Saturday, August 31, 2019
Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment
Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment PSY/250 Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment The psychoanalytic theory states that there are inner forces other than your awareness that affect your behavior. Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler and Carl Jung influenced psychology with their theories making a very large impact on psychology. As the writer I will compare and contrast the theories of these three gentlemen and decide which of these theories in which I agree and which of these theories I do not agree with.Freud’s work is now the most recognized and most heavily cited in all of psychology and referenced in humanities as well. Freud emphasized on dreams and sexuality. Dreams according to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory are said to have two levels of content, manifest content and latent content. The manifest content is what a person remembers and consciously considers. The latent content is the underlying hidden meaning. This is the trademark idealism of the psychoanalytic approach to personality, in other words what we see on the surface is only a part of what really lies underneath. Friedman & Schustack 2009) In his theory â€Å"libido†was the sexual energy that was responsible for psychological tension. Freud believed that the principal driving force behind men and women’s activities was either repressed or expressed sexuality. Unfulfilled sexuality led to pathological conditions. In other words that the unconscious was the storage facility for repressed sexual desires. (Friedman, Schustack, 2009) Freud also felt that religion was just an escape and a misleading notion which was an idea that should not be spread to people, that religion was a drug of the masses.His faith was fully in the minds ability to access its unconscious thoughts, thus avoiding any psychiatric disorder. Freud viewed the unconscious as a collection of images, thoughts and experiences that an individual refused to process, which led to psychiatric problems. (Wikipedia, 2 010) On the other hand Jung disagreed on what constituted the unconscious. Jung added to Freud’s definition by stating that each individual also possessed a collective unconscious, a group of shared images and archetypes common to all humans.Jung was fascinated with symbols. He argued that there are â€Å"archetypes†among these symbols which relate common human heritage, not just individual experiences. (Wikipedia, 2010) Thus each of us has a set of common symbols within us. Jung’s neo-analytic theory also differed suggesting that â€Å"libido†was a general psychic energy that was not sexual in nature. Jung believed that sex amounted to only one of the many things that drive humans. More importantly, humans are driven by their need to achieve individuation, wholeness or full knowledge of the self.Jung quite different in his beliefs, suggests that religion was an important place of safety for the individual as he or she began the process of individuation , exploring and excepting all parts of the self, that religion was a means of communication between all types of people, because although religions differed, the archetypes and symbols remained the same. In my opinion Jung was more mythical. Adler as opposed to Freud and Jung was in a class of his own. He believed that people were social creatures, forming goals and striving to meet them.Adler saw mental health in terms of having healthy values, which affect what goals we try to achieve. He believed that inferiority complexes affected self esteem and caused a negative effect on human health. Adler argued for holism, masculinity and femininity were crucial to understanding human psychology (Friedman, Schustack, 2009). The desire of the self was offset by social and ethical demands. Adler suggested that social realm was important to psychology as was the internal realm. That the dynamics of power and compensation extend beyond sexuality, and that gender and politics were important con siderations that go beyond libido.As you can see Adler was quite the socialist and realist and emphasized the role of empathy. One of the characteristics that I agree with is the theory that dreams play a part in psychoanalytic personality. I say this because of my own personal relationship with dreams. I believe that dreams are a part of our unconscious mind, either from repressed traumatic experiences, which can contribute to nightmares, night sweats, waking up at all hours of the night, which in turn can cause emotional instability and psychiatric disorders.In the same token, I also believe that daydreaming and pleasant dreams can be healthy to ones overall mental health. Another characteristic that I agree with is the theory that parenting and childhood development plays an even greater role in personality. I believe that from the moment you are born how you are nurtured, loved, and cared for, shapes who you will become as an adult. Childhood is the most critical time in the dev elopment stages of the one’s personality. On the other hand, one of the theories that I disagree with is Freud’s libido theory.I think that he had a dark deep obsession with sex and over emphasized it, in including it in his theory. I felt he had no basis, no proof, and no real meaning in his conclusion. The only connection to personality that I believe sex would have, is if one has been through a traumatic experience such as rape, suffer from sexual identity, a sexual addiction or other sexual crisis, otherwise I feel it has no place in personality. Freud just put way too much emphasis on sex in his theory. Another Freudian theory I disagree with is that religion is just an escape and a misleading notion.I have a strong disenchantment with this, being I am a very religious person. For the most part all nations, all creeds, all walks of life on this earth, have some sort of religious views. Religion is taught to us as children and plays a very important role in how we place our values, our morals, our principals, so to exclude religion from psychoanalytic personality is preposterous. Our religion, along with our childhood development determines who we are and who we will become. Religion is the most destructive of all weapons of mass destruction, and yet Freud looks at it so nonchalantly.More people have died in the name of religion that any other causes. I know that my religion weighs heavily on my personality. The five stages of Freud’s theory are that from age 0-2 (Oral) which is the first stage, the characteristic is the mouth: sucking, biting and swallowing, the conflict is the weaning away from the mother’s breast. This stage suggests that the willing personality is preoccupied with oral activities such as eating, smoking, biting nails or drinking. The oral aggressive personality is hostile and verbally abusive using mouth based aggression.The second stage from age 2-4 (Anal) is the defecating or retaining of feces. The confli ct is toilet training. The anal personality is stingy, and has a compulsive desire for order and tidiness. This person is generally stubborn and a perfectionist. The anal expulsive personality has a lack of self control, being generally messy and careless. The third stage from ages 4-5 (Phallic) is genitals. A boy being Oedipus and a girl Electra, which is a process through which they learn to identify with the same gender parent by acting as much like that parent as possible.Boys suffer castration anxiety by believing that the father knows that they desire their mothers, and thinking that the father will castrate him. Girls suffer from penis envy, where she is attached to her mother but then shifts her attachment once she realizes her mother lacks a penis, she then desires her father but later represses her desire for her father and incorporates the value of her mother and accepts her inferiority. The fourth stage, age’s 6-puberty (Latency) is unacceptable sexual desires tha t may flow into sports and hobbies, having the same sex friends help avoid sexual feelings.This personality is relatively calm. Sexual and aggressive behavior is less active. The fifth and last stage is the Genital stage and this personality represents maturity, intellectual and artistic creativity. This personality is well adjusted and balanced. Now after all of this, are you convinced as well as I am that Freud was way off the charts? Again I say that he put much too much emphasis on sex. Freud believed and developed a series of defense mechanisms and all of his defense mechanisms shared two common properties.One in which they often appeared unconsciously and two they tended to distort, transform, or otherwise falsify reality. One of his defense mechanisms â€Å"Intellectualization†is taking on an objective viewpoint. Suppose a husband learns that his wife has an incurable disease. He tries to learn everything he can about the disease and treatment options and by doing so represses feelings of anxiety, feelings of not being able to do anything to help his wife and any feelings of anger he may be feeling.Focusing on the facts rather than the emotional content of the situation. Freud, Jung and Adler each had their own ideas when it came to psychoanalytic personality, though they did not agree on all aspects of each other’s ideas, combined they were the founding fathers of psychoanalytic personality and are still highly regarded in the field of psychology today. Their theories combined opened doors into the vastness and complexity of the human mind. I believe in the field of psychology a little of each of their theories are being practiced today.There is a little Jung, Adler and Freud in each of us as we try and decipher the human mind and human behavior. References Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2001). Sigmund Freud. Retrieved from http://www. iep. utm. edu Friedman, H. S. , & Schuustack, M. W. (2009). Personality: Classic Theories and Mo dern Research (4th ed. ). : Pearson Education, Inc.. Boeree, G. C. (1997,2006). Alfred Adler. Retrieved from http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/adler/html Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment Each individual is distinguished by their own unique personality. Personality is developed in different stages of a person life. There are several theorists who have tried to decipher the different types of personalities and determine the meaning of each. Freud, Jung, and Adler were known as sterling psychologists. Although they were sterling their views on psychology varied. To compare and contrast their psychoanalysis theories, Freud, Jung, and Adler perspectives on personality was similar but dissimilar at times. This assessment will compare and contrast psychoanalytic theories of Freud, Jung, and Adler.The assessment will also explain the two characteristics in which I agree and disagree. This assessment will describe the stages of Freud’s theory and explain characteristics of personality using these components. This assessment will conclude by describing the use of at least three Freudian defense mechanisms with real life examples. The theories Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler , and Carl Jung shared is called psychoanalytic theories. These great men main theory was to decipher human behavior. They focused on many aspects of understanding of psychology.Their main focus was to discover a person’s previous childhood experiences and decipher the color a male of female would view a current experience. Freud established the theory that focused on psychosexual progress. Adler established human psychology. Jung established the analytical part of psychology. Freud psychoanalytical insight was broken down using three characteristics Id, ego, and superego (Friedman, Schustack, 2012). Freud describes Id as the foundation of personality. Id is demonstrated as not being affected by the external world (Friedman, Schusstack, 2012). The id hold the main physic force and motivations, which referent urges or feelings.The second characteristic Freud describes is ego. Ego demonstrates an individual actually having to with the external world. A person ego is controll ed by real life encounters for example, going work, taking care of the children, socializing, and running daily errands. Freud believes that a person ego reflects reality principles, which are real life situations. Carl Jung believes that ego is the facet of an individual’s personality. Jung also believes the ego personality is a conscious action of self control. The third characteristic that Freud demonstrates is superego.Superego is the characteristic that joins moral values and society values. Moral values are taught by our parent who allows a person to know right from wrong. Society morals influence an individual personality by the environment that they live among. Superego is a person conscience that telling them from within what ethical decision or action you need to make (Friedman, Schustack, 2012). Carl G. Jung comes from a family line of ministers on both his mother and father side. Jung theories’ regarding personality was peculiar and somewhat different. Jung personality theories consist of a person’s thought and childhood encounters.His focal point was less on sexuality, and more on historical, spiritual, and supernatural occurrences than Freud’s psychoanalytic psychology (Friedman, Schusstack, 2012). Jung analytic psychology was geared toward three component of the mind: the conscious ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. Jung theory on ego did resemble to Freud’s theory on ego. He believed that a person’s ego was conscious personified by the self motivation. Jung also believed that an individual develops this personality at four years of age (Friedman, Schustack, 2012). Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment PSY/250 Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment The psychoanalytic theory states that there are inner forces other than your awareness that affect your behavior. Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler and Carl Jung influenced psychology with their theories making a very large impact on psychology. As the writer I will compare and contrast the theories of these three gentlemen and decide which of these theories in which I agree and which of these theories I do not agree with.Freud’s work is now the most recognized and most heavily cited in all of psychology and referenced in humanities as well. Freud emphasized on dreams and sexuality. Dreams according to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory are said to have two levels of content, manifest content and latent content. The manifest content is what a person remembers and consciously considers. The latent content is the underlying hidden meaning. This is the trademark idealism of the psychoanalytic approach to personality, in other words what we see on the surface is only a part of what really lies underneath. Friedman & Schustack 2009) In his theory â€Å"libido†was the sexual energy that was responsible for psychological tension. Freud believed that the principal driving force behind men and women’s activities was either repressed or expressed sexuality. Unfulfilled sexuality led to pathological conditions. In other words that the unconscious was the storage facility for repressed sexual desires. (Friedman, Schustack, 2009) Freud also felt that religion was just an escape and a misleading notion which was an idea that should not be spread to people, that religion was a drug of the masses.His faith was fully in the minds ability to access its unconscious thoughts, thus avoiding any psychiatric disorder. Freud viewed the unconscious as a collection of images, thoughts and experiences that an individual refused to process, which led to psychiatric problems. (Wikipedia, 2 010) On the other hand Jung disagreed on what constituted the unconscious. Jung added to Freud’s definition by stating that each individual also possessed a collective unconscious, a group of shared images and archetypes common to all humans.Jung was fascinated with symbols. He argued that there are â€Å"archetypes†among these symbols which relate common human heritage, not just individual experiences. (Wikipedia, 2010) Thus each of us has a set of common symbols within us. Jung’s neo-analytic theory also differed suggesting that â€Å"libido†was a general psychic energy that was not sexual in nature. Jung believed that sex amounted to only one of the many things that drive humans. More importantly, humans are driven by their need to achieve individuation, wholeness or full knowledge of the self.Jung quite different in his beliefs, suggests that religion was an important place of safety for the individual as he or she began the process of individuation , exploring and excepting all parts of the self, that religion was a means of communication between all types of people, because although religions differed, the archetypes and symbols remained the same. In my opinion Jung was more mythical. Adler as opposed to Freud and Jung was in a class of his own. He believed that people were social creatures, forming goals and striving to meet them.Adler saw mental health in terms of having healthy values, which affect what goals we try to achieve. He believed that inferiority complexes affected self esteem and caused a negative effect on human health. Adler argued for holism, masculinity and femininity were crucial to understanding human psychology (Friedman, Schustack, 2009). The desire of the self was offset by social and ethical demands. Adler suggested that social realm was important to psychology as was the internal realm. That the dynamics of power and compensation extend beyond sexuality, and that gender and politics were important con siderations that go beyond libido.As you can see Adler was quite the socialist and realist and emphasized the role of empathy. One of the characteristics that I agree with is the theory that dreams play a part in psychoanalytic personality. I say this because of my own personal relationship with dreams. I believe that dreams are a part of our unconscious mind, either from repressed traumatic experiences, which can contribute to nightmares, night sweats, waking up at all hours of the night, which in turn can cause emotional instability and psychiatric disorders.In the same token, I also believe that daydreaming and pleasant dreams can be healthy to ones overall mental health. Another characteristic that I agree with is the theory that parenting and childhood development plays an even greater role in personality. I believe that from the moment you are born how you are nurtured, loved, and cared for, shapes who you will become as an adult. Childhood is the most critical time in the dev elopment stages of the one’s personality. On the other hand, one of the theories that I disagree with is Freud’s libido theory.I think that he had a dark deep obsession with sex and over emphasized it, in including it in his theory. I felt he had no basis, no proof, and no real meaning in his conclusion. The only connection to personality that I believe sex would have, is if one has been through a traumatic experience such as rape, suffer from sexual identity, a sexual addiction or other sexual crisis, otherwise I feel it has no place in personality. Freud just put way too much emphasis on sex in his theory. Another Freudian theory I disagree with is that religion is just an escape and a misleading notion.I have a strong disenchantment with this, being I am a very religious person. For the most part all nations, all creeds, all walks of life on this earth, have some sort of religious views. Religion is taught to us as children and plays a very important role in how we place our values, our morals, our principals, so to exclude religion from psychoanalytic personality is preposterous. Our religion, along with our childhood development determines who we are and who we will become. Religion is the most destructive of all weapons of mass destruction, and yet Freud looks at it so nonchalantly.More people have died in the name of religion that any other causes. I know that my religion weighs heavily on my personality. The five stages of Freud’s theory are that from age 0-2 (Oral) which is the first stage, the characteristic is the mouth: sucking, biting and swallowing, the conflict is the weaning away from the mother’s breast. This stage suggests that the willing personality is preoccupied with oral activities such as eating, smoking, biting nails or drinking. The oral aggressive personality is hostile and verbally abusive using mouth based aggression.The second stage from age 2-4 (Anal) is the defecating or retaining of feces. The confli ct is toilet training. The anal personality is stingy, and has a compulsive desire for order and tidiness. This person is generally stubborn and a perfectionist. The anal expulsive personality has a lack of self control, being generally messy and careless. The third stage from ages 4-5 (Phallic) is genitals. A boy being Oedipus and a girl Electra, which is a process through which they learn to identify with the same gender parent by acting as much like that parent as possible.Boys suffer castration anxiety by believing that the father knows that they desire their mothers, and thinking that the father will castrate him. Girls suffer from penis envy, where she is attached to her mother but then shifts her attachment once she realizes her mother lacks a penis, she then desires her father but later represses her desire for her father and incorporates the value of her mother and accepts her inferiority. The fourth stage, age’s 6-puberty (Latency) is unacceptable sexual desires tha t may flow into sports and hobbies, having the same sex friends help avoid sexual feelings.This personality is relatively calm. Sexual and aggressive behavior is less active. The fifth and last stage is the Genital stage and this personality represents maturity, intellectual and artistic creativity. This personality is well adjusted and balanced. Now after all of this, are you convinced as well as I am that Freud was way off the charts? Again I say that he put much too much emphasis on sex. Freud believed and developed a series of defense mechanisms and all of his defense mechanisms shared two common properties.One in which they often appeared unconsciously and two they tended to distort, transform, or otherwise falsify reality. One of his defense mechanisms â€Å"Intellectualization†is taking on an objective viewpoint. Suppose a husband learns that his wife has an incurable disease. He tries to learn everything he can about the disease and treatment options and by doing so represses feelings of anxiety, feelings of not being able to do anything to help his wife and any feelings of anger he may be feeling.Focusing on the facts rather than the emotional content of the situation. Freud, Jung and Adler each had their own ideas when it came to psychoanalytic personality, though they did not agree on all aspects of each other’s ideas, combined they were the founding fathers of psychoanalytic personality and are still highly regarded in the field of psychology today. Their theories combined opened doors into the vastness and complexity of the human mind. I believe in the field of psychology a little of each of their theories are being practiced today.There is a little Jung, Adler and Freud in each of us as we try and decipher the human mind and human behavior. References Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2001). Sigmund Freud. Retrieved from http://www. iep. utm. edu Friedman, H. S. , & Schuustack, M. W. (2009). Personality: Classic Theories and Mo dern Research (4th ed. ). : Pearson Education, Inc.. Boeree, G. C. (1997,2006). Alfred Adler. Retrieved from http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/adler/html
Labeling theory and its effects to the society Essay
