/product. All related procedures need to be updated to be sufficient. Company has to make sure that all methods are updated and best possible from currently known. They has to agree with all standards. In ensures, that company is competitive and meet customers’ requirements. 2. When a business is going through change: a) Describe the different types of support that people may need. There are people, who can adapt to change really well and those, who can not. It is really important for company to make sure, that all employees feel comfortable with new changes. There are some universal ways of supporting people within a business change: Effective planning helps to avoid a chaos during the change. It shows all employees that everything was well planned and considered. Participation makes it easier to adapt. It is very important for team members to feel valued part of change. Clear communications and expectations. People have to be well informed and know what is happening, why and how things will look like after. Training or retraining. There will be new work methods, new equipment, procedures. Employees need to receive training to be able to work effectively. Encouragement and other supportive behaviours are important for team members. Positive attitude is needed, smiling, encouragements and understanding. b) Explain the benefits of working with others. Working with others gives a wide range of different ideas and opinions. Different people will have different approaches to same problem. Different skills are brought to one project by all the team members. In time of change working with others may be really helpful, team members know each other and can help one another when it is necessary. When we do not work as a part of a team communication an relations get worse. The team is unsuccessful as well as individuals. Such a behaviour does not benefit anyone. Section 3 – Understand how to respond to change in a business environment 1. In relation to your current business environment (or one that you are familiar with): a) Explain why you should respond positively to changes in working methods. Changes happen for a reason and are unavoidable if a company wants to remain successful. It is very helpful to keep positive attitude in all this situation. Positive approach will help us to adapt faster and will influence other team members. Negative response will create difficult environment to work in by financing others in a bad way. b) Explain why you should respond positively to changes in products or services. We should respond positively to changes in products or services to positively influence and motivate others. Positive attitude helps to ensure that change is coming through smoothly and without unnecessary disruptions. c) Identify ways of responding positively to change. First positive response is recognizing the change as something positive, a possibility to gain new skills, to grow as an employee and possibly make a career progression. We should try to attend all offered trainings and motivate our colleagues to do so. We should avoid getting involved in negative conversation and try to spread a positive attitude and always look for support from other team members or a manager if we feel it is necessary. Once you have completed all 3 Sections of this Assessment, go to and send your work to your tutor for marking.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Character analysis on Jocasta and Oedipus Essay
In Oedipus the king, Sophocles begins the story line with the city of Thebes grieving. Oedipus true identity is starting to become question, when he is told by a blind prophet that he is what plaguing the city. His wife, Jocasta is immediately skeptical about the prophecy, and tells him a story about an oracle that she had once received and never became fulfilled. However, this did not help Oedipus uncertainty, and only to cause more confusion to his soul was he visited from the past, a messenger from his â€Å"fathers†kingdom. The messenger brings new that his father has died of old age and that his kingdom wanted him to be there king. Jocasta believes this is good news, but only does her fate turn when Oedipus confesses that he ran away from his own kingdom to because he had heard a prophecy that he would hill his parents. The messenger tells Oedipus that his fear was useless for he was not a blood relative of the king, but a gift handed from his very own hands. Jocasta realizes the true identity of Oedipus and begs him to stop his questioning and search it would only cause him more greif, but only does her grief cause her to commit suicide. Oedipus it told by a herdsman that Oedipus was given to him by the queen herself to be casted on the mountain side and left to die. Oedipus realization of his true identity and finding out that that his wife is his mother and that she killed herself he ripped out his eyes. (969-99) Jocastas is skeptical about the prophets and has her own philosophy about she what should be known or what should be looked in to, she believes that the less someone knows the better, is this what caused her own downfall? Jocasta, the queen of Thebes, turns out it was not as glamorous as it sounds. Jocasta first marriage was a very successful and happy one until they received a prophecy that was that their son would kill his father and marry his mother. Sophocles represents Jocasta in a carefree manner. In her first entrance we can see that she is not worried about what the prophet spoke to Oedipus nor did she give it any importance. She tells Oedipus to not worry about what he said; she believes that no mortal is ever given the skill of prophecy. (986) Jocasta may have not trusted the words of the prophet, because to her knowledge the oracle that was once given to King Laius and her had never actually been fulfilled, but she indeed still does worshpid the God Apollo. To me it seems that she is not actually skeptical of the Gods, but instead to the men who are said to interpret the messages from the God. The way she expressed herself about the god after she had told Oedipus the oracle that she had once received was, â€Å"That time Apollo did not make our child a patricide, or bring about what Laius feared, that he be killed by his own son. That’s how prophetic words determined things! Forget them. The things a god must track he will himself painlessly reveal.