Labeling theory is a theory that tries to explain the effects of â€Å"labeling†by the society on an individual. It shows that: by labeling an individual for example as insane, that could mark the beginning of the process of him being insane. It is therefore important for society to be careful on the labels that they give to individuals because of the effects that are likely to come with this â€Å"labels†. This paper is going to look into the components of labeling theory and its effects. Labeling Theory Labeling theory looks at the influence that the society has on the development of a certain behavior by an individual because of the society’s perception of him/her. The way an individual has been described and categorized by the public can greatly affect the behavior of the said individual. It also brings out the linguistic tendency of the majority in society to label those who are perceived to be minority or with behaviors different from the rest, negative labels. According to this theory, the stigmatizing or negative labels given to these individuals have a significant effect on them such that some of the individuals may proceed to being deviant (Becker, 1964). An example is an individual who is perceived to be a drug addict. Even if the drugs do not affects his professional life, when individuals whom they work with come to know that they use drugs, they may start avoiding and associating them with all other crimes that are done by drug addicts. Because of this stigmatization, the individual may end up loosing the job and could not be able to secure a decent job in any other place. This will leave him with no other option other than involving in crime for survival, something which he could not have gotten himself in were it not for stigmatization and labels that were directed to him/her (Becker, 1963). According to Becker (1963), the process of labeling cannot be assumed to be purely right because if so, it could have not considered the general rule of deviance which is: it is the society that creates it. The society may create some social rules and apply them to some given individuals without proper consideration. Their claims cannot be justified because there is a possibility that the individual may not be what the society perceives him/her to be. Other offenders may be lucky to go without being noticed by people and you cannot say that just because they were able to escape unseen, they are clean and cannot qualify to be deviant or those who have been labeled are all the same. This is because there may be false accusations. The theory may affect the society in many ways. It may lead to increased crime rate among individuals and society. This is because of the effect that the theory has on an individual like in the example above of a drug addict who will be forced to engage in dangerous activities because of discrimination by the people around him/her. It may also serve as an example to other individuals to avoid committing crimes considering the condemnation involved after carrying out the crime (Becker, 1964). Victims of this theory can also become victims of self fulfilled prophesy. Because of the perception that the society has on these individuals, they may begin to change their behavior to that which the society has labeled them to have either consciously or unconsciously. An example is a homosexual individual. Being a homosexual may not have an effect on an individual’s professional life, but if his colleagues become aware of that fact, it may be difficult for the said person to comfortably work therefore his work will also suffer as a result. Poor results in the work place have been brought about by discrimination that an individual has received from his colleagues because of the label of a â€Å"homosexual†that he had acquired. Although the individuals may be determined to do things right, it may be difficult to abide by that (Becker, 1963). Although this theory may bring about positive influences in society such that others may learn from victims, it makes victims to be more deviant. This could be because of lack of support from the individuals around the victims making life more unbearable for them pushing them further into crime. References Becker, H. S. (1963). Outsiders: labeling theory. New York, NY: The Free Press Becker, H. S. (1964). The Other Side: Perspectives on Deviance. New York, NY: The Free Press
Friday, August 30, 2019
Water shortage may be next cause of world war
While much attention and debate have been correctly focused on the impending planet-wide oil shortage, a far greater calamity awaits us as the reality of the looming global water crisis becomes more apparent. It is not unreasonable to wonder whether the next world war will be fought over oil or water.No resource on Earth is more precious than water. While ongoing events draw our attention to oil, we ignore what will become the most serious resource issue in this century – the international water shortage. The reports that nearly a third of the world’s population lacks clean water for personal daily use and estimates that by 2025 that number will grow to half of the world’s population. A number of world leaders have even suggested that the next world war could be sparked by water disputes.In places as different as the American west, the Middle East, Northern Africa, and China the problem of diminishing water supplies is becoming steadily more serious and more dang erous. The World Bank has reported that as many as 80 countries now have water shortages that threaten their economies as well as their citizens’ health, while 40 percent of the world’s population have no access to clean water and sanitation.In addition, more than a dozen nations receive most of their water from rivers that cross borders of neighbouring countries viewed as hostile. As readily as people and countries ï ¬ ght over control of oil, one can only imagine what it will be like when our precious life source of water is no longer available in sufficient quantities.According to Frank Rijsberman, the director of the International Water Management Institute, â€Å"Globally, water usage has increased six times in the past 100 years and will double again by 2050, driven mainly by irrigation and demands of agriculture.†The consequences of this increase in demand will be widespread scarcity and rapidly increasing water prices. As described in a report issued l ast August by WWF, the global conservation organization, rather than being simply a problem effecting poor and undeveloped countries, the â€Å"combination of climate change and drought and loss of wetlands that store water, along with poorly thought out water infrastructure and resources management, is making this (water) crisis truly global.†In the Middle East, Israelis and Palestinians are ï ¬ ghting over shrinking water resources. In China & India more than 400 of 600 towns & nearby cities are suffering water shortages and in Peru, as around the world, mountain glaciers are in retreat, taking with them vast stores of water that grow crops, generate electricity and sustain communities.â€Å"The situation will only be exacerbated as climate change is predicted to bring lower rainfall, increased evaporation and changed patterns of snow melting.†So what is to be done about this imminent case of water insecurity? The most important ï ¬ rst step is to develop a bette r method of agricultural irrigation. Presently 70 percent of all water use is agricultural, with 60 percent of that water being wasted, primarily through seepage and evaporation. Other strategies to address this growing global water problem include: water conservation, more desalination plants, slowing population growth, reducing pollution, and simply better managing the supply and demand of our most precious resource.Ultimately, there will be no remedy for this seemingly intractable problem unless and until truly sustainable practices of water conservation are undertaken at the personal, national and global level. If we fail to do this, and don’t learn to conserve and cooperate, the war(s) for control of the oil in the Middle East will appear mere picnics by comparison.And in addition to the already existing â€Å"No Blood for Oil†protest signs, our newest antiwar protesters will be carrying signs saying, â€Å"No War for Water.â€
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Faith-Based Health Programs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Faith-Based Health Programs - Assignment Example For instance, if health based initiatives were to be intergrated into a church menu for the purposes of combating stroke and heart disease the church officials would simply start to introduce more healthy foods at church functions. In addition, research has proved that faith-based interventions even provide social support for members who desire to adopt healthy behaviors such as engaging in daily physical exercises. Church groups have even been known to form groups of people that regularly engage in physical exercise with the encouragement of community health officials (Lee, 2010). There are many ways through which health officials can reach members of religious communities through fiath based initiatives. For instance, Church bulletins and newsletters that detail the importance of avoiding fatty foods and habits like smoking can cause members to adopt healthier lifestyles.This is because such health messages will be more accepted when delivered by a pastor than by a community worker. Faith-based settings also increase the chances of members being recruited in healthy lifestyle programs. Such settings are also beneficial for launching education programs due to the ready availability of a meeting space,as well as cooking facilities. In particularly conservative communities, community health workers can even train the religious leaders to carry out health initiatives that will ensure that their members adopt and maintain healthy
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Real World Examples of Canadian Public and Private Law and Assignment
Real World Examples of Canadian Public and Private Law and International Law - Assignment Example It is founded on the notion of what a reasonable man would do to protect others from injuries and/or property damage as a result of their activities. Canadian liability insurance policies protect policy holders whether individuals or firms from the consequences of unintended torts, usually negligence. They do not insure intended torts such as assault because they are completely within the power of the perpetrator to prevent and therefore uninsurable because they are not accidental. Because of Canada’s winter climate, a very common example of tort is negligence for failure to tale reasonable steps to keep business and residential parking lots and sidewalks free from the hazards of ice and snow. In theory this does not mean, for example, that a store is automatically responsible for injuries suffered by a person falling on an icy sidewalk. They would not be liable if the accident happened in the midst of a storm, but if the business failed to salt and sand after the storm passed they would be judged responsible by a court. Unfortunately, in practical terms insurers usually have to pay claimants something, for example out of pocket expenses regardless of their degree of negligence if any. However, their exposure can be reduced if businesses keep a log showing when they salted and sanded to demonstrate their efforts to keep the premises as safe as possible. In other words, while such tort negligence claims usually require some insurer payout, the amount can be reduced significantly if the business shows it did all it reasonably could under the circumstances. 2). Contract Law Artifact Canadian contract law refers to that branch of civil law which pertains to the conditions required for a valid enforceable contract or agreement between parties.( Canadian Contract Law) Unlike tort law it is not based on judicial precedent but on the specific terms of the particular contract. They are usually written but can be verbal. They may be based on negotiated terms betwe en the parties or on standard wordings as many insurance contracts are. Analysis Binding contracts are freely entered into agreements between individuals, groups and/or businesses to perform a specified service or provide a designated product to the other contracted party/parties in exchange for consideration, that is, money, benefit, right or interest, or some forbearance, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other. ( Making and Breaking Contracts). It also must be a clear, unequivocal, direct offer to another party to contract which is accepted on the same basis by this party to become a binding contract. In Canada there are certain situations where a court will not enforce a contract, for example, if it involves the commission of a crime, it is entered into by people deemed mentally incompetent, and therefore unable to understand it’s terms, and in some cases involving minors unless the court declares it provides a clear and necessary benefit to the minor, or can be revoked by the young person without penalty. Otherwise, to ensure enforceability it is very important that the terms be clear, consistent precise and address all foreseeable eventualities. Especially in Canada in the case of standard wordings written exclusively by insurers, any ambiguities will be interpreted in favor of the policyholder. 3). Criminal Law Artifact The Canadian Criminal Code may be regarded as a
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Rist in Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Rist in Financial Management - Essay Example Many methods have been developed over the years to effectively appraise the investment proposals. These methods have been broadly bifurcated into two, namely Non- Discounting Method and Discounting Method. The main difference between these two is that discounting methods applies the concept of time value of money for the evaluation of proposals whereas the non-discounting methods do not. However, all methods primarily rely on the future cash flows of project/proposal, which are compared with the initial investment to carry out a cost benefit analysis. In the cost benefit analysis of a project, the cash outflows incurred in connection with the project including working capital is compared with cash inflows to ascertain whether inflows outweigh outflows and vice versa. If the inflows exceed the outflows of a project, then the project will be suggested for acceptance, provided all other parameters are acceptable. But, there is a crucial issue in evaluating the project proposal which is not given much importance in any of the two mentioned methods. This is related to the risks involved in the future cash flows on the basis of project selection/rejection is made. It is known for all that future cash flows from a project can be expected, but the question is how much or what is the volume of cash flows that are likely to be received from a project. There is an uncertainty in this regard and such an uncertainty is called risk in capital budgeting. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate the risks involved in each project by certain methods. Usually, the future cash flows are adjusted for the risks to incorporate the uncertainty with regard to its availability. The most commonly used three methods are: 1. Scenario Analysis 2. Break-even Analysis 3. Decision Tree Analysis Scenario Analysis: "Scenario analysis is a method of assessing probable future occurrences by taking into account alternate probable consequences or scenarios. Scenario analysis was planned to enable quality decision making by appropriating more comprehensive conditions of results and what they entail." (Scenario Analysis. 2008). In scenario analysis, several variables are varied at a time. Most commonly three scenarios are considered: expected (normal) scenario, pessimistic scenario and optimistic scenario. In the normal scenario, all variables expect assume their expected values; in the pessimistic scenario, all variables value their pessimistic values; and in the optimistic scenario all variables assume their optimistic values. "The process of estimating the expected value of a portfolio after a given period of time, assuming specific changes in the values of the portfolio's securities or key factors that would affect security values, such as changes in the interest rate." (Scenario Analysis: What d oes Scenario Analysis Mean 2008). Break-even Analysis: "A break even analysis is a method, which denotes what is the ideal quantity of production and the minimal amount of sales to guarantee that there is no monetary loss of a project. Break even analysis forms an integral part of capital budgeting." (Break Even Analysis. 2008). In break-even analysis, the most important thing for the project appraiser is how much should be produced and sold at a minimum to ensure that the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Manifest Destiny & Road to the Civil War & Slavery Essay
Manifest Destiny & Road to the Civil War & Slavery - Essay Example More and more cotton plantations came into existence so is the labor to carry on with the plantation related works. The Southern region of America consisted of the creamy layer of the society and they all led a sophisticated life. The cotton industry grew up to become big and constituted about half of the exports made by America in 1845. Though the South had an upper hand in cotton manufacturing, it also helped the North region as the cotton looms are woven in the North. Few autocratic families headed over the dealings in the South and were popularly known as cottonocracy. A lot of mythical facts were also there at that time and only about few 1,733 families had about some 100+ slaves with them. Women in the South had a great influence on it as well though they were not politically strong like the men they took care on the domestic sphere. It is not that the North did not like slavery that they did not have much of slavery going on. It was just that they did not have a flourishing bu siness like the South and also at times they were jealous of the growth of the South to some extent. Industry in the North could not compete with South region of America because of availability of the cheap labors in North. There was a popular idea that the North liked blacks and that people in the South hated them is an absolute myth. North region American hated blacks much more than that of the South and one famous belief to support this stand is the saying that the North liked the black race but hated the individuals, on the other hand south hated the race but loved the individuals. Many of the reasons can be attributed to the growth of the slavery system and the slaves. Growing profits in cotton led to land butchery as there was always a demand for new cotton cultivation land. Smaller farm owners were not able to compete with the large plantation owners and hence they ended up selling their land to the plantation owners. The Cotton Kingdom was not without any downside as well. I t was largely dependent on the cotton for its survival and depended on the North for everything. Over importance was given to speculations and invested a lot on land and slaves thus leading to debts. Owning of slaves were considered to be a great prestige by these white masters and those who could not afford it thought it to be a life time achievement to own slaves of their own. It was not that all the whites were in a superior position. Only a few of the whites were wealthy and served as masters. A larger group of whites were poor and had to eat clay for survival. Though they were poor in status, they considered them above that of the blacks and hated the blacks to the core. Dangerous jobs were given to Irish men than slaves because of fear of losing them. Slaves are considered to be a valuable investment. There was a period in America which saw up to some 250,000 free blacks by the year 1860. Some of the reasons behind it are the outburst of American Revolution, buying of the free dom by earning enough money and black child born to the white master. Northern whites and Irish people did not get along well with the fact that there are free blacks. Irish considered blacks as a competitor as they worked for lesser wages than the Irish. Though the legality of the bringing in of slaves was stopped, there were some illegal activities carried on. Slave life is a difficult point for the blacks. They were treated very badly and are whipped for any
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Paper Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Paper Assignment - Essay Example (e) Presidential vote closely reflects voters’ party loyalties and is not influenced by whether an incumbent is running in a district or how much money the local candidates spend. (+) Districts that voted at least 10 percentage points more Democratic than the nation were classified as safe Democratic; districts that voted at least 10 percentage points more Republican than the nation were classified as safe Republican; districts that were within 5 percentage points of the nation were classified as competitive. (a) House district have become less competitive, but not because of redistricting. Most of the change has occurred between redistricting cycles. For the same reasons that states and counties have become less competitive- Americans are increasingly voting for candidates who reflect those values. (e) on the county level-number of counties dominated by one party and the proportion of voters living in such counties have increased dramatically over the several past decades. Also, growing ideological polarization at the elite level has made it easier for voters to choose a party identification on the basis of their ideological preferences. (+) Polarization=sorting, as voters bring their policy and partisan preferences into alignment (a)Growing financial advantage enjoyed by incumbents also contributes to the low level of competition in recent congressional elections. (e) It now costs over a million dollars to wage a competitive campaign for a U.S. House seat. (+) Most incumbents can raise that kind of money easily, but very few challengers can (they lack the financial resources needed to wage competitive campaigns). The most vulnerable- those in districts that were more supportive of the opposing party’s presidential candidate than the nation. Claims that redistricting does have an effect on the number of competitive congressional districts and, as a case study of redistricting institutions in Arizona illustrates, the choice of redistricting
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Company Introduction, Market Segmentation, and Product Repositioning Research Paper
Company Introduction, Market Segmentation, and Product Repositioning - Research Paper Example Strategic Mission Statement The mission of Holden Trucking Services is to be preferred trucking firm by being able to deliver the most affordable, high quality and efficient trucking services to the customers. According to Radhakrishnan (2001), trucking services form a very important part of the supply chain for many business and it is critical that it is efficient in terms of service as well as cost. This is what Holden Trucking Services will seek to be doing, that is, provide efficient and reliable services to customers at affordable prices. In its growth outlook, Holden Trucking Services looks to serve the African market. The African market is the most underserved market in this sector of the global economy. Africa is expected to be next big economy in the next twenty years. According to market experts, the current fast growing markets such as India and China will have reached their optimum growth by the year 2050. At the current moment, every firm including trucking firms are con centrating their foreign market growth in the BRICS market. As the African market is being ignored, it is going to be easy for Holden Trucking Services to establish itself as the trucking firm of choice and be able to take advantage when the opportune e time comes. The African market is already a ripe market and is underserved and even without having to wait for the opportunities time. Most African countries don’t have dependable trucking services of their own and therefore depend on foreign firms. None of these foreign firms have been gracious enough to offer localised trucking services. This means that the services are too expensive for the local African market. The services are also inefficient and not dependable especially where time of delivery is critical. Holden Trucking Services will be the trucking firm to fill this gap to make sure that the local market is well served. Marketing Plan Holden Trucking Services will reach the market by personalising the services. The m arket will be divided into smaller cells with each cell being given as much autonomy as possible. This will make sure that every area can be served individually and this will increase the quality of the service to the customers. Holden Trucking Services will also seek to be a low-price leader. The modern trucking business is too expensive for most customers an this always has a negative implication of the customers because most of the customers are businesses which would benefit a lot if they could find a cheaper way to deliver their goods so that they can expand their profit margins (Kendall, 2005). Offering low prices and high quality of service to the customer will be an easy way to enter in the market and Holden Trucking Services seeks to use this as a way to make sure that it curves a market share for itself. Segmentation of the Market Holden Trucking Services will seek to serve the underserved market. Such underserved market include the small scale businesses which usually can not afford to have their own trucks but at the same time find trucking services prohibitively high. In this regard, to be able to serve this market, Holden Trucking Services will use two main strategies. First, it will include smaller trucks rather than having only large trucks. These smaller trucks will help in making sure that the firm is able to dispatch customer’
Friday, August 23, 2019