†(986) Jocasta is not skeptical about the god for she said that a god must do things himself, unlike the prophetic words, that to her, never revealed themselves. As the play progressed Sophocles presents a messenger who began to uncover the true origin of Oedipus.(992-993) Jocasta was first intrigued to find out that Oedipus father had died of old age she recalls to him that it was pointless of him to fear the oracle, and that the future is unknowable, life is ruled by chance. (992) However, not until a few moments later did she began to unsolve the mystery and began to plead Oedipus to stop trying to find out who he was. Jocasta realizes before Oedipus that he is her son, and that she has committed incest. She began to tell him to give up his search that she was already in enough pain.(993) Jocasta did not want Oedipus to find out who she really was and cause him grief so she did not want him to keep looking into the past, the less he knew the better. Jocasta begged Oedipus to not question anything anymore to stop his grief, but later on her own grief cuases her to commit suicide. Did Jocasta’s skepticism and philosophy become the reason to her own downfall? Yes, in my opinion they did. Jocasta did commit most of her wrongs in innocence, but she did abandon Oedipus on the mountain side and did not even attempt to find out if her son had lived or in fact died, the less she knew the better. This later on caused her to marry Oedipus and fulfill the oracle, which became the end of her life when she hang herself with bed sheets. Work Cited Sophocles. â€Å"Oedipus the King.†Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Robert Zweig. 5th Compacted ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2012. 969-1004. Print.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Financial Management for Young Adults Essay
High credit card debt and student loan repayment have been seen to cause inconveniences to the young adults just because of lack of proper preparedness and awareness, when it comes to dealing with such matters of financial management. (Giuseppe, 2012) tells us that mental health professions perceive money to be corrupting people and that it is not right to have too much of it. With adequate management skills, this statement could be turned around such that the available money is used to help the young adults in managing their finances, however little or much and getting out of the hook of high credit debts and other similar situations. Kapoor, 2011) explains how appropriate knowledge, skills and decision making abilities are key essentials in managing finances. Starting from a tender age, matters of money management can be taught at school and the students will tend to learn more as they proceed to other higher grades. Influence from parents is also seen to be important as it can be a determinant factor in wooing the children to managing their finances correctly. Other innovative activities can also be used to make sure that these young adults know how to go about money issues. We see how awareness can help improve the situation of our young adults as it helps them to be well equipped in dealing with any of such debt issues. Other loan repayment organizations such as America’s Debt Help Organization have played an important role in helping young adults deal with debts and loan repayments. All that one needs to do is to register with such organizations and table your urgency to them. The better part is that, they are available online and anyone can connect to them from any part of the world. Understanding Financial Management Financial management is the planning, organizing, directing and monitoring the manner in which you use your finances. The elements of financial capability and how it impacts on life successes especially on young adults are based on certain conditions as reported by Soyeon & Joyce (2011) (i) Financial socialization whereby parents are the determinant factor in helping their children to being financially capable adults. The young adults tend to listen to their parents more than even how they pay attention to their teachers at school. Every child believes that their parents are always right and they cannot instill in them something of no value but will strive to give them the best. Once they buy the idea, then they would start looking at financial management positively and this will continue to uplift their awareness regarding finances. (ii) Cumulative education which emphasizes on the ongoing learning education at school. This can impact financial management skills to the young adults who are still at school and enable them to know more about finances. This will also reduce the chances of incurring unnecessary credit card debt, but increase their knowledge in money savings. With this, they will be aware of the benefits of accessing basic necessities like rental housing, savings accounts and other important needs in life. Starting to teach these young students as early as possible will help them grow with the information at heart and even influence how they will manage their finances later on in life and throughout their lives. Starting early also gives them ample time to grow and know more about finances as they develop from stage to stage. Soyeon & Joyce (2011) explains that if young adults are exposed to ongoing financial education, then they gain more financial knowledge and this is found to increase their financial responsibility and behavior when still young, thereby shaping them to be responsible adults later on in life. All these aim to raise self awareness and positive behaviors towards financial management for the young adults. Recent studies have proved that if key financial education concepts are introduced early in school, then that foundation continues to be built consistently (Mansfield & Pinto, 2008). Opportunities where young adults practice how to manage their money could also be done through innovative learning and this could serve as a platform to start financial management skills. With this, they would have learnt physically and be in a position to handle any concepts while still at school. Concepts like simulation would enable students interact with various financial products and services and this in turns sharpens their decision making skills due to effectiveness and improved retention. Parents also play an important role in mentoring these young adults and hence discussion topics on finance management should be encouraged at home, to enable them fully understand these