Institutional Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Institutional Investment - Essay Example As compared to other funds that can be termed as passively managed funds, the actively managed funds tend to have a higher expense ratio due to the stock-picking that goes on with this type of portfolio. On the other hand, an index fund is a collective investment scheme focusing on an index movement in the financial market with already set rules that have to remain constant regardless of the market dynamics that are supposedly affecting stock. (Kaushik, 2013, p.1) The tracking in here means it can be approached by holding all securities in the index with the same proportions of the stock being monitored as much statistically sampling the market and holding representative securities. Having the advantage of lower fees, the returns to the investors are few influenced as well as low costs are in the light of taxes. Actively managed equity mutual funds have trillions of dollars in assets, collect tens of billions in management fees, and are the subject of enormous attention from investor s, the press, and researchers; therefore the scrutiny of such funds come from all quarters their active management (Baks, Metrick and Watcher, 2001, p. 43-83). This is due to the fact that they are relevantly required to mature in a shorter period as compared to indexed funds and for years, many experts have been saying that investors would be better off in low-cost passively managed index funds. The brief of the active fund and index fund is two different investment strategy. The former is looking for the market to be misprice securities positively and seek to obtain market performances beyond target. While the later chose a particular index as an investment, not the manifestation of seek the market actively instead of trying to replicate the performance of an index (Philippe, 2002, p. 1-10). According to Jensen (1968, p. 389-400), most studies have found that the universe of mutual funds does not outperform its benchmarks after expenses and this evidence indicates that the average active mutual fund should be avoided hence the preference shifts to the indexed funds for the longer term investments. Other findings reveal that future abnormal returns â€Å"alphas†can be forecast using past returns or alphas, past fund inflows, and manager characteristics such as age, education, and SAT scores which goes a long way in their decision making with regard to financial knowledge. Base on the evidence, those alphas are possible to persistent, and that some managers own positives expectation on alphas as far as about 0.1 percent of all managers in the expectation and none do. Using current data and methods, it is not possible to distinguish between these two possibilities, but at the same time such small differences may have large consequences for investors. There has been rising popularity among the index funds, and this can be attributed to their excellent performance in the long run as they have outperformed their actively managed competitors as a whole. Tak ing a look at the mathematical aspect of the indices, the average active
Intellectual Property and Copyright Laws in Australia Essay
Intellectual Property and Copyright Laws in Australia - Essay Example Through the use of the copyright laws, the artists, songwriters, and music recording companies will be challenged to produce and create their own unique and artistic musical piece (Golvan 7). The copyright laws can be used to protect not only the creators of artistic designs but also those individuals who create their own music, sound recordings, dramatic films, and broadcast signals. Under the Australian copyright law, â€Å"the copyright term in Australia has been increased from 50 to 70 years from the life of the author†(Golvan 7; Remix'd). It means that the writer of songs who was granted a copyright for their masterpiece is protected by the copyright laws for up to 70 years after his or her death. With regards to the essence of intellectual and copyright laws in Australia, this study will focus on discussing why the remix culture can be read as a sustained critique of the intellectual property and copyright laws. To prove that the reproduction of remix songs can indirect ly violate the intellectual and copyright laws in Australia, several real-life examples will be provided in this paper. Literature Review Song remix is all about changing the form of an existing song by either enhancing the tone or the beat as a way of coming up with a more interesting sound and musical structure (James 24). By using the DJs special skills on basic scratches in order to match the beat, James explained that the DJs can easily alter the come up with an entirely new sound creation based on the original songs (25). Even though song remixed could offer an entirely new sound and beat, people who listen to remixed songs will always be able to determine and identify the origin of remixed songs. According to Martin, â€Å"the copyright laws in Australia and overseas – are not keeping up with the digital era and are stifling creativity†(Martin para 5). The problem with the remix culture is that DJs are using some form of digital gadgets (i.e. CD players, pitch control keys, etc.) in order to create an alternative music using songs that are already been protected by the copyright laws (James 24 – 25). For example, Martin mentioned that a couple of DJs based in San Francisco and Perth gathered in one occasion wherein these two DJs performed a remix using famous songs from Eminem and Aerosmith (Martin). Since the public viewers are patronizing remix songs, Martin pointed out that a lawyer in the Queensland University of Technology mentioned that a lot of amateur DJs are now demanding to have the right to produce remix songs whereby they should be given the title and protection for their role as a remix producer. Because of the absence of a more precise and clear legislation with regards to the practice of modifying existing songs through remixes, a lot of amateur DJs are technically guilty of copyright infringement yet these people are insisting that the remix culture is part of innovating new songs Derived from the copyright laws in UK, the Copyright Act 1968 in Australia clearly explained in section 31 that it is illegal to reproduce or disseminate all â€Å"literary, artistic, dramatic, musical work, sound recordings, cinematograph films, television, and sound broadcast†materials that are protected by the copyright laws and that the copyright owners of songs demand acknowledgement of their authorship from their musical masterpiece.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay Example for Free
A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay Genre is a term that is used to classify or describe a type or form of literature. While this sounds like a simple concept, it in actuality is a very complicated classing system. The reason for the complication is that literature does not always follow the typical characteristics set up by that type of genre. For example, one of the characteristics in the genre of tragedy is that there is a tragic hero, who is in a position of power. In the classical tragedy this is true, as can be seen in Sophocles Oedipus Rex because the tragic hero is Oedipus, who is the king of Thebes. In the Renaissance tragedy this is not always the case such as in Shakespeares Hamlet, the tragic hero is only a prince. Where this characteristic is completely abandoned is in the modern tragedy by Eugene ONeill, Desire Under the Elms, where the character playing the tragic hero is a farmer and it is difficult to determine which character is the true tragic hero. Yet all these plays are tragedies, despite their variations . Another aspect of genre that makes the concept difficult to define is that there are parts of plays that fall into other genres. An example of this is seen in parts of Desire Under the Elms, such as the party scene at the Cabot home. Although this play is a tragedy, in this scene there is comedy occurring in the witty remarks from the partiers and in the silly jig Ephraim dances. As one can see the simple concept of genre poses many complications when utilized to define a piece of literature. Genre is divided into two categories, which are representational genre and narrative genre. The first category, representational genre, consist of the number and types of voices in the piece of literature. (handout) There are three types of representative genre. The first type is Narrator, which is when one speaker talks directly to the audience and that speaker is responsible for telling the whole story to the audience without the aid of other opinions or sides to the story of the other persons involved. An example of this is when a comedian is doing stand up. The audience gets to hear the funny story of lets say when the comedian learned to ride a bike and his father let go to soon and the comedian fell etc. The comedian has the responsibility of telling this story to the audience, but the audience only hears the comedians side of the story. Another type of representative genre is Dialogue, which consist of more than one character speaking with each other. In this form, the audience acts as a third party and only gets to overhear and not have someone speak to them directly. An example of this is in Desire Under the Elms because the characters just converse with each other. The final type is Narrator plus Dialogue and this is a combination of the first two. The characters speak to each other but there is one character who acts a narrator and tells the audience what is going on. This is exemplified in a new sitcom called Titus. In this sitcom the characters talk to each other, but the main character Titus has side conversations with the audience where he reflects on the events. The other category of genre is the narrative genre in which the type of plot is described. These can be combined as is shown in my earlier example of comedy showing up in tragedy or a romantic comedy. The categories of the narrative genre are tragedy, comedy, romance, and satire. The first category tragedy starts with a problem that the tragic hero must solve, be it revenge taken or the truth discovered, and ends with the resolution to the problem where the tragic hero is banished or killed. The purest example of a tragedy is Oedipus Rex because there is a problem that the hero must solve and he is banished in order to solve the problem. Another type is the comedy in which there is a less significant problem that the characters try to solve and the story ends happily with the characters uniting in a marriage or party. A Midsummer Nights Dream exemplifies this because there is a plague due to the fighting of Titania and Oberon and there are young lovers trying to overcome the attempt at separating each other. The characters try to solve these problems and at the end there is a marriage and a party. Romance is another form of narrative genre in which the all begins well the characters are separated but the solution is they reunite and live happily ever after. This can be seen in the young lovers mentioned in A Midsummer Nights Dream. Finally, Satire is a category in which an existing story is spoofed. An example of this is the movie Naked Gun which satirizes the old cop movies. In comparison to other types of literature courses, the study of genre has advantages in that it helps to classify literature in ways that make it easy to see the typical characteristics. This can aid in comparing different works of literature and provide a starting point in analyzing literature. The problem with studying genre is that because it is so vague and that the works do not purely follow the guidelines in the genres it is difficult to define genre. Also, it is difficult to define the works using genre because there are so many different types of genre that different parts of the works can fall into. Teahers Note: Youre welcome to your opinion, but this part would certainly be stronger with an upswing at the end, maybe reviewing some of the insights gained by what youve written here.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Humanism in the Renaissance Period