concepts. Parents are more influential as a resent research from Arizona Pathways to Success for University Students found out. The nature of relationship between parents and children are becoming peer-like and that, the value of their relationship continues to grow as a result of this (Serido, 2012). Parents are active in supporting their children in other academic projects and learning in general. This attitude should be extended to help nature these children in matters of financial management such that even as they grow, they know that finances is part of them. Personal financial management is one area that needs planning especially for young adults who are still in school and even for those who have just completed schooling. If personal finances are well planned, it leads to accomplished goals such as settling school loan repayment. Distinguish between the short and long term personal financial goals and know which one to prioritize (Madura, 2010). School loan repayment plan could be categorized as long term as compared to setting an emergency fund. With an estimate of how much you expect to save, you will be getting clearer perception of your financial goals. (Madura, 2010), Financial goals should be realistic. Don’t deceive yourself or be over optimistic as this may lead to disappointment. Or rather, dream of what is within your reach as a young adult and work hard, in order to achieve it. You can even be involved in part time employment where you can get small savings and later plan with it. Determine the type of action you take in setting up your financial goals. Kapoor (2011) says students have many different financial goals, but none are more important than having a basic understanding of financial issues and peace of mind with regard to their decisions. The ultimate goal of Focus on Personal Finance is to get students to this point as a first step to achieving the many financial goals they have set for themselves. Once these goals are set, you will be able to manage yourself such that if you want to reduce credit card debt, you automatically reduce the use of credit and this, will help lessen the burden of unnecessary debts. Everything set within a time frame will also help one achieve his or her goals as planned. Working with time enables one to be on his or her toes and limits prolonged loan repayment, which could accrue more interest as compared to limited time frames. Causes of poor Financial Management Lack of proper financial skills and knowledge are the major causes of poor financial management among the young adults. (Torabi, 2010) guides the young professionals to take control of their money in order to learn how to live independently with more comfort. Schools do not teach young people about personal finance. Therefore, if respective organizations could come out and take this matter into their hands, then the young could have direction about personal finance. As regard to parents, they do not know how to enlighten their young adults about money and managing finances. This has been the major cause of financial management problem because these young adults do not get substantial training and skills concerning money issues. The other problem results from more complex financial marketplace, because most of the young adults do not know where to turn to when looking for savings providers and other financial products and services. As explained by Mansfield & Pinto (2008) that financial literacy of high school students is very low as neither parents nor teachers are showing them the way on how to manage their finances. This puts the young adults at a difficult point when need arises and they have to settle their debts by themselves. More so, when one is starting his or her own life, it turns out that they are not sure of what to do whenever they are faced with challenging budgets. Organizations which deal with issues of money management should work hard towards providing guidelines and enough resources on financial decisions, to help boost their knowledge on financial management. Various lessons can be used to help the young adults be able to utilize their finances in a more effective manner, in order to evade the high degree of debts which at times are not easy to pay off. Solutions As a worrying trend, it is necessary to involve students at school into programs that can help them deal with financial obligations, so that the issue of coupling with high debts is minimized. Mansfield & Pinto (2008) explain credit card knowledge and how many students do not know the concept of their credit cards. Several precautions can be taken to enable these young adults manage their credit cards and avoid unnecessary debts. Keeping a credit card active will help you score numerous points. It is reported that, registering for mobile alerts helps one to monitor his or her credit card transactions and helps one to have the necessary information when need arises. (Madura, 2010). Dealing with debt is not so comfortable especially for the young adults. It would therefore be advisable to always use a debit card if one wants to avoid debts. This will enable one to get used to using a debit card which is the better option, in respect to handling their finances well without getting into unnecessary debts. It is advisable to be involved with debts only if you have clear means and plans of refunding it back without too much strain. Otherwise, it is a wise idea to operate without debts so as to limit the chances of overspending. Savings is another solution which the young adults can opt for, as Torabi (2010) encourages the young to be realistic and prepare for risks which occur from time to time. These savings are crucial in cases of emergencies, especially for young adults who want to start life and live independently. By this, they will have an easy time in managing their finances and taking control of the unexpected. Saving is also regarded as the first step into investments because it gives you the chance to keep some money aside to be used for emergencies, or for other better things other than the usual spending. One can either have the option of operating a savings account or money market account. These enables one to access money whenever he or she needs it and at the same time, earns interest. This is a cheaper option as there are usually no fees if you decide to keep a minimum balance which keeps it in operation. Partnering with certain banks is another solution