Humanism in the Renaissance Period Humanism of the renaissance period has manifested a new and developed courtier that is different from earlier courtiers of the medieval age. Courts, during the Renaissance, were the center of social as well as political life of monarchs and other members of society. Individuals like clergymen, soldiers, and clerks were always present in courts. But the most important figure in courts is the Courtier who basically is a person who attends a royal court as a companion or adviser to the king or queen. [1] . This definition of the courtier is applicable to the medieval courtier who is knightly and chivalric, but with the emergence of Humanism and the publication of books of conduct that strive for perfection in a human being a new Humanistic inclusive courtier has emerged. To understand what constitutes a Renaissance courtier and whether he is different from his medieval counterpart an examination of the medieval ideal and of Renaissance Humanism is a must. Classical mythology has always appealed to the medieval court and many medieval romances were based on classical works. The pagan Greek and Roman heroes were transformed into chivalric knights, the classical wars became medieval crusades and the platonic concept of love inspired medieval courtly love. Chaucers parfit gentil knyght (Halsall L.71)seems to be the noblest of the pilgrims embodying military expertise, devotion, honor, bounty, and courtesy. He carries himself in a gracious and well bread fashion, never articulating a cruel word about anyone: A knyght ther was, and that a worthy man, That fro the tyme that he first bigan To riden out, he loved chivalrie, Trouthe and honour, fredom and curteisie. Ful worthy was he in his lordes werre, (Halsall L.43-7) His tale, a chivalric romance set in ancient Athens, touches upon all the great subjects and values of knightly conduct. Courtly love, honor, chivalry and adventure dominate this tale. Every conduct in this story is ideal; the love is pure, ideal and platonic, honor is at its highest standards, chivalry is exemplary in its magnificence. The poem starts with the Knight, Theseus, coming back from a triumphant journey and on his way he meets a group of mourning women grasping onto his horses bridle. The women tell their terrible story of how they lost their husbands in the siege of Thebes and how the cruel tyrant of Thebes plans to dishonor their husbands bodies by denying them burial. Moved by this spectacle the Knight takes pity on them and changes his course. Instead of returning to Athens to celebrate victory, he rides off with traditional knightly spirit to right the wrongs in this world. Then in this war he takes two prisoners who are friends, Arcite and Palamon, and who are Knigh ts as well. In prison the two notice, from the window of their cell, the beautiful Emily walking in the garden. In an instant they fall in love, and their friendship is replaced by a passionate rivalry. At this point in the Knights tale readers are introduced to the concept of courtly love. After a great deal of dispute and duels and a grand tournament, Arcite, the noble knight and gentleman, calls Palamon Emily to his deathbed and asks of his friend to marry his beloved in an attempt to reconcile with his friend. A true embodiment of the medieval gentry. In early modern Europe, people paid special attention to the life of the royal court, and the image of the courtier was depicted in many literary works. In Cortegiano (1528), or The Book of The Courtier (an English translation by Sir Tomas Hoby 1561), Baldassare Castiglione an Italian courtier in the Renaissance Italy writes an account on the ideal image of the perfect courtier. This book is recognized by historians as a resourceful reference to the Renaissance court life. Over the course of four evening conversations between the courtiers in the court of Urbino in Italy, the narrators discuss and describe what constitute a perfect courtier, for they agree that a courtier who had the privilege to accompany the royalties must be perfect. It is been argued in The Book of The Courtier that a noble courtier is often: endowed with such gifts that they seem not to have been born but to have been formed by some godand blessed with every possible advantage of mind and body (Castiglione 124 ). The perfect courtier must have a reputation of a brave strong man and must maintain this reputation. His profession should be of a warrior who is enterprising, bold, and loyal to whomever he serves(131). This warrior courtier should be fierce rough and always to the fore, in the presence of the enemy; but anywhere else he should be kind, modest, reticent and anxious above all to avoid ostentation or the kind of outrageous self- glorification (135). The aspect of the perfect courtiers appearance is also identified. He must be very agreeable and pleasing and well dressed. He should manage to appear both manly and graceful (141). There is great resentment for the courtier who tries to appear soft and feminine not only in his looks but also in the way he speaks and walks. As for the physical appearance, he should be well built not necessarily too small or too big. He must possess the physical appearance of a warrior who masters the skills of every kind of weapon. The perfect courtier is expected to be a good athlete who is so skilful in many kinds of sports, like horse riding, swimming, and running. There are also many other sports, but it seems that hunting is the most important since it resembles warfare [and] it is the true pastime of great lords (147). Besides his appearance, the good gentleman of the court must possess the finest set of manners. He is modest, gentle, elegant and graceful. He ought to avoid the affectation of being a bold fellow who shouts, swears and brags. When the perfect courtier speaks, his words have grace and dignity and they are sensible and effective and convey what he wants to say. He is a good writer too, and the words he uses in his writings should be appropriate, carefully chosen, clear, and well formed. The courtier requires knowledge in order to speak and write well, because the man who has nothing in his mind that is worth hearing has nothing worth writing and speaking of. Another literary work that depicted the lives of the courtiers is Le Morte Darthur (1485) by Sir Thomas Malory. This work is considered a masterpiece of the fifteenth century prose of romance tales about the legendary King Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot, and the Knights of the Round Table. (Alexander). The Faerie Queene (1590), an allegorical epic poem written in praise of Queen Elizabeth I, follows several knights in an examination of several virtues. In Spensers A Letter of the Authors he states that the entire poem is cloudily enwrapped in allegorical devises and that the aim of publishing The Faerie Queene was to fashion a gentleman or noble person in virtuous and gentle discipline (Department of Literature). The printed text of Jonsons Every Man out of his Humour (1599) opens with a series of short prose sketches entitled The Characters of the Persons Fastidius Brisk, for example, is described as: A neat, spruce, affecting courtier, one that wears clothes well and in fashion; practiseth by his glass how to salute; speaks good remnants (notwithstanding the base viol and tobacco); swears tersely, and with variety; cares not what ladys favour he belies, or great mans familiarity: a good property to perfume the boot of a coach . (Braunmuller and Hettaway) Instructive prose, which become somewhat of a trend at the time, were written for the aim of improving gentlemen. They were mostly written by tutors to the greats, sons of monarchs and noblemen. These prose were written under the influence of the Humanist tradition of the time, the instruction of the youth (Bates). Sir Thomas Elyot dedicated his Governor (1531) to guide Henry VIII on being the perfect gentleman and governor. He stressed the importance of education in classical literature for governors. Henry VIII, prior to being a king, was in fact a ideal example of a renaissance courtier and gentleman; a champion athlete who composed poems and songs, highly educated and skilled in speech. Another instructive book of the Renaissance within the same tradition is Toxophilus (1544). A book about bow archery by Roger Ascham also dedicated to King Henry VIII. Toxophilus is written in the form of a dialogue between two characters, Philologus, who loves study, and Toxophilus, who loves arc hery and who is also a scholar and defends archery as a noble hobby (Ascham). The Prince (1532) by Niccolo Machiavelli is a political treatise that was published after the death of its author. The book is a practical guide to the exercise of political power. It preaches that the princes ends justify the means which they take to attain them; a rather disturbing but truthful statement (Machiavelli). Other instructive books with titles like, The Schoolmaster and On the Excellency and Dignity of Mankind appeared during the Renaissance (Baldwin). Renaissance Humanism in its narrowest sense is a movement devoted to the study, revival and translation of classical literature which is why at its beginnings early Humanism focused on education. The need to educate the rulers springs out from the platonic and ancient belief in a perfect republic. Renaissance humanists found it most necessary to educate the leaders of the time in a hope to transform them into capable intelligent patrons of a humanist culture. Thus, early Humanism transformed the European high culture pushing for the inclusive human who is not only educated in the classics but who is educated in philosophy, art, literature, science, music etc. this lead Renaissance Humanism to have a broader philosophical dimension; to encompass all forms of knowledge for the aim of guiding humanity to a better position in life, hence the explosion in scholarly interests and inventions. The Humanistic movement was initiated by Petrarch, the father of Humanism. He is the first to put into words why the centuries between the Roman age and his current age were called age of darkness. According to him this darkness can be remedied only by the study and imitation of the great classical authors. Only by caring about the self, educating and polishing ones mind can one attain wisdom: The care of the soul calls for a philosopher, while the proper use of language requires an orator. We must neglect neither one, if, as they say, we are to return to the earth and be led about on the mouths of men. But I shall speak of the care of the soul elsewhere; for it is a great undertaking and an enormous labor, though very rich in harvest. At this time in order to avoid slipping into a subject other than the one that I set out to treat, I urge and admonish that we correct not only our life and conduct, which is the primary concern of virtue, but our language usage as well. This we will do by the cultivation of eloquence. [2] (Zak 79) Petrarch here is building on Ciceros conception of the art of persuasion. Petrarch emphasizes that once language is mastered it could be utilized to attain eloquence or rhetoric, and then rhetoric is led to embrace philosophy. Renaissance Humanism have made use of the earlier idea of the exemplary magnificence of knights and fused the ideal Knight with the Classics scholar and the end result was the Renaissance Courtier. He is a citizen who excels in classical literature, history, and arts. A skilled fencer, rider, and most importantly a composer and performer of music and poetry which is the immediate result of humanistic stress on eloquence. This courtier is of noble decent and is trained to administrate and govern. Success to him comes naturally and it is worn with grace. The historical records of the era list a number of English poets who were courtiers. Sir Thomas Wyatt, is considered the first English Gentleman courtier (Alexander). Surreys Epitaph on Sir Thomas Wyatt praises the parts that constitute of him a Renaissance courtier: A tongue that served in foreign realms his king, Whose courteous talk to virtue did inflame Each noble heart: a worthy guide to bring Our English youth by travail unto fame. An eye whose judgment no affect could blind, feeling Friends to allure and foes to reconcile, Whose piercing look did represent a mind With virtue fraught, reposà ¨d, void of guile. (Alexander 57) Surry portrays him as an exemplary gentleman. In fact Sir Thomas Wyatt lead the typical life of a courtier; performing political duties and going on diplomatic posts on behalf of his patron, King Henry VIII. He was a sonneteer who sang about unrequited love, and is rumored to having a romantic relation with the kings wife which caused him to suffer imprisonment. But given the tradition of courtly love it is not strange for courtiers of the time to go through such ordeals. Sir Walter Raleigh was also a very famous courtier who served Queen Elizabeth I and who suffered imprisonment for unbecoming conduct. The ideal, however, of aristocracy and courtliness is embodied in the person and accomplishments of Sir Philip Sidney who served in several political and military posts. He refers, for example, to his vast literary work Arcadia as a trifle. But his ultimate embodiment of the Renaissance courtier is when he lay dying on the battlefield, he is said to have given his water-bottle to a common soldier, saying, Take it, for thy necessity is yet greater than mine [3] . It is interesting, however, to find that these courtly values and commitment to character and its refinement are not restricted to the Renaissance age. Islamic humanism has produced a similar tradition of ethics. Courtly Humanism existed in the form of ambitious wazirs [4] and princes seeking to be polished and of a higher culture through the patronage of poets, painters, scholars, scientists, and philosophers. Having administrative skills and military expertise were virtues that were highly rewarded. The tradition of courtly love was also present in Islamic culture; Ibn Hazms Neckring of the Dove (Tawq al-Hamama)is the first book that talks about this tradition of courtly love; its symptoms, secrets, betrayals, etc.(62) The most explicit advocate of this philosophical concept is Miskawayh. He is an embodiment of the Muslim courtier; Khalidi describes him as a prolific author, a philosopher of very broad interests, an accomplished poet and adib [5] , as well as a universa l historian. His On the Refinement of Character [Tahdhib al Akhlaq] has been called the most influential work on philosophical ethics in Islam (Goodman). It is an ethical work that encompassed all his values by demonstrating and stressing the importance of an inclusive gentleman, courtier or rather human for the purpose of the betterment of humanity (107). Evidently, the Renaissance courtier springs out from Humanisms tendency for perfection. Humanistic conduct texts and literary works have contributed to exemplify what a courtier should be, an all inclusive human being. As the attainment of perfection is integral in humans, and the aspiration for perfection and the affirmation of human ability is universal, the Humanistic courtier can be found in other cultures as well.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Cultural Changes Of The 1960s And 1970s
Cultural Changes Of The 1960s And 1970s In the 1960s Americans started to question the Americas culture of materialism, consumerism and Political norms. In their quest into seeking a better world, they used music, politics and unconventional lifestyle bequeathing a new way of life that was referred to as the new counter culture. The 1960s were a period of protest and reforms as young American demonstrated against the Vietnam War, the African Americans demanded civil rights and the women were advocating for gender equality1. The hero, therefore, was that person who helped others especially in achieving these. Americans faced many issues that ranged from arms race, the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War and to liberty issues that pertained to drug use and sexual orientations. This new culture incorporated the notions of peace, love and unity as well as the ideas of religion, the mystic world as well as usage of drugs to expand one understanding of his self-awareness. This movement contributed to the great changes that af fected America as the youth were courageous enough to challenge the established authorities, were advocating for more social tolerance as the peoples perception of matters that concerned gender marriage, environment and children rights slowly changed. A good number of the youths escaped from the problems of the cities like crime and drug abuse to find refuge in the countryside where they forged new lifestyles that emphasised a common political ideology and were faced with spiritual reawakening to indulge in new spiritual encounters that favoured the peace of mind e.g. the Yoga and meditation. Many Americans were under fear of the nuclear holocaust. The shock of the Vietnam War and the prejudices of the racial injustice were aggravated by the culture of materialism and consumerism a resultant of the brute capitalism. To counter all these, the youths engaged at sit-in at schools, colleges, churches, hotels and other facilities. These youths were inspired by leaders such as John F Kennedy, Martin Luther king among others that acted as the political ring leaders2. A group of democratic politicians and activist that advocated for improved welfare used the expansion of the welfare state in California to reach out to the partys electoral coalition hence setting the preliminary stage of the partys identity politics of the 1970s and beyond. Thus the youth had to change their appearance and character to suit whatever they were advocating for. These were done through clothes, musical lyrics and the expressions of the arts that were used to explicitly articulate and advocate for these changes that concerned matters of free speech, liberty and political reforms; phenomenas were not new to the American society as they are the basis for the American state. Music was used as a force of change to alter peoples thoughts and action. It brought about a culture change that was based on the hip hop culture. The fashion was not left behind as the men drew on crew cuts and the women had bouffant hairstyles. By the middle of the 60s, the women were wearing miniskirts and hot pants that were worn with the go-go boots that revealed the legs while the body wear revealed the body curves of women as their hair was made either short or tall and thin. The culture ended the idea of making women second class citizens. All this advocating was not in vain as the period of change came in the 1970s where the social experiments were tried out leading to change and partly showed what the Americans would be like in the 1980s. In the 1970s the state of America ended its involvement in the Vietnam War and the civil and women rights movement attained many of the goals that they were advocating for. The economy at this time was hit by a very hard recession (the cyclic nature of a capitalistic economy) that saw high-interest rates and inflation. The repercussion was felt in the whole world leading to a drop in the supply of oil resulting into an acute shortage of the product. The liberal democrats who were i n power for most of the 1960s lost in the 1970s to a conservative politician Richard Nixon where he was forced to resign during the Watergate scandal3. Gerald Ford the vice president came in but lost later. Carter who replaced him was also voted out as a result of his failure to improve the economy. These changes of the 1970s affected the pop culture, education and politics around America. In the film, radio and television industry, a popular program of the time was named All in the Family that was a factory worker who disliked black people and vehemently opposed women rights. But its his family that slowly made him change his ways and accept the difference of the Americas social fabric. Other programs helped Americas to escape from the problems afflicting them by depicting a utopian happy life e.g. happy days and the Threes company the message was also similar in the music industry. The folk music was much appreciated in the 1960s as it concerned the social problems4. With the advent of the 1970s different groups started to play hard rock and punk music. The reforms also led to a change in the education system as a lot of people were disinterested in furthering their education after college since they were busy advocating for social and political reforms5. The war in Vietnam had also bogged them down with the view that more education led to increased inequality. In the mid-1970s though, the need to make more money led to many Americans going for higher education as it had become acceptable and higher education provided the skills that were needed for this. In the 60s and 70 they were acting in a collective manner and after achieving many of their goals the focus shifted to making money and living a life that they had long desired. A sign of becoming more concerned with their personal life. This new counterculture ended the idea of making political decisions that people do not support and made the environment a priority for the government and the s tate of America in general6. Notes. 1. Bruce J. Schulman and Julian E. Zelizer, conservative in the Rightward bound: making America 1970s. (Harvard: Harvard University Press, 2008), 7. 2. General Publishing Group, Of the people: the 200-year history of the Democratic Party. (Santa Monica: General Pub. Group, 1992), 140-160. 3. Rodney P. Carlisle, America in revolt during the 1960s and 1970s. (ABC-CLIO, 2007) 62-96. 4. Rodney, America in revolt during the 1960s and 1970s, 179. 5. General Publishing Group, Of the people: the 200-year history of the Democratic Party, 102-104. 6. Bruce and Zelizer, conservative in the Rightward bound: making America 1970s, 200-230
Monday, August 19, 2019
Technologys Effect on the Future Essay -- essays research papers
I don't know what the future holds but I know who holds the future. Days go by and how time flies, seasons always changing. When we contemplate the future we envision mind-warping technology and global warming destroying the Earth. Change is inevitable but it's up to our supremacy what we and our planet Earth change into. Will we help or hinder our future survival? One sentence from America's Declaration of Independence has some relevance to this matter. 'But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security'. In other words if something is wrong, those that have the ability to take action, have the responsibility to take action. Technology! Yes, it has its positives, but like all other things is also has its negatives. Would we really need hover cars? They would still congest ?air space?. What would be the benefits of splitting the atom more that once (What was the point of splitting it anyway)? Or will ?Little Boy? the World War Two atomic bomb containing Uranium be resurrected from the Japanese city of Hiroshima and be upgraded to wipe out the brain stems of individuals whose unique brain patterns have been programmed into the device? For years technology has been cultivated. Powerful and ingenious it maybe, but in our hands this technology has been used for demoralizing war! If we carry on using these technological advancements for the use of hostilities on Earth (or maybe in space) then both parties will use their own weapons and both will be crushed, ground into tiny pieces and blasted into oblivion. As the saying goes... ... and video. Molecular teleportation is a long way away. One of the most talked about subjects on the future is climate. At this very moment the Earth is warming up and we are the cause. The warming of the Earth is known more commonly as global warming. Maybe this subject is going to be fought over for centuries while we squander the time we have left away, but even if we did stop doing the things that cause global warming it will not bring it to a standstill. The main cause is pollution, and although scientists say that crude oil will be a thing of the past, alternatives to it will be created. Whether you consider the future to be one hundred years away or just a second the conception of the future is always the same. There are numerous views on the future but each one says the identical thing. I don?t know what the future holds but I know who holds the future.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Americas Occupation of Puerto Rico :: American History