to curb the rise of financial management illiteracy among the young adults. In here, collaboration of schools with credit unions and banks have seen the young take a positive stand at working out their financial obligations while managing such accounts (Giuseppe, 2012). They learn more from school financial education and become more conversant with financial products and services, as they would have known and learnt financial skills from a more practical point of view. Joining non school based learning also enables these young adults to have ample time for financial discussion, whose norm is taken away from the normal setup of a classroom. These groups have continued to enlighten the young adults and encourage them on matters of managing personal finances (Mansfield & Pinto, 2008). Financial to the youth has now been made possible and understandable, especially through tailored programs and other means of learning which can are easily accessed by students. Financial entertainment through online is the next criteria in dealing with financial management illiteracy. This has provided a chance for the young adults to participate in online training, mobile gaming and other interesting methods through the network. Young adults can also settle for loan repayment programs which will help in eliminating some or all of the student loans. This move could see young adults start their independence lives with less burden and debts. Unfortunately, many graduates are not aware of such schemes as explained by Giuseppe (2012) and this is the point where respective organizations should come in to help elevate the burden of school loan repayments and debts. These programs give additional funds to the young adults, which they can then use to resettle their school loans in good time. Young adults do not have to wait until they are through with school to start looking for employment. There are part time jobs that can help subsidize these loans to avoid having a huge junk when you are through with schooling. Several researchers have explained how there are a rise in students who work part time in order to meet their financial obligations, as compared to the previous years when almost every student was a full time based student. This explains why young adults must quickly develop financial decision making skills to manage other responsibilities that arise from today’s changing economic landscape, as we are told by Serido (2012). Working and studying at the same time may not be easy but what matters is the long term financial gains that result from it. This trend however, can help in clearing your school loan faster enough and get time to start your independent life once you are through with schooling. If everything works out as planned, within the stipulated time frame, then it is worth the effort of studying and working all at the same time. In such a scenario, we find out that time is well utilized and at the same time, one moves on quite quickly as compared to studying, then looking for employment later on. For those who want to start living independently, and are in dire need of various assets, could go for a compensation package at their workplace. It was realized that some companies cannot pay huge salaries but just offer low wages in exchange for your loan repayment (Torabi, 2010). In this way, you as an employee will benefit as your loan will eventually be paid while you get some salary as well. The employer also benefits as he or she spends less in salary payments. This idea works best when brought up during salary negotiations so that, the employer is well informed and knows that you will be committed at the work place for as long as there is an exchange for your student loan payment. Conclusion As reported by Soyeon & Joyce (2011) that today’s youth financial security rests on one’s own shoulder. This implies that it is personal responsibility for the young adults to make sure that their financial practices bring forth better results for tomorrow. This process is gradual and the earlier one starts to organize him or herself, the better. Awareness has been a hidden tool for most of the young adults but with more light on the table, these people are being enlightened on ways to manage their finances and know how to handle tough cases like debts. Parents are not to be left out in the entire process of preparing their children to be good managers of personal finance. Information is the key and the more these young adults keep on searching for information about money matters, the more they learn how to deal with personal finance management and how to avoid unnecessary debts and the like. It is our obligation as policy makers, teachers, parents and the rest to know the value of financial management and how it influences our daily life. A recent study by CFPB office of financial education policy, April 2013, encourages states to consider adding to the list, experiential learning to help equip our young ones with proper management skills, so as to enable them be better managers of their own personal finances. Understanding financial options should be another priority in trying to evade high paying loans. Less expensive loans could give these young adults an easy time in paying back, as compared to private or alternative student loans. A longer duration of payment could also enable these young adults to offset their debts as they will be able to budget with the little they have, instead of paying huge chunks of cash and being left with nothing to support themselves. Literacy to students alone may not bring the kind of impact that is needed. Having to extend financial literacy education to the students’ parents could help the society reach higher grounds, in matters concerning loan schemes and repayment. Campuses may not want to consider financial management education sessions for both incoming students and their parents during orientation. Resources which are available online could serve as a great tool in helping the parents understand and learn what they need to know about financial management and its impact on their children. Both online and class-room based learning have enabled the young from far and near, to learn more about finances and even choose their convenient time. This impact has been felt and even the degree of awareness has started to rise, as many young ones now have a hint on how to manage their finances.
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