America's Occupation of Puerto Rico On July 25, 1898, American troops led by General Nelson Miles landed at Guanica and began the military invasion of Puerto Rico. Within three days, Miles and his troops secured the city of Ponce and rendered a Spanish surrender a matter of time. Although the Island was taken by force and placed under martial law, the general reaction to the United States invasion was very much positive. In fact, the Puerto Rican people admired U.S. political and economic ideals so much that one local newspaper told it's readers, â€Å"from a people who are descendants of Washington, no one should expect a sad surprise ... we trust, with full confidence in the great Republic and the men who govern her.†[1] Unfortunately that confidence was short lived, as the realities of American political and economic agendas set in and led Puerto Rico to be â€Å"stranded in a sea of ambiguity, racism, audacity and indifference.†[2] U.S. occupation of Puerto Rico was marked by severe contradictions o f so-called `American' ideals pertaining to new and established policies that were extended to Puerto Rico and these contradictions have had profound and long-lasting effects on the development of the island politically, economically and socially. In 1897, Spain established self-government in Puerto Rico and the people drafted a constitution. One year later, the Spanish would cede Puerto Rico to the United States and that constitution would go basically unrecognized. On the island, the local politicians realized that â€Å"`through fate of war' and the force of arms, their constitution was ... irrelevant.†[3] Although the islanders lost their constitution, their confidence in the U.S. coupled with a pledge from General Miles, in which he describes the U.S. goal as, â€Å" promote your prosperity, and to bestow upon you the immunities and the blessings of the liberal institutions of our government,†[4] had them expecting to eventually write a new and improved constitution as soon as the military government was abolished. Unfortunately, while the Puerto Rican people patiently waited for the Great Republic to deliver liberty, the Americans argued for almost two years about what to do with their new possession . On April 12, 1900, President McKinley signed the Foraker Act (also known as the first organic act) into law and sealed the political fate of the Puerto Rican people. The act called for a Governor, an Executive Council, and a House of Delegates to govern the island.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Affirmative Action: The White Women-have Made The Greatest Gains
â€Å"Affirmative action was orginally designed to help minorities, but women-especially white women-have made the greatest gains as a result of these programs†(Gross, 1996). Affirmative action is a growing argument among our society. It is multifaceted and very often defined vaguely. Many people define affirmative action as the ability to strive for equality and inclusiveness. Others might see it as a quote-based system for different minority groups. I agree and support affirmative actions in that individual†s should be treated equally. I feel affirmative action as an assurance that the best qualified person will receive the job. Is affirmative action fair? In 1974, a woman named Rose was truned down for a supervisory job in favor of a male. She was told that she was the most qualified person, but the position was going to be filled by a man, because he had a family to support. Five years before that, when Rose was about to fill an entry-level position in bank! ing, a personnel officer outlined the woman†s pay scale, which was $25 to $50 month less than what men were being payed for the same position. Rose was furious because she felt this was descriminating to her. She confronted the personnel officer and he saw nothing wrong with it. Thanks to affirmative action today things like these situations are becoming more rare and/or corrected more quickly. Affirmative action has definately helped women and minorities in their careers, but it has yet to succed in the goal of equality to the fullest for the business world to woment and minorities. Some observers argue that women have made huge strides! with the help of affirmative action. They now hold 40 percent of all corporate middle-management jobs, and the number of women-owned businesses has grown by 57 percent since 1982†³(Blackwood, 1995). â€Å"Affirmative action was desinged to give qualified minorities a chance to compete on equal footing with Whites†(Chappell, 1995). Equal opportunities for the blacks, for the most part, has remained more wishful-thinking than fact. Black students are continuing to struggle to seek an education, black business owners are still competing against their White counterparts, and black workers are experienceing an unemployment rate twice that of Whites and hold dead-end, labor-intensive, low-paying jobs. â€Å"Few can argue that racism is still rampant in awarding craontcts, jobs, and educational opportunities, eventhough it†s been proven benefical to have peop[le of different races with different ideas and different experiences working toward the same goal†(Chappell, 1995). The employment outlook for minorities is grim, but not hopeless. We definaltely need affirmative action to overcome the disparities of employment that exist int his country. A recent Urban Benchmarks†study found that of 71 metro areas surveyed nationwide, Pittsburgh had the highest rate of employment-related problems among non-Hispanic whites between! the ages of 25 and 54 and the sixth highest rate among African Americans in the same age group. We have a lot of problems with basic education here and if you don†t have basic education, you have no chance of getting a good job because competition is increasing for everyone. We must make sure that we educate our potential work force, including minorities, or our competitive edge, if we have one, will continue to decline in golbal markets. Many jobs today are in the technician and technologist area. â€Å"Jobs require more than a high-school diploma,but less than a four-year degree–such as an associate degree or certificate fro! m a vocational or trade school†(Kovatch, 1996). As more and more women faced discrimination in large firms, more decided to strike out on their own. In conclusion, most Americans know that the deck is stacked against poor kids. They also realize that, because of past discrimination, an extraordinary number of those facing unequal opportunities are black. So, while 75 percent of Americans oppose racial preferences, according to a 1995 Washington Post/ABC poll, two-thirds with to â€Å"change†affirmative actionprograms rather than â€Å"do away with them entirely†. But the public also realized that, in real life, the legacy of discrimination is not always so neat. It is diffuse, and it requires a broader remedy. Affirmative Action: The White Women-have Made The Greatest Gains â€Å"Affirmative action was orginally designed to help minorities, but women-especially white women-have made the greatest gains as a result of these programs†(Gross, 1996). Affirmative action is a growing argument among our society. It is multifaceted and very often defined vaguely. Many people define affirmative action as the ability to strive for equality and inclusiveness. Others might see it as a quote-based system for different minority groups. I agree and support affirmative actions in that individual†s should be treated equally. I feel affirmative action as an assurance that the best qualified person will receive the job. Is affirmative action fair? In 1974, a woman named Rose was truned down for a supervisory job in favor of a male. She was told that she was the most qualified person, but the position was going to be filled by a man, because he had a family to support. Five years before that, when Rose was about to fill an entry-level position in bank! ing, a personnel officer outlined the woman†s pay scale, which was $25 to $50 month less than what men were being payed for the same position. Rose was furious because she felt this was descriminating to her. She confronted the personnel officer and he saw nothing wrong with it. Thanks to affirmative action today things like these situations are becoming more rare and/or corrected more quickly. Affirmative action has definately helped women and minorities in their careers, but it has yet to succed in the goal of equality to the fullest for the business world to woment and minorities. Some observers argue that women have made huge strides! with the help of affirmative action. They now hold 40 percent of all corporate middle-management jobs, and the number of women-owned businesses has grown by 57 percent since 1982†³(Blackwood, 1995). â€Å"Affirmative action was desinged to give qualified minorities a chance to compete on equal footing with Whites†(Chappell, 1995). Equal opportunities for the blacks, for the most part, has remained more wishful-thinking than fact. Black students are continuing to struggle to seek an education, black business owners are still competing against their White counterparts, and black workers are experienceing an unemployment rate twice that of Whites and hold dead-end, labor-intensive, low-paying jobs. â€Å"Few can argue that racism is still rampant in awarding craontcts, jobs, and educational opportunities, eventhough it†s been proven benefical to have peop[le of different races with different ideas and different experiences working toward the same goal†(Chappell, 1995). The employment outlook for minorities is grim, but not hopeless. We definaltely need affirmative action to overcome the disparities of employment that exist int his country. A recent Urban Benchmarks†study found that of 71 metro areas surveyed nationwide, Pittsburgh had the highest rate of employment-related problems among non-Hispanic whites between! the ages of 25 and 54 and the sixth highest rate among African Americans in the same age group. We have a lot of problems with basic education here and if you don†t have basic education, you have no chance of getting a good job because competition is increasing for everyone. We must make sure that we educate our potential work force, including minorities, or our competitive edge, if we have one, will continue to decline in golbal markets. Many jobs today are in the technician and technologist area. â€Å"Jobs require more than a high-school diploma,but less than a four-year degree–such as an associate degree or certificate fro! m a vocational or trade school†(Kovatch, 1996). As more and more women faced discrimination in large firms, more decided to strike out on their own. In conclusion, most Americans know that the deck is stacked against poor kids. They also realize that, because of past discrimination, an extraordinary number of those facing unequal opportunities are black. So, while 75 percent of Americans oppose racial preferences, according to a 1995 Washington Post/ABC poll, two-thirds with to â€Å"change†affirmative actionprograms rather than â€Å"do away with them entirely†. But the public also realized that, in real life, the legacy of discrimination is not always so neat. It is diffuse, and it requires a broader remedy.
Baldwin Bicycle Company Essay
Baldwin Bicycle Company is its own independent bicycle shop that has been in business for almost 40 years. Last year Baldwin had sold 98,791 bikes which accounted for nearly $10 million in sales for 1982. Suzanne Lesiter is the marketing Vice President of Baldwin and has just been offered a proposition from Karl Knott, a buyer from Hi-Valu to possibly start producing bikes for them. Baldwin had never conducted any business with a chain department such as Hi-Valu since it was use to its own independent retailers. There were three conditions that must be met in order for the deal to be made between the two companies. The first condition is that Hi-Valu wants to have ready access to a large pool of inventory, but didn’t want ownership of the bicycles till it reached its stores or would pass the four month deadline of being held at their regional warehouses. Hi-Valu would then have 30 days to pay Baldwin. When looking at this new system of inventory, Baldwin will be adding new costs that have to deal with the regional warehouses of Hi-Valu. These asset related costs include record keeping costs of $7,156.38, inventory insurance of $2,146.91, state property tax of $5,009.46, inventory-handling of $22,066.13, and pilferage of $3,578.13. These relevant costs add up to about $39,957.07. Baldwin must also add other asset costs for the way the inventory system is being run. Baldwin will not expect to show any sales for at least the first two months considering most of their bikes will be at the regional warehouses. Even after they have been transported to one of Hi-Valu’s stores or have reached the four month deadline, Baldwin still has to wait an additional 30 days for their payment from Hi-Valu. These extra variable costs include materials for two months at $165,833.33, Work in Progress at $34,600, Finished Goods at $34,600, Goods at Hi Valu at $288,333.33, and the pay period of 30 days for the Accounts Receivable at $192,637.50. As a whole there are asset related costs of $755,594.57. This outweighs the relevant revenue that is gained from the â€Å"Challenger†series which makes for high capital investments which seem very risky. The fact that Baldwin must pay interest on the inventory also adds additional costs which skyrocket the relevant cost up to $1,427,419.15 at the worst case scenario of four months.
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